Olivia Rodrigo, Vampire Tool, Pimps For Abortions At Concerts

Olivia Rodrigo, Vampire Tool, Pimps For Abortions At Concerts

Olivia Rodrigo, Vampire Tool, Pimps For Abortions At Concerts

Disney star and recording artist Olivia Rodrigo, of the hit song Vampire, is a tool promoting abortions to her teen audiences. While Miss Rodrigo is no longer giving out free Plan B pills to her audience, is still promoting abortion to tween audiences. We are reminded, yet again, about the importance of parents and DISCERNMENT. Who are the people taking their children to these concerts? You are going to let some tool pimp abortion concepts to your child.

If you are over the age of 25, you are probably asking, “Who in the world of mediocre talents is Olivia Rodrigo?”. I listened to her current hit “Vampire” and she has a lovely voice. Vampire, itself co-written by Rodrigo, is your standard issue, angsty lament favored by 12 year old girls. Not that there is anything wrong with being a 12 year old girl. You grow out of it.

UNLESS you are co-opted as a child by the ghouls at the Walt Disney Company. Miss Rodrigo has appeared in Disney television properties since she was 13 years old. Her first single was appropriately “Driver’s License”, which was about the time she was pimped out by the Biden Administration to get the young folk to get their “Fauci Ouchies”. Maybe you have forgotten about Jen Psaki and Olivia in the Briefing Room where Olivia read a prepared statement:

And now Miss Rodrigo is out their preaching to potential believers about the highest Holy Sacrament of the Progressive Church, ABORTION. From The Federalist:

Pop star Olivia Rodrigo handed out free Plan B pills, provided by the Missouri Abortion Fund, to fans at the St. Louis stop on her “GUTS World Tour.”

In addition to the free abortifacient at her concert, Missouri fans received cards that read “Funding abortion? It’s a good idea, right?” — a play on her song, “bad idea right?”

No, Olivia, it’s quite a bad idea to promote killing preborn children to a largely adolescent, female fanbase.

Rodrigo follows the trend of Gen Z celebrities and influencers whose politics are engrained in their public image. For the “Good 4 U” singer, her dying hill is abortion access.

Rodrigo, in partnership with the National Network of Abortion Funds, created the “Fund 4 Good,” a “global initiative committed to building an equitable and just future for women and girls through direct support of community-based non-profits that champion girls’ education, support reproductive rights and prevent gender-based violence,” according to the site’s homepage.

What is up with all these “influencers”? What happened to be your own person? Not that you have a clue who you are at 13 or even 21. It made me nauseous to listen to this YouTube short:

Mao Zedong would be so proud of these influencer types. Olivia’s handlers have decided to stop handing out actual abortifacients at the concerts and just hand out information. Probably they are worried about lawsuits. Your school can’s give your child an Advil, but an uneducated influencer can hand her baby killing pills. From Variety:

Organizers tell Variety that after widespread media attention, local abortion funds were told Thursday afternoon that they were no longer allowed to hand out free emergency birth control pills and other reproductive health resources at the concerts.

According to three sources at local abortion funds, that decision came from Rodrigo’s team and was relayed over Slack by the National Network of Abortion Funds, which partnered with the pop star to set up booths at each of her North American tour stops. Jade Hurley, the communications manager for the DC Abortion Fund, says the NNAF said Rodrigo’s team preferred they no longer pass out lubrication, condoms and Plan B because “children are present at the concerts.”
“The reality is that youth have sex, and youth need access to birth control and emergency contraception,” Hurley tells Variety over the phone. “What we’re doing is completely legal in all 50 states.”

A representative for Rodrigo did not immediately respond to Variety‘s request for comment.

Destini Spaeth, chair of the Prairie Abortion Fund, which will have a booth at Rodrigo’s March 15 concert in St. Paul, Minn., strongly disagrees with the decision, telling Variety, “There is something really positive about a 16- or 15-year-old having a Plan B and a few condoms in her dresser to use as she needs it.”

Sorry. I had to walk away for a minute because I couldn’t stop screaming about that last bit, “something really positive about a 16- or 15-year-old having a Plan B and a few condoms in her dresser to use as she needs it”. I just cannot even. What’s wrong with counseling young women to wait? I know children have sex, but there is something so “groomery” about adults setting it all up for them.

Finally, this:

That’s what the Maoists and Groomers are counting on: “there are children at the concerts”. Parents: please use your DISCERNMENT. Protect your children.

Featured Image: Walt Disney Television/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • NTSOG says:

    Disney has fallen a long way since Annette Funicello.

  • Lloyd says:

    How sad that celebrities get to influence the behavior of our youth. Moms and Dads use to guide our kids in the right direction. Now, these “crowd pleasers” suggest what our kids should do. I’d rather kids listen to Mom & Dad…Grandma and Grandpa…or maybe older relatives: aunts, uncles, etc to guide their behavior. But, NO…they are bombarded daily with “advice” from others who do not necessarily have their best interest in mind.

  • GWB says:

    You are going to let some tool pimp abortion concepts to your child.
    But, Toni, she’s an empowered, female tool, who is an example to young women everywhere of the success you can have by swallowing whole the feminist lies!

    Not that there is anything wrong with being a 12 year old girl. You grow out of it.

    the highest Holy Sacrament of the Progressive Church, ABORTION
    It’s getting a run for its money from the other Sacrament: Transhumanism.

    support [abortion] and prevent gender-based violence
    You know, that one always gets me. How do you kill a pre-born baby and still stand there “against violence”? Especially “gender-based” violence?

    Your school can’s give your child an Advil
    Unless it will make their penis fall off! Or their breasts. Or was an experimental drug related to Covid.
    The “You better not touch my kid” ethos has fallen by the wayside these days.

    “What we’re doing is completely legal in all 50 states.”
    Except for that whole “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” thing.

    there is something so “groomery” about adults setting it all up for them
    Remember, most of the “grooming” is not to actually diddle little kids. It’s to ensure that those little kids have no conscience when it comes to hedonism, and will happily fool around with anyone (and anything) because “sex is a right” or something. This is all about breaking down morals to the point that no one cares about sex or drugs or anything else – so long as people can get their freak on with consequence.

    Parents: please use your DISCERNMENT. Protect your children.
    While I agree whole-heartedly, there’s one little problem: The parents have already been indoctrinated into Progressivism. They are practicing their discernment based on the warped morals of that religion, which says “Sex is good as long as they’re ’empowered'” or some such. If the parents don’t have a firm foundation in the correct morals, they will happily send their kid off to these concerts, secure that they are hearing the right sort of message.

    We need to evangelize these folks. We need to help them turn back to truth and right, or they will happily throw away a real, decent future for the Progressive utopia of hedonism and transhumanism.

  • BJ says:

    Meh. Birth control is like seatbelts: better to have and not need than need and not have.

    • GWB says:

      More like keeping shark repellent on your bayou boat. If you’re using it where it is supposed to be used, you will never need it. Only if you take that boat out where it’s dangerously inappropriate will you have need of it.

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