Women Who Want Women for Intimate Care are “Psychotic”

Women Who Want Women for Intimate Care are “Psychotic”

Thank the Lord for J.K. Rowling’s fearlessness in confronting the latest Trans-cult claim. NOW women who request women for intimate care — female doctors or attendants for…

TRAs Attack Bette Midler, Macy Gray

TRAs Attack Bette Midler, Macy Gray

Being a member-in-good-standing of the Left is no protection when the Left moves the goal posts and you find you missed the memo.

Public Civility is on Life Support – Beware its Death

Public Civility is on Life Support – Beware its Death

Yet after more than a year of house arrest and with the pent-up desires of rational citizens to get back to some semblance of normal, the barbarians…

Donald Trump And The SCOTUS Goblet of Fire

Donald Trump And The SCOTUS Goblet of Fire

President Donald Trump will announce his choice for the next Associate Justice to be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States on Monday, July 9…

There Was This Royal Wedding, but the Media Still Obsess Over Trump. [VIDEO]

There Was This Royal Wedding, but the Media Still Obsess Over Trump. [VIDEO]

They just can’t help it, can they? A royal wedding happened in London today, when Prince Harry married his American actress love Meghan Markle. British pomp and…

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Ava Gardner