November 21, 2024
Nikki Haley, the failed Presidential candidate, has some crust dragging Tulsi Gabbard on her eponymous podcast. First, who knew that Haley had a podcast? In addition, she took on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. too. Second, with friends like Nikki, who needs Democrats. Finally, she needs to keep Trump appointees’ names out her mouth.
The Nikki Haley Live Podcast is fairly new. It debuted September 25, 2004. Watching her read off of her laptop was even more deadly dull than any of her campaign speeches. Take a gander:
She’s so school marmish! From the Washington Examiner:
In an appearance on her SiriusXM program, Nikki Haley Live, Haley called Gabbard a defender of China, Russia, Syria, and Iran. Gabbard has been nominated to be Trump’s director of national intelligence.
“So now she’s defended Russia, she’s defended Syria, she’s defended Iran, and she’s defended China,” Haley said. “No, she has not denounced any of these views. None of them. She hasn’t taken one of them back. DNI, Department of National Intelligence. This is not a place for a Russian, Iranian, Syrian, Chinese sympathizer.”
Haley cited Gabbard’s meeting with Bashar al-Assad in 2017 as a moment she particularly disliked.
“She said she was skeptical that he was behind the chemical weapons attacks,” she said. “Now, this to me is disgusting because Cheney, you and I were at the United Nations when Assad did those chemical attacks on those children. … And you can go back and look at a speech I gave holding up pictures of dead children who had been killed by chemical attacks. … For her to say that Assad was not behind that. Literally, everything she said about that, were Russian talking points. “
Hillary Clinton, often the first source for malinformation, started the Tulsi Gabbard is a “Russian asset” thing five years ago. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Nikki Haley have picked it up recently. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senator Bernie Sanders aren’t willing to go that far. Mean girl Hillary Clinton was jealous as are Haley and Whatshername.
Megyn Kelly breaks down the Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian Asset Hoax.
“This was started by Hillary Clinton. She started it because Tulsi was a rising star within democratic politics.
She had all the boxes checked. She was a woman. She is a minority, she was the first this and the…
— End Tribalism in Politics (@EndTribalism) November 21, 2024
Megyn Kelly gets it. Ex-Congressman “crying” Adam Kinzinger wrote in the Bulwark, echoing the sentiments of Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton:
What concerns me most, however, is the amorality apparent in her decision-making. A DNI must be resolute in defending the Constitution, impartial in assessing threats, and unwavering in his or her commitment to American values. Gabbard’s track record suggests she prioritizes personal advancement and political expediency over these critical responsibilities. Her ability to shift loyalties and principles to suit her ambitions is not a trait we need in a position that demands impartiality and integrity.
Trump’s choice of Gabbard for this role is as perplexing as it is dangerous. By selecting someone with no significant intelligence experience and a history of erratic behavior, he is undermining the credibility of one of the most important positions in our national security apparatus—one whose ability not only to uncover and protect secrets but to tell hard truths to people in power is a key asymmetric advantage the United States enjoys over its adversaries. Worse still, Gabbard’s history of promoting authoritarian narratives raises legitimate concerns about her ability to prioritize America’s interests over those of foreign adversaries.
Not everyone who serves is worthwhile. Adam Kinzinger and Alexander Vindman for example.
Considering the lies that the Intel Community has told us, that have gotten us into wars, I don’t know that Tulsi Gabbard is wrong. Speaking of agencies lying to us. According to the Examiner article, Nikki Haley doesn’t like RFK, Jr. either:
As for RFK Jr.’s nomination to be Health and Human Services secretary, Haley suggested she was disturbed by his past and present liberal views on abortion and the environment. She also blasted his lack of experience in the health field.
“He has not educated, trained, or practiced in health at all. He has spent his entire career as a trial lawyer, an environmental lawyer, and a liberal democrat,” she said.
Haley said she would rather him be a health adviser instead, so he could pursue raising awareness on additives in food rather than having a larger control over the country’s healthcare apparatus.
“I understand he wants to raise awareness on chemicals and food and vaccinations, but then let him be a health adviser,” she said. “Why are we putting someone that’s so ideologically opposed to Donald Trump’s views and Republican views?”
I know this one. Trump doesn’t want people to only affirm his view. That’s what got us to where we are now. Donald Trump wants RFK, Jr. to work on specific areas. Trump can keep Kennedy in check.
Nikki Haley is just jealous that the American people so overwhelming supported Trump. It has got to gall. In the meantime, keep Tulsi’s name out your mouth.
Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons 2.0Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons
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