Merrick Garland – Enablers And Enemies

Merrick Garland – Enablers And Enemies

Merrick Garland – Enablers And Enemies

It sounds like a Deep State Conspiracy. How many times have you looked at a government flack speaking and thought, “Dayum, they must have some rank stuff on that old boy.” Merrick Garland looks, since he became Attorney General, like someone is holding his puppy over a waterfall. And, today he looked worse than usual before the House Judiciary Committees with his Enablers and Enemies asking questions and trying to score political points.

Merrick Garland opened by whining, in a quavery voice, that he won’t be intimidated:

But Garland, a former federal prosecutor and appeals court judge, said in his opening statement to the committee that he wouldn’t be pressured by the move to hold him in contempt. The department provided lawmakers with a transcript of the interview, Garland said, but releasing the recording could jeopardize future investigations. Biden invoked executive privilege to keep the recording confidential.

“These repeated attacks on the Justice Department are unprecedented and unfounded,” Garland told lawmakers. “I view contempt as a serious matter. But I will not jeopardize the ability of our prosecutors and agents to do their jobs effectively in future investigations. I will not be intimidated.”

Clearly, Merrick Garland is his own worst enemy and enabler. Here, in his shaky, Grandma voice, he lectures the Republicans on threatening to defund Trump persecutor Jack Smith, and how dare they question the prosecution where Trump became a “convicted felon”. The FBI’s law enforcement has obviously been politicized. And, sounding intimidated:

All the while looking like a man whose sphincter is perma-clenched. Speaking of clenched sphincters. There is Eric Swalwell. Fang Fang’s boyfriend is such a cocky enabler:

From Mediaite:

Swalwell continued questioning Garland and eventually concluded with a speech accusing of House Republicans of being in a “cult.”

“My colleagues, none of this today that you are bringing makes sense. Your inconsistencies, your hypocrisy, your sycophancy – unless you are in a cult. And guys, I’m starting to think you’re in a cult. That is your right, but it’s not your responsibility. I promise you, that’s not what your constituents would want,” Swalwell said, adding:

So if you believe in state’s rights, except when a jury in that state convicts your nominee for president, you might be in a cult. If you claim you back the blue but want to defund the police, when the police go to your nominee’s house to retrieve national security secrets, you might be in a cult. If you’re supporting a guy whose felony convictions prevent him from getting a security clearance, you might be in a cult. And if the guy you’re supporting for president has felony convictions that prevent him from going to Argentina, Australia…

“Mr. Chairman, I move the gentleman’s words be taken down,” interjected a Republican member as Swalwell continued.
“Cambodia, Canada, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia,” Swalwell continued as the member protested again, “Chairman. My, my my motion takes precedent.”

“Iran, Ireland and Israel, the gentleman China. Macao. Malaysia. Mexico. Morocco,” continued Swalwell as Jordan insisted he was out of time.

“Gentleman is out of order!” demanded Jordan banging the gavel, “Your time has expired.”

“New Zealand, Korea, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, UK,” concluded Swalwell as Jordan finally got him to stop talking.

Fang Fang’s ex-beau knows all about being in a cult. He worships wherever Nancy Pelosi tells him. Which brings us to Matt Gaetz who flat refuses to be led…anywhere. From Mediaite:

Gaetz was the first lawmaker to get time to question Garland, and he told the attorney general he could clear up the “dangerous conspiracy theory” of collusion if he agreed to hand over any and all communications between the Justice Department and the offices of prosecutors targeting Trump, like Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Garland pushed back, saying those are independent offices and the two began going back and forth with Gaetz finally growing frustrated with Garland explaining the separation of state and federal offices.

“The question is whether or not you will provide all your documents and correspondence. I don’t need a history lesson,” Gaetz said.

Garland echoed his previous point.

Gaetz found Garland equally unwilling to answer thinly-veiled questions about Trump’s hush money trial.

“When you were a judge, did you ever make political donations to partisan candidates?” Gaetz asked, referring to Garland’s past as a judge and the revelation that Judge Juan Merchan, who presides over Trump’s trial in Manhattan, previously donated to Biden.

“No,” Garland answered, explaining there’s a federal rule against such donations.

The attorney general grew frustrated with Gaetz’s questions about Trump’s trial after as Gaetz began asking about having family “profit” off of a specific case. Gaetz appeared to be referring to reports that Merchan’s daughter works for a consulting firm that works with Democrats.

Not works at. She’s not a clerk. She’s a partner bringing in millions.

“I’m well aware you’re not asking me a hypothetical. You’re asking me to comment on a jury verdict in another jurisdiction which has to be respected. I won’t comment on it. That case is still ongoing —” Garland said before Gaetz jumped back in.

“Mr. Attorney General, I hadn’t asked you about the verdict yet. We were getting there. I was talking about the judge,” he said.

Garland echoed his past point that he can’t directly comment about the case.

They must have some good stuff on Merrick Garland. He’s very lucky that his Enemies and Enablers are weak.

Featured Image: Senate Democrats/ Commons

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  • Lloyd says:

    Garland is a “team player” for the Obama/Biden regime. He will do what he is told….right or wrong!

  • Scott says:

    Garlands claim that the DOJ is apolitical is a blatant lie on it’s face, if it was truly so, Swallowswell would be up on charges for his involvement with Fang Fang..

    He was right that these attacks on DOJ are unprecedented (though completely wrong on them being unwarranted), because the DOJ has never before been this blatantly corrupt, and conservatives have never before been moved to the point of action and actually calling them out for their corruption..

    He deserves a spot UNDER the prison along with Fauci… Thank GOD he’s not on the SCOTUS!!!

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