Police Hating Minnesota Democrat Gets Carjacked, Changes Tune

Police Hating Minnesota Democrat Gets Carjacked, Changes Tune

Police Hating Minnesota Democrat Gets Carjacked, Changes Tune

We really shouldn’t gloat over this. But when a police hating Democrat party official from Minnesota gets carjacked, you can’t help but feel a little Schadenfreude.

On Tuesday evening, Shivanthi Sathanandan, the second vice chairwoman for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor party, encountered four young thugs who beat her bloody and took her car. What’s worse, however, is that the attack occurred in front of her 4-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son. We can all agree that no child should ever witness their mother attacked so brutally.

Sathanandan took to Facebook on Wednesday to express her anger.

I have a broken leg, deep lacerations on my head, bruising, and cuts all over my body. And I have rage. These men knew what they were doing. I have NO DOUBT they have done this before. Yet they are still on OUR STREETS. Killing mothers. Giving babies psychological trauma that a lifetime of therapy cannot ease. With no hesitation and no remorse. 

Now she wants justice for crime.

I’m now part of the statistics. I wasn’t silent when I fought these men to save my life and my babies, and I won’t be silent now. We need to get illegal guns off of our streets, catch these young people who are running wild creating chaos across our city, and HOLD THEM IN CUSTODY AND PROSECUTE THEM. 

Look at my face. REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS.


Hold On — Three Years Ago She Hated the Police

Back in 2020, shortly after the George Floyd incident, Sathanandan hated the police with a white-hot passion. In fact, she called for not merely defunding the police, she wanted to dismantle the entire Minneapolis PD:

MPD has systematically failed the Black Community, they have failed ALL OF US. It’s time to build a new infrastructure that works for ALL communities. If you are still disagreeing with that BASIC FACT, I’m not sure what to say to you. 

When the Minneapolis Public Schools terminated their contract with the MPD, Sathanandan posted this at Facebook:

Thank you, Minneapolis School Board Members, for getting this done! Exactly as it should be – MPD should have no place in our children’s schools.

Well, well, well. How things change.

But Sathanandan isn’t the only Democrat official who has been, let’s say, hoist on their own petard. In January, 2021, IL State Sen. Kimberly Langford from Broadview, a Chicago suburb, voted to pass the Pretrial Fairness Act, which became part of the SAFE-T Act. The PFA completely abolishes cash bail, making Illinois the first state to pass such a law. It is now in effect.

However, in December of 2021, Langford and her husband were carjacked. Langford later said in a statement:

First and foremost I am thankful that my husband and I are alive and physically unharmed. I am trying to process the trauma of what happened. I want to thank everyone who has offered their love and support. I want to especially thank Mayor Katrina Thompson and the Broadview Police Department for their quick and thorough response.

I wonder if Langford would be so supportive of the Pretrial Fairness Act if her assault had happened prior to her vote?


Police Hating Cities Face Consequences

Progressive hatred of law enforcement is reaping dire consequences throughout the country. An April survey from 182 law enforcement agencies showed that departments saw 47% more resignations and 19% more retirements in 2022 compared to 2019.

Blame media, said International Association of Chiefs of Police president John Letteney:

Media coverage has led many young people to view police differently than their parents’ generation may have. And a lot of officers think their job has gotten more difficult since high profile use of force incidents.

Actions have consequences, don’t they? For example, Austin, Texas, is now learning the results of treating police with contempt.

Liberal Austin is one of those cities facing a shortage of cops. So they asked robbery victims to not call 9-1-1 if they get rolled near an ATM. Instead, they asked them to call 3-1-1 — the number for non-emergencies.

Four days later, however, the Austin Police realized that this was a huge mistake, so they posted at X:

CLARIFICATION: When a robbery occurs, callers should be reporting these crimes to 9-1-1.


They Keep Stepping on Rakes

Yet progressives keep stepping on rakes. Take Chicago, for example.

police progressives


In Chicago, where street gangs run south and westside neighborhoods, the Community Commission on Public Safety and Accountability want the Chicago Police Department to permanently scrap a gang database. It’s riddled with inaccuracies, they claim. But any large database has them — if you’ve ever worked on a political campaign you know that voter rolls have all sorts of errors.

But there’s more. It appears that the gang database is … wait for it … racist! 

That’s because it didn’t include names from the “Chicago Outfit” (think Al Capone) or biker gangs. Only 23 white supremacists were on that list. In the end, of the 128,000 adults in the database, 70% were Black, 25% Latino, and 5% white. And that’s unacceptable.

Commission president Anthony Driver said he wants to “kill the old gang database,” and require that any further collection of information be approved by the seven-member commission.

