Reparations Task Force Dials Up The Farce

Reparations Task Force Dials Up The Farce

Reparations Task Force Dials Up The Farce

With his eyes affixed firmly on the 2024 Oval Office, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the California Reparations Task force into being in 2020. The clown show has delivered.

In a state that was never a slave state, the shuck and jive of hearings, meetings and votes on how to confiscate property from people who were never slave owners to hand over to people who were never slaves was always profoundly unserious. Longtime Black Panther affiliate and Senate candidate, Rep. Barbara Lee opined on the Clown Force’s $800 Billion demand …

“Reparations are not only morally justifiable, but they have the potential to address long standing racial disparities and inequalities.”

Though, it appears that something like $360,000 or more to each “eligible” person of qualifying melanin just isn’t enough.

The California Reparations Task Force is asking the Democrat-controlled state legislature to eliminate interest on past-due child support, as well as any back child support debt for black residents of the state.

In its final report released last week, the group claimed “discriminatory” laws “have torn African American families apart,” and that one effect of that is the “harms” caused by “the disproportionate amount of African Americans who are burdened with child support debt.”

Well, shut my mouth. In a community that harbors a subculture that celebrates Baby Daddyhood and worships elite black athletes who beget multiple children across multiple women, we are to believe that WhiteSupremacy™ is the cause of failure to pay child support?

Pull my other leg, it’s got bells on.

Now we could argue all day long about the institution of Family Court, the awarding and collecting of child support and how it could be reformed. However, the use of “reparations” as an excuse to wave away unpaid child support is as cynical and self-serving a demand as Creepy Joe’s attempt to wipe out student loan debt by fiat.

The reparation clowns claim that black baby daddies find back support hinders their “ability to finance further education, attend job training, find employment and maintain housing because of the legal consequences of not paying such debt”. Because, you know, baby daddies of other melanin levels don’t face the same consequences.

The actual children involved are not mentioned at all in this rush to legal looting. The avarice engendered is worthy of a whole stadium of facepalms.

California Department of Justice member Aisha Martin-Walton introduced the public comment section and called up the first slate of speakers. (snip)

The meeting sparked with the second speaker, a Black man named Reggie Romaine, who claimed that what the board had recommended in payments is not enough.

He suggested that African Americans get half the country after divorcing from the rest of America. (snip)

“Don’t treat us like no cheap piece of meat!” he exclaimed, before pushing for a national divorce. “So, therefore, our last name’s ‘American!’ So now’s the time for a divorce! What do you get in divorce? You get half the money, half the land, alimony, child support, attorney fees, and everything else! So that’s what we want!”

Where have all the men-in-white-coats gone when we need ’em?

Let me trigger a few woke heads this morning. Don’t like child support? Don’t sleep with anyone you wouldn’t want to marry. Oh, there’s more.

Steps to success:

1) stay in school, do well, graduate
2) get established in a job that you do well
3) get married — with the goal of staying married
4) have children

There is a part of the black community that follows these steps. The median income of an intact, married with children black family is $94,493. Single black moms median income … $34,544.

Whoa! Who knew, amirite?

The reparations clown car claims “discrimination” behind the disparate impact of child support in the black community as if 62% of black children living with one parent (vs only 13% of Asian kids) points to another root cause.

It’s the principles, stupid.

And no amount of ill-gotten riches via legal looting reparations will cure stupid.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image Adobe Stock standard license

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  • rbj1 says:

    The Chinese immigrant in the 19th Century were horribly discriminated against in California. But they seem to have overcome that and their descendants are successful. Blacks need to look in the mirror.

    • NTSOG says:

      It was the same in Australia for the Chinese who came to the gold rush in the 1800s. They had a rough time, but we don’t hear of their of children committing aggravated burglaries armed with machetes, stealing cars and assaulting and stabbing [knives are easier to get for young criminals] others on the streets. On the other hand the children of recently arrived Sudanese immigrants seem to get a lot of attention in the press for killing each other in gang [tribal?] fights, stealing cars, robbing jewelers and so on.

  • Cameron says:

    The analogy of the national divorce collapses when you realize that even if they got half of everything, they’d still demand we keep them in the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to.

    Here’s a thought: Go to Liberia and join the rest of the diaspora. You won’t be missed.

  • […] I WANT REPARATIONS TO MY SANITY FOR EVEN PUTTING UP WITH THIS:  Reparations Task Force Dials Up The Farce. […]

  • ontoiran says:

    half of everything? mmmmmmmm; nah. best i can do is half price mickey d’s for a year

  • Edwdlny says:

    So, despite a war to defeat the defenders of slavery and abolish the practice at the cost of several hundred thousand lives. Despite spending several trillion dollars in efforts to support and uplift the lives of black Americans, it isn’t enough for these clowns . Clowns whom are members of, proud members of the party that fought to defend, promote, and continue the abhorrent practice of slavery. A party that today continues to promote and defend practices and programs that to this day shackle black Americans to poverty. They feel entitled to yet more. Well, who was it ,exactly, who willingly and profitably sold your forebears into slavery ? Who ? It was your brethren. Your brethren. Not mine. Not the vast majority of Americans. How much have you demanded of them ? Anything ? How much have you demanded of the democrat party that defended slavery and still does. Anything ? Bugger off you ignorant leaches, bugger off you ignorant, fascist snots. You’ve been given enough, more than enough. That so many of you make, and continue to repeatedly make the same abysmal lifestyle choices over and over. That your own stupidity and ignorance puts you into life long poverty doesn’t entitle you to anything. Anything except the opportunity to enjoy the consequences of your own stupidity. Go, leave, go to and demand that those countries who sold you off into slavery pay your way. I for one am tired of you, your demands, and your ilk. You are a disgrace to every civilized society. Enjoy the consequences of your choices. You deserve every bit of it.

  • Strelnikov says:

    Half, huh? Apparently this guy doesn’t realize that blacks make up about 13% of the population. (A recent study showed that most blacks think they are more than 50% of the population; whites thought blacks were over 40%. Of course, those people watch a lot of TV.) Also, I don’t think he understands how happy most of the country would be to cede that percentage of land on the agreement that all blacks would relocate to that area.

  • Rosco says:

    Condoms really aren’t that expensive when compared to18 years of child support.

    Just a thought.

  • kamas716 says:

    LBJ and his Great Society programs are what encouraged the breakup of the black family. Thomas Sowell went over this several years ago. I’m not sure how impoverishing black children even more is supposed to help them, but I’m sure Progressives have an idea about how it will work out.

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