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President Obama is no stranger to the interview although he claims that he is rarely given the opportunity to do the interviewing. In a discussion held last month in Iowa and posted yesterday by The New York Review of Books, Obama asked Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gilead, Marilynne Robinson about faith, democracy, education and writing.
Obama commented that he wanted to interview someone he “liked” and that he was a longtime fan:
“Part of my connection to your books, I think, is an appreciation for — without romanticizing Middle America or small-town America — that sense of homespun virtues. And that comes out in your writing. And it sometimes seems really foreign to popular culture today, which is all about celebrity and being loud and bragging.”
All about “celebrity”, “being loud” and “bragging”, huh? To be honest, I about spit coffee all over my keyboard when I read that one because usually he plays right to the choir of his loud, celebrity minion braggarts. But BHO didn’t stop there. Of course, on the subject of Middle America and “homespun virtues”, he brought up American acheivement and stated that America’s greatness stems from a sense of “nagging dissatisfaction” that spurred settlers to move West, helped astronauts land on the moon and inspired the creation of the Internet.
Obama added that these achievements are taken for granted by Americans and the result of this is deep skepticism in the government:
“Whenever I hear people saying that our problems would be solved without government, I always want to tell them you need to go to some other countries where there really is no government, where the roads are never repaired … or kids don’t have access to basic primary education,” he said. “That’s the logical conclusion if, in fact, you think that government is the enemy.”
To further display his cognitive dissonance, POTUS continued the interview with this question posed to Robinson:
“How do you reconcile the idea of faith being really important to you and you caring a lot about taking faith seriously with the fact that, at least in our democracy and our civic discourse, it seems as if folks who take religion the most seriously sometimes are also those who are suspicious of those not like them?”
Robinson answered stated those that are “turning in on themselves” are not taking their Christianity seriously.
In summation, it seems as if Barack Obama apparently does not think he is part of the “bragging loud celebrity” crowd. Are we chuckling at that doozy just yet? He also claims that Americans are jaded and “take for granted” the great achievements of other fellow Americans. You think so? When your President says things like this, how could you not be?
The President, in his delusional mind, also thinks that “religious” people are the most paranoid in “democracy”. In our President’s mind, the American public does not trust him-especially those “religious folk”. You know…those pesky, paranoid Jesus followers?!
Actually, no, Mr. President. Most of us are not dissatisfied Americans. We work hard and take pride in making lives for ourselves and our families in the greatest country on this Earth. What we are dissatisfied with is you and your posse of loudmouth, showboating celebrity buddies telling US what is best for our country while they sit in their multi-million dollar homes and go golfing and on vacations. It is not government we are against. Although some of us did not graduate with a degree from Harvard, we’re not as sophomoric as you believe to think that “no government” is the answer. We like our roads paved and want quality education for our children. It is not democracy we are skeptical of. It is the people in charge of the democracy!
As far as Faith goes, I will not go off on a Christianity soapbox here…but in my humble opinion, “religiosity” differs from Faith, Mr. President. “Religious” people are not only skeptical of you-they are skeptical of even those within the same Faith. Faithful, spiritual Americans, I believe, rely on understanding and a thing called discernment of things between this world and the spiritual. The definition of Faith spans all religions as a strong belief based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. To some Americans of various denominations and religions, the Faith they possess does not rest in any single human being, or public entity nor should it.
The crumbling of patriotism and pride with the ongoing apologetic dialogue that our country is in the wrong and has been for years. The deterioration of values and “homespun virtues”. The murders of our loved ones overseas. All of this and more. Yet we have a leader who asks for blind trust in him and calls us skeptics because well, we are. God complex much, Mr. President?
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