When I checked my phone in a hotel room in another state on Wednesday morning I was shocked by the post by Deanna Fisher explaining that Donald J. Trump had pulled out a victory against all the odds, and the polls to win #Election2016. What has shocked me further has been the epic temper tantrums thrown by the left in the days following the election. We have seen violence break out across the country in the past three days.
Violence first broke out in Oakland and Los Angeles.
Then NYC lefties joined the party.
And then, wait for it, Portland Oregon did what only it can do best when its Police Bureau and Mayor allowed protesters to close down I-5 running through the city. Portland Police Bureau actually HELPED the protesters shut down the highway.
You can view the progression of the melee here on the Portland Police Bureau. As explained by a local weekly paper the city leaders “felt their pain”:
“This simply doesn’t happen. In the years that protestors (sic), inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, have been regularly marching to the streets, Portland police have most often stopped at nothing to prevent crowds from entering I-5. Typically that involves tense standoffs with riot cops.
But as Portland leaders like Mayor Charlie Hales and Commissioner Amanda Fritz made plain their absolute anguish over Trump’s victory today, officials appear to have taken a more permissive stand.”
This kind of insanity will lead to violence if left unchecked, as the people of Seattle found out Wednesday night when five people were shot near an Anti-Trump protest in that city. Portlanders learned a similar lesson in their own city when the protests turned violent Thursday night with Black Block Anarchists breaking out the windshields of cars in a dealership parking lot. Because screw Democracy-or something.
And if you think that anything improved last night, you would be wrong. Once again the protesters took downtown Portland hostage and faced off with the police who did nothing other than stand in front of them at times and tell them via bullhorn where they were allowed to move. Protesters could be seen and heard for blocks chanting such brilliant slogans as “I don’t see no riot here, take off your riot gear!” and “Eff Donald Trump!” as they moved throughout downtown with rookie reporters in tow. If you think that all of this could not possibly be an instance of spontaneous protests breaking out against the President elect-you would be correct. As a reporter who lived in Portland for years, Victoria Taft, has found out-this was just the professional protester class once again. Evidently the ones who smashed up the city on Thursday night were backed by a coordinated effort across the country backed by groups like $15 Now, Occupy Wall Street and the AFL-CIO. The following ad was posted on Portland’s Craigslist Jobs board.
favorite this postCampaign Jobs To Defeat Trump!! (Portland) hide this posting
compensation: Starting $13.50hr after 90 days $15.00hr for Field Organizers, Salaried positions for Field Managers. Good Medical and Dental benefit, Production Bonuses.
Be Part of a Movement to stop Trump on the East coast and in the Midwest!! We are currently working on house and senate elections in the state of Oregon and fighting to Stop Trump in battleground states on the east coast.-Travel
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Working America does not discriminate against any Employee because of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, race, religion, color, age, disability, or national origin
With over 3 million members, Working America knows what it means to build strength in numbers.
Working America runs the most effective field program in the country. Because of this, we have a 70% win rate in tough elections.
Come join our Portland team and help us win! Call Monday-Friday 9am-4pm (503)224-1004
You can also apply online at http://workingamerica.org/portlandjobs
Working America is an affiliate group of the AFL-CIO union that claims to make sure that “working people” are heard “throughout the country”. Well, not sure about you-but these people certainly do not speak for me. Update: The protests in Portland last night turned into riots (again). They took over roads and bridges with impunity and finally at some point in the night the police FINALLY declared it a riot (again). From Oregonlive-the local newspaper-
“The shooting appears to be the only one reported at an anti-Trump protest nationwide. More than 225 people have been arrested at demonstrations in various cities, the Washington Post reported. Most demonstrations across the country have remained peaceful, but some violence has been reported, the Post said. In Oakland, California, protesters reportedly threw rocks and fireworks at police officers, injuring three. “
This is actually factually inaccurate. The protests across the country have been violent, including the Seattle protest where five people were shot on Wednesday night. Two of the five have life threatening injuries. Perhaps if anything positive can come out of this it will be a Trump Administration prosecuting this type of lawlessness and people of these cities showing these spineless political wimps the door in the next election cycle or, like many in Portland, calling for their immediate resignation.
I don’t know whether this is just FoxNews trying to gain readership and fan the flames or is a legitimate possibility. Regardless, it seems that with every election of late there are arguments and disagreements about our election process. Then, the dust settles, only to be stirred once again at the next election.
Sure wish we’d address this w/o that forever and always interference from the judicial system.
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