Oh, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. It Was Yours To Lose

Oh, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. It Was Yours To Lose

Oh, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. It Was Yours To Lose

Oh, Nikki, Nikki, Nikki. It was yours to lose. You could have won the 2024 Republican Primary. Maybe you still will. Fat chance. Just about every time Nikki opens her mouth a toad jumps out. This is why the Republican Primary process is so important. It winnows out the ones not ready to lead. The Democrats cheat their own candidates, so their Primary is not important. For Republicans, EVERY voter matters. That’s why Miss Nikki’s latest whiff was so whack.

We are not talking about Nikki’s slavery whiff. What caused the Civil War? Slavery. Nikki couldn’t answer properly as I told you here. And, she’s trying to razzle dazzle her answer. Just stop. Today, Harris Faulkner tried again and Nikki talked way too much and too defensively.

Harris asks Haley what she has learned and Haley tap dances as fast as she can. Oh, Nikki. We don’t care what you did when you were the SC Governor. You can’t answer a question NOW.

On the heels of the “slavery thing”, Nikki decided to insult Iowa Caucus voters. Oh, Nikki.

Here is how the Washington Examiner wrote it up:

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s momentum in Iowa has ebbed and flowed, and a cryptic shot at voters there may have revealed her doubts she is in a position to win the contest.

Haley, who has gained ground on Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) but still sits 2 points behind him and more than 35 points behind front-runner former President Donald Trump, told a crowd of New Hampshire voters on Wednesday that they will “correct” Iowa’s Republican presidential choice, in reference to the state’s primary taking place one week after Iowa’s caucuses.

“You know Iowa starts it. You know that you correct it,” she said during an event in Milford, New Hampshire. The remark was met by applause from attendees. “And then my sweet state of South Carolina brings it home. That’s what we do.”

Oh, Nikki, hush, Honey. Nikki may have thought saying the New Hampshire voters “correct” the Iowa voters vote showed her fun side. Instead, she showed her stupid side.

Here’s more from the Washington Examiner article:

Prominent DeSantis endorser Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA) also hit the former ambassador’s statement, writing on X, “I trust Iowans to make their own decisions. No ‘corrections’ needed!”

DeSantis communications director Andrew Romeo piled on, accusing her of “insulting Iowans” ahead of the caucuses.

“While the pressure mounts on Nikki Haley and the Wall Street donors bankrolling her to buy the strong second-place finish in Iowa that her top surrogate is predicting, her closing argument is insulting Iowans by saying their votes will need to be corrected. Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis is closing strong in Iowa by outworking and outorganizing the competition day in and day out,” he wrote on X.

Oh Nikki. It could have been yours. You had it really.

Writing in Politico, Seth Masket has been canvassing party chairs for the last year. He’s been looking to see where they are in their heads directionally. Read and understand this:

“I was looking for another Republican with less drama, but … unfairness, double standards and deep state [opposition] solidified my support of President Trump,” added a county Republican chair in upstate New York, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly.

Oh Nikki, you could have been less drama. You could have screamed about the “unfairness, double standards and deep state” while still opposing Trump himself. Your innate corporateness kept you fairly silent on the dirty deeds done to Trump. You don’t have enough “go to Hell” money like Vivek Ramaswamy, so you still bend the knee to corporate money.

It may all turn around and Nikki could be the nominee, but I don’t think so. Oh, Nikki. You could have had it all, if you have just shut up and bid bolder.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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