The gang database has been a historically racist and inaccurate tool that the department has used — and other city agencies have used — in a way that discriminated against folks. And we want to make sure that we put an end to that.

Killing a database of gang bangers in a city loaded with gang bangers in the name of perceived racism will really eliminate murders and violence, right?

Chicago writer Florian Sohnke wrote about the conundrum that progressives face when dealing with crime. Do they support criminals or citizens?

Progressive lawmakers do not realize the damage they are doing. They should because human lives should take priority over political ideology. The problems of Chicago will only be solved when it is governed by leaders who value the lives and the property of law-abiding residents as do the law-abiding.

Will people like Shivanthi Sathanandan finally realize the consequences of dismantling the police? Will experiencing crime first-hand make them realize that hobbling the cops just isn’t working? Probably not. Instead, constituents should vote progressive ideologues from office, and make sure they never return.


Featured image: Carjacking caught on video. Screenshot of video/@killmoenetwork/X. 

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • SFC D says:

    Shivanthi Sathanandan just got an education. It’s the painful lessons that last longest. It’s unfortunate that she had to learn this way, but my sympathy level is very low. Victim blaming? You’re damn right I am.

    • GWB says:

      And that all assumes there isn’t any … Bidenism going on with this story. Many have commented that she doesn’t appear to be in the sort of pain a broken bone usually causes in the picture posted after the incident. (Among other things.)

  • Liz says:

    This person was fine with everyone else getting car jacked, robbed, raped, and murdered…until she was on the receiving end. What a horrible human being. Or an imbecile. Probably both.

  • NTSOG says:

    Here in the socialist dictatorship of Victoria, Australia a 14-year-old gang leader has just been caught after he and mates, armed with machetes, attacked another 14-year-old lad, dragged him into a stolen car, robbed him and then heaved the victim out of the moving vehicle. The victim is severely injured and was in a coma for some days. The 14-year-old gang leader was already out on bail when he led the attacks on the most recent victim and several other children as they walked home from school. The leader of the robberies is known to Police and is now facing 30 major charges. His lawyer is planning to apply for bail – again. There are more and more gangs of young thugs, some only 10 years old, involved in serious night-time home invasions often armed with edged weapons. [Where are their parents?] Their intent is to steal cars [the more expensive the better, e.g., Audi, Mercedes, BWW] as well as any other valuable and portable items they can ‘lift’. Apparently, these kids are just misunderstood and, it is claimed by the social welfare apologists, many are too young to face criminal charges. The problem is that while the welfare folk are wringing their hands many others in the community are suffering severely. It appears though that the bleeding-heart brigade is not too concerned about those whose homes are invaded and who are assaulted, robbed and traumatised. Anyway, insurance will cover losses – so it is said.

    • Scott says:

      Typical leftists… but as is always the case, while they are A problem, THE problem is the morons that voted them into office, and continue to do so..

    • Kim Hirsch says:

      I had no idea that Australia was experiencing the same challenges as cities in the US.

      In the 1990’s my parents visited Australia (Dad had always wanted to go there.) While in Sydney, my mom accidentally left her handbag inside a store. They returned to see if they could recover it, although they were expecting the worst. But it was there. Someone had turned it in. That left a positive impression on them (although my mother got to hold a koala and found that they weren’t as cuddly as she thought — she said their claws were really sharp.)

      Thanks again for your observations from Down Under.

      • NTSOG says:

        Hello Kim, yes, we are having great problems with juvenile crime in cities. The Police are of the opinion that some of the juvenile criminals are trying to impress their mates by posting their exploits on the internet. Others are possibly being used by older criminals as the courts are likely to impose lesser serious penalties on minors. Above all knife crime is increasing with machetes being very popular. As you would know access to guns, especially handguns, is very restricted in Australia so knives are increasingly being carried by youths. No one seems to ask where about the parents of these young thugs and hold them accountable.

        As for koalas they can be rather difficult and though tourists love them they don’t do much but eat gum leaves, sleep and make loud grunting noises. There is a colony living on and around my farm.

      • GWB says:

        Koalas are friggin’ lead bottoms. They look cute and cuddly at a distance, but their hair is wiry, and their butts are evidently filled with lead shot.

        Which is different from the yutes causing all these troubles. Their butts need to have lead shot applied to them.

  • Cameron says:

    In a more ideal world, the media would not stop asking her why she wants little BIPOC kids to go to jail over something so trivial.

  • GWB says:

    We can all agree that no child should ever witness their mother attacked so brutally.
    I disagree. They need to witness what their mother’s own religious worldview leads to. They need to see her fundamentalist religion up against reality and human nature. Maybe then the disease will only affect one generation.

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