Rachel Dolezal Couldn’t Whitewash Her Only Fans Account

Rachel Dolezal Couldn’t Whitewash Her Only Fans Account

Rachel Dolezal Couldn’t Whitewash Her Only Fans Account

Once upon a time, there was a young white girl named Rachel. Every fiber of her being from the hair on her head to the tips of her toes told her that she was “black”.

And, so, in the land of liberal delusion, Rachel claimed herself to be so. After she sued Howard University for denying her admission because she is a white girl. She actually admitted to white at that time.

Rachel showed Howard University a thing or two, becoming the first “trans-racial” person to become president of the Spokane, Washington chapter of the NAACP.

But nothing could keep the cosplaying black woman down. Dolezal changed her name to Nkechi Amare Diallo and moved to the southwest. Tucson, Arizona, to be exact, to be close to her son in college.

Dolezal/Diallo-(whoever she claims to be now)-was an “after school teacher” in the Catalina Foothills School District. In other words, an after-school daycare worker. A far cry from her days as an adjunct professor at Eastern Washington University. Looks like she needs to ramp up that OnlyFans side-hustle promoting Rhianna’s new lingerie line because she has now been fired from that job:

Diallo’s Instagram page contained a link to her OnlyFans account and employers said they deemed it contrary to the district’s social media policy.

I’ll say.

On her OnlyFans, she advertises content like an ’18-image explicit collection AND a video of self-pleasure to orgasm under the Christmas tree,’ as well as ’35 pics of DaBoo-Tay & 2 videos of the TaTa’s.'”-Mairead Elordi, The Daily Wire

Da White Girl is now unemployed, yo.

Dolezal/Diallo kept a pretty low profile since being fired from her NAACP job in 2015 after her own parents outed her as white. She decided to resurface in March of this year to support AZ Governor, Katie Hobbs and the #CROWNAct signing banning racial discrimination based on a person’s hair.

“Controversial Trans-Race Identity”. They are for real, by the way. She gained “popularity” because of it. And the “surprise” was Rachel, with her fake black hair, came out to support Black women with REAL black hair? This is like Dylan Mulvaney coming out to support a bunch of pregnant women by shoving a basketball under his shirt. Unreal.

Now, Dolezal will embark upon another job search. Or, perhaps, she could pitch her own documentary?

The lamentations of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar certainly did not age well in light of this recent news. Let’s go back to 2015 when Kareem rallied by Dolezal’s side:

Despite all this, you can’t deny that Dolezal has proven herself a fierce and unrelenting champion for African-Americans politically and culturally. Perhaps some of this sensitivity comes from her adoptive black siblings. Whatever the reason, she has been fighting the fight for several years and seemingly doing a first-rate job. Not only has she led her local chapter of the NAACP, she teaches classes related to African-American culture at Eastern Washington University and is chairwoman of a police oversight committee monitoring fairness in police activities. Bottom line: The black community is better off because of her efforts.”-Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

The Black community is better off because of her efforts? Because of her attempt to claim she is also “black” and therefore slide right into an opportunity that should be reserved for a TRUE Black woman? I thought this was a big no-no? This is just like Lia Thomas taking a championship title away from a biological woman. And, excuse me? She’s an “unrelenting champion”, politically and culturally because she impersonates a black woman?! How does changing your WHITE name, appropriating your straight, blonde head of hair and referring to your body parts on an OnlyFans Page as “Da Boo-Tay and Da Ta-Tas” qualify as “fighting the fight”? How is this being an “unrelenting champion”? HOW has RACHEL DOLEZAL made the Black community better off through her self-centered, delusional efforts?

Your comments did not age well, Kareem. Not one bit.

There’s a perspective, there’s a mentality, there’s a culture. To say that I’m Black is to say, this is how I see the world, this is the philosophy, the history, this is what I love and what I honor. Calling myself Black feels more accurate than saying I’m white.”-Rachel Dolezal

Perspective is looking in the mirror and accepting the truth. Mentality? Well, there is definitely mental illness on display here. There’s also all kinds of fraud. I hope the Black community also remembers when this fake “black” woman took $8,847 in food and child care assistance from the state of Jay Inslee’s Washington. Now, Rachel Dolezal is the proud recipient of a pink slip (and not from Rhianna’s lingerie line). Calling oneself UNEMPLOYED and perhaps unemployable may be the most accurate at this juncture, though I am sure someone will recognize Rachel Dolezal for the inspirational grifter she is and offer her up something.

If only she took a tip from the Robin DiAngelo playbook and remained white and wrote books on privilege. She could be touring and speaking to corporations now, making millions. She’d better hope she lands another gig soon. Those hair weaves are not cheap.

Featured image courtesy of: Wikimedia Commons; licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

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  • Lloyd says:

    Surely there is a place for her in the Biden administration!

  • Bob says:

    So: gender transition, Good; race transition (to minority), Bad. Why?

    Since Might Makes Right is now the law of the land, perhaps the difference is LGBT… is more powerful than Feminism, but minorities fiercely support segregation.

    Interestingly, Catalina Foothills has been a local defender of gender transitioning and DEI, but apparently the outcry here was too great. Might wonder what kind of credentials our OnlyFans star produced to obtain her teaching position.

  • John Shepherd says:

    There is a lot of money to made on onlyfans. Just saying.

  • SFC D says:

    Perhaps she should try straightening her hair, dying it black, and passing herself of as Pascua Yaqui or Tohono Oʼodham. Or, she could just be honest and be the entitled white woman she really is.

  • Tim says:

    So Laurence Olivier isn’t supposed to play Othello because he’s not really black but Rachel (a pigment of her imagination)fighting the fight for blacks because she pretends she is? I’m confused.

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