No Charges, Instead Joe Will Be Given A Stern Lecture About Classified Documents

No Charges, Instead Joe Will Be Given A Stern Lecture About Classified Documents

No Charges, Instead Joe Will Be Given A Stern Lecture About Classified Documents

It’s good to be Joe Biden. Instead of any criminal charges, he’ll just get a pointed lecture on his bad behavior.

No criminal charges are reportedly expected to be filed in the investigation of President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.

Special Counsel Robert Hur has decided there are no grounds to charge Biden or anyone else in connection with the finding of a small number of classified documents at his Delaware home and a Philadelphia office he once used, CNN reported, citing sources familiar with the probe.

Hur, a Republican appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland, is wrapping up a report into the actions of Biden and others and is expected to file it by the end of the year.

The former federal prosecutor is expected to be critical of Biden in his report but will point out that his actions fall far short of criminal behavior.

This is James Comey handing Hillary Clinton a pass all over again. 

Now, Joe Biden, who had classified documents stored in his garage will just get a stern lecture. 

The documents date back to Biden’s time in the Senate and to when he was Barack Obama’s vice president. They were found at Penn Biden Center, a private think tank Biden once ran, and his Wilmington, Del., home in the same garage where Biden keeps his Corvette.


Hur and his team interviewed President Biden for two days. They also spoke to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan, and top Biden aide Steve Ricchetti and Biden’s former chief of staff Ron Klain.

In total, Hur interviewed around 100 people. Including Hunter Biden. 

Congressional Republicans have raised questions about Hunter Biden’s proximity to the classified documents that were stored at the president’s home in Wilmington, Delaware. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., wrote a letter to the White House in January questioning whether Hunter Biden had access to any of the classified documents in his father’s possession.

Hunter Biden listed his father’s Wilmington home as his address on his driver’s license during the timeframe when classified documents were stored there. His Attorney — Abbe Lowell — has said Hunter Biden did so because the Wilmington house “was his only permanent address at the time.”

Except that, as we all know, Hunter Biden was living in California at the time and had been for several months. 

The bigger issue is the fact that this isn’t only about the stern lecture Joe Biden may receive, it’s about the classified documents themselves, as well as who had access to them?? Several of these documents were physically moved multiple times, and not by anyone from the National Archives. Yet Joe Biden kept insisting, “nothing to see here, move along!” 

And so, it seems the DOJ will move along, after giving Joe a harsh lecture on how to handle classified documents in the future.

It is important to note that all the classified documents held by Joe Biden were from his time as U.S. Senator and Vice President. Which means he had zero authority then to declassify those documents. It was illegal then and now to remove classified documents from secured areas. But that is that Joe did. 

There is still another case out there involving classified documents. It involves President Trump. 

The Federal Bureau of Investigation obtained a warrant to search Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Fla., in August 2022 after more than a year of negotiations between Trump’s lawyers, the National Archives and later the Justice Department, and after Trump’s lawyers said all documents had been returned. Trump has been charged with improperly withholding classified documents and obstructing justice by allegedly trying to have surveillance footage deleted that revealed how some of the documents were being handled. He has pleaded not guilty.

We’ve written before about how the search of Mar-A-Lago seemed not only as an overreach, but was also badly handled by the feds. There was zero reason for the feds to toss paperwork all over the floor, and then let those photos get in front of the press. 

Given how the DOJ has handled anything regarding Trump vs either Hillary and now Joe, it’s quite fair to assume that Trump will face more than a harsh lecture on his handling of classified documents. You can take it to the bank that the DOJ under Merrick Garland REALLY wants to level charges against Trump. 

Joe Biden, on the other hand, will just be given a pithy lecture and told to not do it again. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • American Human says:

    I’ve written the Stern Lecture here for them to use:

    “Joe, don’t do this anymore. And this time we really mean it!!”

  • SFC D says:

    Bullshit. Military personnel have gone to prison for far less. This should open up the appeal process for anyone ever convicted of mishandling classified documents, and should get any charges against Trump tossed. Unbelievable.

  • […] barracks and dining facilities Transterrestrial Musings: Tomorrow’s Test Flight Victory Girls: No Charges, Instead Joe Will Be Given A Stern Lecture About Classified Documents Volokh Conspiracy: No Arbitration of Suit Alleging Stanford Internet Observatory et al. […]

  • Scott says:

    Is there really anyone dumb enough to believe the DOJ isn’t completely corrupt and in the bag for the leftists? If left unchecked, this is what will kill our Republic

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