Rachel Zegler Gives Forced Apology To Save Her Disney Movie

Rachel Zegler Gives Forced Apology To Save Her Disney Movie

Rachel Zegler Gives Forced Apology To Save Her Disney Movie

Given the track record that Disney, and its new live action Snow White actress, Rachel Zegler, has racked up at this point, there is no way that she is genuinely sorry for what she said post-election.

The Rachel Zegler saga has been well covered up to this point by both this blog and many others. The quick version of the story: Disney, in their infinite wisdom and being out of original ideas, has gone back to the intellectual property that put the studio’s name on the map and started making live-action remakes of animated classics. This time, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” was the target. The studio cast Rachel Zegler, a Latina actress, in the title role – an odd artistic choice that raised questions. But what raised more questions was Zegler’s trashing of the original story line, the absolutely insane leak of photos that showed the “dwarfs” were going to be random racially diverse people, the backlash that sent Disney into “fix-it” mode and led to a CGI overhaul of the entire movie, and then Zegler’s gratituitous “Free Palestine” snark on X after the film’s trailer came out, which was largely seen as a slam against her co-star, Israeli actress Gal Gadot.

However, the trailer has begun to play in front of kids’ movies (I know because I’ve seen it), and has a current release date of March 21, 2025. Will anyone make the effort to go see this movie? Well, Rachel Zegler is apparently determined that no one will, if she can help it.

It was already obvious that Zegler was a “woke” progressive leftist, which meant that she was not happy with the results of the presidential election. And she let everyone know it via her Instagram stories.

This is a lot to unpack. Rachel Zegler is concerned with her daughter’s right to abort Zegler’s future grandchildren (it should be noted that this DAUGHTER doesn’t even exist yet either, as Zegler has no children), wishes no peace on Donald Trump, his voters, and his supporters, rants about how sick and foolish the country was to vote for Trump, tells everyone to get off X/Twitter because of Elon Musk’s support for Donald Trump, and then ends the entire screed with “I will love through these four years as best I can. F*** Donald Trump.” Yup. I can feel that love.

Megyn Kelly called Rachel Zegler a “pig” during a conversation with the “Ruthless” podcast hosts and gave her a piece of her mind, rightly pointing out that Disney has a double standard.

The conservative firebrand gave Zegler, 23, and Disney a piece of her mind during her SiriusXM show Thursday — calling out the media giant for hypocrisy and the young starlet for her poorly articulated political takes.

“Picture this, a Broadway actress who said, ‘F Biden supporters, may Biden and Kamala never know peace.’ That person would be fired so fast it would make your head spin,” Kelly fumed.

“Hello, Disney! You’re gonna have to redo your film again, because this woman is a pig, and you fired Gina Carano for far less than this nonsense.”

“There’s something wrong with this person,” Kelly said of Zegler.

Carano was fired from Disney’s hit “The Mandalorian” in 2021 after she compared the treatment of conservatives in contemporary America to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.

It should be noted that Gina Carano is currently suing Disney, with the aid of Elon Musk, and so far, Disney has not been able to get that lawsuit dismissed, and the case has court date of September 29, 2025. Do you think Rachel Zegler and her inflammatory Instagram stories will show up as evidence now?

This is probably why Zegler came out with an apology via Instagram that looks like it was written by lawyers or PR agents.

Disney‘s upcoming Snow White star received blowback following her original post, where she declared, “May Trump supporters and Trump voters and Trump himself never know peace,” and “there is a deep deep sickness in this country,” and, “another four years of hatred, leaning us towards a world I do not want to live in.”

On Thursday night, the 23-year-old actress posted a new message: “Hi everyone, I would like to sincerely apologize for the election post I shared on Instagram last week. I let me emotions get the best of me. Hatred and anger have caused us to move further and further away from peace and understanding, and I am sorry I contributed to the negative discourse. This week has been emotion for so many of us, but I firmly believe that everyone has the right to their opinion, even when it differs from my own. I am committed to contributing positively towards a better tomorrow.”

At this point, given the financial liability that Rachel Zegler has created for them, not just in tanking the movie, but also in their legal battle with Gina Carano, would it be better for Disney to just mothball the movie and fire Zegler? I don’t think they will – they’ll put the movie out there just to get it off their backs. However, if Zegler does end up doing press and interviews for the movie, that will absolutely be lawsuit fodder for Carano. Any coddling of Zegler by Disney at this point goes to evidence of the double standard, and Disney could be paying through the nose if they don’t attempt to settle with Carano. Nothing but financial pain is going to cause Disney to course-correct at this point. As for Rachel Zegler herself? She seems perfectly miserable, and when the movie tanks, Disney will blame her for it.

Featured image: Rachel Zegler in November 2023 via Brutallygolden on Wikimedia Commons, cropped, CC BY-SA 4.0

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  • Cameron says:

    Oh sweetie; you would fold like a lawn chair if you tried to make normal people not have a moment of peace.

  • American Human says:

    Really? This knuckleheaded moron is 23 years old and seems to think she as all the world-wise experience she’ll ever need. She seems to be an unctuous, self-centered, snob. They should just turn her character back into a cartoon just for fun.

    • Scott says:

      “They should just turn her character back into a cartoon just for fun.”.. Pretty sure she already did that with her comments..

  • Paul Baker says:

    The real fun part about this is that Elon Musk is paying for the lawyers and has no interest in settling, he wants to go to discovery and obtain all the emails and communications. This will be a treasure trove of leftist hate and will likely lead to even more discrimination lawsuits. My guess is this will tank the stock to the point that Elon can buy Disney for a mere trifle, and then turn it into a massive profit center.

    • Scott says:

      That’s the best part of having F-U money. You never have to settle, you just drive on until you achieve your goal.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    She notes that everything is concerning a daughter which she does not yet have.

    Are we therefore to assume that having a son is off the table? That she would instantly abort a male child as soon as the sex could be tested?

    • Cameron says:

      Take a look at the anti-male hatred being directed at Margot Robbie because she had a son with her husband. Yes, many of the commenters have said that they would keep aborting until they got a girl.

  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    Zegler can apologize all she wants, but I don’t and won’t believe her. She’s apologizing because she knows that what she said is going to cost her.

    I’ll give her this. She didn’t write, “I apologize if your feelings were hurt.” Those apologies place the blame on the offended, not on the offender.

    But still, you cannot say the awful things she said and then get out of it with a simple apology.

    And no, I’m not going to see any movie she is in.

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