Progressive DA Dismissed Michigan State Shooter’s Felony Gun Charge

Progressive DA Dismissed Michigan State Shooter’s Felony Gun Charge

Progressive DA Dismissed Michigan State Shooter’s Felony Gun Charge

The MSU shooter shouldn’t have had a gun, ANY gun. Moreover, he should’ve been in jail. But thanks to a progressive DA, the felony charge was dismissed in the name of “racial equity.”

The cries for more gun control hit the airwaves before first responders had time to even secure the scene and tend to the victims. And the calls for more gun control have continued throughout today. 

The weapon used was a handgun Joe.

There are multiple problems with wanting MORE laws or NEW laws. One of the major problems in this case is the progressive DA who dismissed the felony gun charge. 

Anthony McRae was arrested in Lansing and charged in June 2019 with carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit, according to Ingham County court records obtained Tuesday by The Detroit News. The initial charge was a felony that carried a potential penalty of five years in prison, according to the records.

Say that the shooter was actually sentenced and put in prison by January 2020. He would STILL BE THERE today. But because of racial equity or some such progressive bullshit, the shooter had no felony charges on his record. Which also meant the dude was able purchase more guns!

All thanks to progressive policies that the DA, who was backed by George Soros, implemented. 

Siemon retired from the district attorney’s office at the start of this year after facing criticism from judges and law enforcement officials for her soft-on-crime policies. The same year that McRae was released, ​​Ingham County sheriff Scott Wriggelsworth pushed East Lansing’s city council “to reconsider her internal felony firearm charging policy,” which he said “does not hold people properly criminally accountable, and increases the likelihood of additional gun violence.”

Siemon made it her office’s official policy in August 2021 to drop mandatory prison sentences for felony firearms charges. She said the sentencing enhancement led to “dramatic racial inequity” and was “not in any way linked to the goal that we share of keeping the public safe.”

Fabulous. Just fabulous. Keeping the public safe by enacting NO consequences for breaking the law, totally leads to more law-breaking as people found out the other night. And no, I’m not buying the argument that the sentencing guidelines would’ve been the same because reasons. 

“The sentencing guideline score would have been the same if he had been convicted of either the original charge (Carrying a Concealed Weapon) or the offense for which he was convicted (carrying a firearm in a vehicle),” Dewane said in a statement.

Want to know why the same guidelines which lead to zero consequences? Progressive DA’s like Carol Siemon. Who supported Chesa Boudin during his recall  – which led to him being booted from office. 

Yet, when Siemon left office, she bragged about all her successes!

“I believe we have made substantial progress to reform the justice system and provide for a proportionate response to criminal charges,” she said. “We have changed the prosecutors’ office’s charging and sentencing practices, to provide a greater range of options to hold people accountable for the harm they cause while reducing incarceration, and continuing to serve victims and to expand their services and support.”

The MSU shooter wasn’t held accountable. Thus, for her part in this, Carol Siemon should be thrilled to claim responsibility for THIS success! 

Progressive politics get people injured and killed. Soft on crime district attorneys such as Carol Siemon have a great deal to answer for here. And no, not one single new gun law will solve this issue of progressive DA’s who refuse to uphold the laws already on the books!

Feature Photo Credit: Spartan stadium at MSU by Ken Lund via Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • NTSOG says:

    ‘She said the sentencing enhancement led to “dramatic racial inequity”…’

    How? If a criminal commits a crime his/her race, social and economic history should never be used as an excuse. Essentially she is saying that certain racial groups .e.g. those of African extraction but certainly not Korean or Chinese, etc., are not fit for open society as they cannot control themselves and have no capacity for correct and acceptable behaviour. So much for affirmative action and any notion of individual personal responsibility.

  • Cameron says:

    If I may, I’d like to quote Stacy McCain about this shooting:

    This is always how it is with liberals and gun control. They’re unwilling to enforce existing laws, because they’re against putting criminals in prison, but every time there’s a mass shooting, they demand new gun-control laws, in order to punish law-abiding citizens who had nothing to do with the atrocity.

    But the poor little dears can’t help themselves. They don’t like anyone having guns but them.

    • NTSOG says:

      Speaking of new firearm laws: here in Australia, in the State of Western Australia specifically, people applying for a firearms permit now have to have a mental health assessment completed by an appropriate medical practitioner. Of course criminals don’t have to undergo such an assessment to own [illegal] guns! As forensic psychiatrists who work specifically with very dangerous people cannot predict who and when any particular person might go off his rocker, it’s just an extra burden on lawful people to make politicians and the progressives feel more warm and fuzzy.

  • GWB says:

    keeping them safe in a place that should be a sanctuary
    And there’s more of that progressive magical thinking. There are a lot of religions in the world that produce cultures unable to build a world civilization. But only a few will actually destroy it: Islam and Progressivism come to mind. Progressivism achieves this by ignoring human nature and physical reality. So they believe there are such things as “safe spaces” and “sanctuaries” from all the evils of the world.

    Those of us who carry know otherwise. And our intent is to deny people like this shooter the opportunity to turn a “sanctuary” into a free-fire zone. You want a “sanctuary” from violence? Get some rough men ready to do violence to populate that space with weapons and ability to make any intruding evil say, “Nah, I’ll come back another time.”

    Si vis pacem, para bellum

  • GWB says:

    There is no rationale for assault weapons and magazines that hold 50, 70 bullets
    Aside from “that wasn’t what he used”, none of us have assault rifles. And most people don’t have 50+ round magazines simply because they are a royal pain in the A** to load. Much easier to load 30-round mags and swap them out as your ratio of bullets-in-gun to bad guys diminishes.

    carrying a concealed pistol without a concealed carry permit
    Personally I don’t think that should be a law, and certainly not a felony. But this is Michigan. So he should have been locked up for it.
    (How much you wanna bet there was something else, too? I’m guessing that’s not the only thing he should have been locked up for.)

    the sentencing enhancement
    See? There was something else.
    (Also, I don’t think you should be able to charge someone with 2 separate – but incredibly similar – crimes for doing the exact same thing. It’s part of why the gov’t can hold so much over you on any single day. “Oh, you were illegally carrying concealed in a car? Well, then, that’s at least two strikes against you!” Bah.)

    While this guy should have been in jail under Michigan law, and we can blame the Soros-bots for that aspect. I wonder what else was missed between then and now. I’m guessing there were other indicators, too. (Some dude carrying illegally who isn’t otherwise prohibited is not really a straight shot to “goes into uni and shoots a bunch of people for the heck of it.”)

    • Scott says:

      Apparently his dad (yeah, he lived with his parents at 46 y/o) new he was unstable, and thought that he had a gun, but never bothered to let police know.. and neighbors heard him shooting on multiple occasions in his backyard (in city limits, with laws against discharging firearms), but none of them bothered to call police / police did nothing either…

      Ooh, and since he was black, and his victims were white, why isn’t this being called a hate crime??? Yeah, I know, I know…

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