Nancy Mace Dons The Scarlet A For “Attention”

Nancy Mace Dons The Scarlet A For “Attention”

Nancy Mace Dons The Scarlet A For “Attention”

Nancy Mace channels her inner Hester Prynne in her latest walk into the speaker candidate forum. She marched proudly, wearing a white t-shirt emblazoned with a big Scarlet “A”.

Apparently, this is her “Scarlet Letter” she donned for being “demonized” and “using her voice last week” to oust former House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy.

Mace has said and done some boneheaded things in the past. From talking about her sex life at a prayer breakfast to calling the rest of her party a bunch of a$$holes:

Wait, doesn’t A$$hole begin with the letter “A”?

Pretty Much.

I don’t answer to Washington. I answer to the people. And no matter what D.C. insiders throw at me, I will always be for the people.”-Nancy Mace

A is for Alvin? Alvin? Alvin? Alllllvinnnnn!

No, it’s not an early start on a Halloween Alvin and The Chipmunks costume,

A is for garnering a little Attention, we say.

What is even more Asinine about Nancy Mace wearing a gaudy Scarlet A t-shirt paired perfectly with a black blazer, skinny jeans and heels is the fact that it is a nod to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 1850 Puritan novel, The Scarlet Letter. Hester Prynne, the heroine in the novel, is forced to parade around with a letter “A” stiched to her garments for the rest of her life. She was tortured and abused before having to don this letter.

Before it was suggested to be banned with Gender Queer taking its place in high schools, I read The Scarlet Letter and discussed it at length in one of my classes back in the day. Based on her actions, I am not sure Nancy Mace did the same and if she did, she must have forgotten the entire premise of the story.

Hester Prynne, the main character in The Scarlet Letter was forced to wear the “A” for being what the judgmental townspeople in her Puritan village thought was an “Adultress” because she gave birth to a child out of wedlock. Nope, Mifepristone was not around then. Before she was forced to wear the “A” on her clothing, she was whipped and beaten. Funny, I don’t think Mace was Abused at all…except when the rest of the GOP were A$$holes to her. The “A” Hester Prynne wears in The Scarlet Letter serves as public shaming and a punishment for sin and secrecy. Nancy Mace is not that deep, however. She throws her sin around and talks about pre-marital morning delight at prayer breakfasts. Granted, she is a grown woman but, still, she has no shame. Mace wears the “scarlet letter” because she really thinks this is all about her. She really thinks she Alone is being demonized for voting to oust McCarthy. This is an act of shameless narcissism. Frankly, she does not have much in common with the heroine of the Nathaniel Hawthorne classic, but we move right along.

While Hester Prynne endured scorn, her humility and charitable nature in The Scarlet Letter allows some of this shame to subside and attitudes of the townspeople to change. There is no humility or charitable nature in Nancy Mace and her theatrics. Throwing a t-shirt emblazoned with a red letter “A” over your Airbags does not a humble, charitable person make.

Nor does it do much for the fustercluck that happened last week to save our Republic. It is nothing but showboating Arrogance, really.

In the meantime, children are being beheaded on the other side of the world, Nancy Mace cannot seem to get over that she has been “demonized”. This is pathetic Democrat-style foolery, to parade around with a statement emblazoned on your chest. Really, Nancy? Grow the eff up and let it go.

Nancy Mace’s poor Attempt to be witty here was quite Anemic. In fact, the Arrogance of this whole display goes to show how Awful this plan of yours was. We’ve got more important things to focus on than what others think of YOU or what you think of yourself. This is America we’re talking about, here. Sit down. You look like an A$$hat.

Featured Image: Maryam Rajavi/ Commons

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