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(Sniff, sniff)…pass me a violin.
Remember when Barack and Michelle Obama along with Valerie Jarrett froze Oprah out of The White House? Funny how the tables have turned. In an interview excerpt with Winfrey on a segment of “CBS This Morning” yesterday, FLOTUS had a change of heart about her buddy ol’ pal Oprah and expressed her feelings of concern as Donald Trump transitions into The White House:
“We feel the difference now. See, now, we’re feeling what not having hope feels like, you know?
I feel that way about the nation. I feel that Barack has been that for the nation in ways that people will come to appreciate. Having a grownup in the White House who can say to you in times of crisis and turmoil: ‘Hey, it’s gonna be OK. Let’s remember the good things that we have. Let’s look at the future. Let’s look at all the things that we’re building.’ All of this is important for our kids to stay focused and to feel like their work isn’t in vain, like their lives aren’t in vain. What do we do if we don’t have hope, Oprah?”
A grown-up in the White House? Because I guess being passive-aggressive is a whole lot more mature than acting like a petulant little brat, right? Because writing “executive orders” as a way to stick-it to your opponents (and the American people) because “you’re the Prez” is grown-up, right?
As if listening to her husband drone on for two hours (in quite the passive-agressive tone) whilst sitting in traffic was not enough to give me a brain bleed yesterday afternoon, we have a woman who was only proud to be an American when her spouse got elected talking to the nation talking about how hopeless we really are. After all, where would would we be without the Obamas? Because we are knuckleheads, right Michelle? Hopeless and helpless without you and your pompous husband telling us how we should live and what’s best for us. So glad you have such a high opinion of the people who have paid your husband’s salary and for countless vacations for your family for eight years.
In Michelle Obama’s delusional world, we’re hopeless, y’all. Regardless of where people are at (Trump supporters or otherwise), some of us can’t help but to feel a bit of optimism as the Obamas get ready to pack out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. For the first time in eight years, I have hope. Let me count the ways:
Yes, I do hope that kids can stay focused and feel like their work isn’t in vain, like their lives aren’t in vain. I hope that the vanity goes away and gives way to humility and hard work. That participation awards and trophies are things of the past and that my child (and others) will understand the value of hard work, the virtue of it and the rewards that come as a result of it.
Yes, and I have other hopes.
Hope that my kid’s lunches would look less like institutional slop that will be thrown out at the end of lunch hour.
Hope that Hollywood celebrities would shut their mouths already about politics (because we KNOW they aren’t going to get all tingly-bits gushy about Trump)!
Hope that girls will find better role models than (Michelle’s fave), Beyoncé.
Hope that the sick can obtain healthcare they can afford (and by this, I do not mean free abortions at Planned Parenthood “healthcare”).
Hope individuals will do their homework, practice some discernment and realize how the past eight years has left them downtrodden, seemingly helpless, discouraged, enabled and dependent on big government and entitlement programs. I have hope that these individuals feel empowered to move forward to create better lives for themselves and their loved ones.
Hope that I never have to see an American President apologize for our country ever again.
Hope that those who followed the Obamas blindly into this “hope and change” they promised will wake up from the stupor of the last eight years and realize that this “hope and change” actually took us backwards instead of moved us forward.
Hope that we will finally stand up to our enemies and respect those on the home front and those overseas who are doing their best to follow through on their commitment to do so.
Hope that individuals will GROW UP and stop calling me a racist, sexist, bigot (along with a few other words that are not so nice) because I have disagreed with your husband’s policies and your bearing as First Lady of the United States.
And lastly, hope we can recover from the division created by Barack and Michelle Obama’s eight years in The White House. I hope that we, as Americans of all races, nationalities, chosen lifestyles and religions, can pick ourselves up, have some pride and KNOW we are United and are not hopeless and helpless as they wanted us to be but powerful, strong and a part of this great nation.
Yes, Michelle. I’d say there is hope and lots of it. YES…WE CAN have HOPE. Now start packing your bags.
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