Real unemployment-Obama’s war on women and children

Real unemployment-Obama’s war on women and children

The sad truth of the matter is that we all expect the jobless numbers to be revised multiple times these days. I honestly cannot remember a month where jobless numbers weren’t revised at least once during the tenure of the current administration. The one thing that I find shocking though is the willful ignorance of the mainstream media (MSM) of this administrations catastrophic effects on women in the workplace. While Obama pontificates about the Lily Ledbetter Act, the truth of the matter is that there were 116,000 women who lost their jobs between November and December of last year. In fact the number of women who were outside the workforce entirely soared to a record high in December to 55,028,000.

Obama and Lily Ledbetter
Obama and Lily Ledbetter

And the left still says that the GOP is responsible for waging a “war on women”?? Excuse me if I seem confused by that assertion, especially when you take into account the Obama administration’s knack for passing anti-business policies (such as the top ten hidden taxes in Obamacare as outlined in the Americans for Tax reform article found here).

Perhaps those in the MSM are just confused, after all the math surrounding discussions of jobs in today’s media are enough to give Einstein a headache after all. If you look at articles like one written by Senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama today, for every one job added in December, nearly five people left the workforce entirely. In fact it is so bad that the workforce participation numbers have reached 1978 levels.

“Today’s jobs report underscores a deeper problem facing our economy: a large and growing block of people who are chronically jobless and completely outside the workforce. In December, the economy added only 74,000 jobs – not nearly enough to keep up with population growth –and 347,000 left the workforce. That means for every one job added, nearly 5 people left the workforce entirely. There are now nearly 92 million Americans outside the workforce, resulting in the lowest participation rate in 36 years. The President’s immigration plan will only make things dramatically worse – and no amount of ‘promise zones’ will be a sufficient remedy for the millions of displaced workers.”

What effect does this have on those other favorite “victims” of the MSM, this nation’s children? A catastrophic one. In fact one study finds that 45% of children who live with a parent who is unemployed have a parent who has been out of work or underemployed for six months or more. The same study found that families experiencing longer spells of unemployment face the possibility of falling into poverty than families in which the unemployed parent is able to find a job more quickly.

If the MSM was doing its job it would be reporting the truth about this nation’s abysmal employment numbers and making noise to let the President know that a real unemployment rate of 14.3% is unacceptable in America.

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  • ALman says:

    You would think the “enlighten ones” would realize that “tunnel vision” is only helpful only as long as one in actually in a tunnel. Once out of the tunnel, into the open, it becomes an impediment. Moreover, if one is in a “danger zone” (such as country has been for some time now), it can be lethal. Ah, give me a person of common sense who knows you just “don’t spit in the wind” over a PhD who doesn’t any day.

  • Jennifer says:

    As always ALman AMEN!

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