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Yesterday the FBI arrested Ohio resident Christopher Lee Cornell for plotting a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capital. According to government documents, he hoped to detonate a series of pipe bombs allegedly aimed at lawmakers who he considers enemies.
In his ISIS-inspired attack, the twenty year old from Green Township in Ohio planned to set off pipe bombs at the Capital and then shoot any employee or government official as they ran away.
The FBI has been watching Cornell for quite some time. He first caught the agency’s attention after an informant contacted the agency and reported that Cornell was voicing support for violent attacks on a Twitter account under the alias “Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah”. Cornell also wrote strong statements and videos in support of ISIS.
“I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything,” Cornell said to the informant in an online message in August. “I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves.”
In the message to the informant, Cornell also added that the attacks he wanted to plan and perform had already gotten approval from the radical cleric Anwar Awlaki “before his martyrdom” in the U.S. drone strike in 2011.
Cornell and the FBI informant met in Cincinnati over two days in October and an additional two days in November. In the last meeting, Cornell outlined that the members of Congress were enemies and that he wanted to attack the U.S. Capital building. Following the meeting, Cornell allegedly saved money to support the attack, and did research on how to build bombs.
Within hours of Cornell’s arrest, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security published a statement for law enforcement agencies.
“The alleged activities of Cornell highlight the continued interest of US-based violent extremists to support designated foreign terrorist organizations overseas, such as ISIL, by committing terrorist acts in the United States,” the bulletin read. “Terrorist group members and supporters will almost certainly continue to use social media platforms to disseminate English language violent extremist messages.”
Uninformed Americans might not think we are at war with Muslim extremists, but we are, and it is time to pull our collective head out of our sphincter and stand up to these monsters before we end up with more attacks on our streets and in our neighborhoods.
You can read the criminal complaint here.
“The alleged activities of Cornell highlight the continued interest of US-based violent extremists to support designated foreign terrorist organizations overseas…”
Weird. No mention of the word ISLAM.
Shhh-we’re not supposed to slander the “profit” and his “faith”. Besides, aren’t all ISIS supporters Buddhists?
Another idiot convert trying to dispense “peace”.
Sometimes I think I should go back to using my old name that I used at another site-“Islamsforlosers” because it truly is-every single convert I’ve heard about had some sort of screw loose and thought Illah would solve all their problems. But I switched to my current name after the American Nakba (November 4, 2008) because what goes on in general in the world (especially since that day) has been truly appalling thanks to both Islamania and Leftism.