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Earlier this week, I wrote about the heinous harridan, Bishop Mariann Budde, the high priestess of the Church of Suffering and Death, also known as the American Episcopal Church. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex has a new pinup for their campaign of anger and fear, Budde. We saw this headline from The Hill today “Trump World descends on bishop who pleaded for ‘mercy’”. Expressing outrage is now descending. Good to know. At least, we Trumpers didn’t pounce. Don’t we usually pounce?
I realize that Washington D.C. is a one party town ruled by entrenched Democrat hacks, but how did this shrew become anointed to harangue our new President? That bothered me. Thank the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. The Committee is led by Senators Amy Klobuchar and former Majority (now Minority) Leader Chuck Schumer. They are in charge of ALL the inauguration activities, including the prayer service on Tuesday morning. The prayer service is a traditional inaugural event, but it doesn’t traditionally include a sermon. Generally, prayers are offered by different faith communities. This was an opportunity provided so that Trump et al. could be lectured to.
Although the “Bishop” claims she pleaded for mercy. I would argue that she wouldn’t know mercy if it bit her on the nose. From The Hill:
President Trump and Republicans this week slammed a plea for “mercy” issued by Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde during a Tuesday morning prayer service, calling it unjustified and inappropriate. But she is unfazed by their denunciations.
With Trump seated in the first pew of Washington National Cathedral, alongside first lady Melania Trump, Vice President Vance and second lady Usha Vance, Budde asked the new administration to “have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now.”
Are those people scared because leaders like Budde have stoked that fear? What did Trump do in his first term that caused them to be fearful? If this fear turns out to be irrational, how has this stoking benefitted them or Budde? Budde and her ilk assume they know better and act as bullies with soft voices. As a matter of truth, soft voices can disguise tons of anger and bitterness. Like this:
She sure delivered a lot of anger in that denial of an apology.
White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Fox News on Wednesday that Budde had chosen to “weaponize the pulpit,” adding that her remarks “were egregious, and she should apologize to President Trump for the lies that she told.”
“Everybody there was shocked and mortified,” said Leavitt, who attended the service with other Trump administration officials.
The Trump administration shouldn’t be shocked or mortified. Budde’s speech was egregious but we don’t need or want an apology. I disagree with His Excellence Bishop Benjamin:
Myself being a Bishop for 20 years, Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde was totally out of order in trying to rebuke President Trump at the wrong place & at the wrong time! She owes the American Citizens & @POTUS an apology at a time when our nation needs unity and strength. She…
— Leon Benjamin (@Leon4Congress) January 23, 2025
Budde gave a political speech and then whined that other politicized her speech.
During an appearance on ABC’s “The View” on Wednesday morning, Budde, 65, said she was not surprised her remarks had become politicized.
“How could it not be politicized?” she said. “One of the things I caution about is the culture of contempt in which we live that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying. That’s part of the air we breathe now.”
Who polluted the air that we breathe?
Finally, I have questions about mercy. Biblical mercy. I went to Beautiful Bible to get help:
Mercy is a key theme in the Bible, reflecting God’s deep compassion and unconditional love for humanity.
In biblical terms, mercy often means showing compassion or forgiveness to someone who deserves punishment or harm.
This attribute is a cornerstone of God’s relationship with people, highlighting His desire to forgive sin and foster a loving connection with His followers.
When you explore the Bible, you see how mercy is intertwined with justice and love.
The scriptures encourage believers to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.” This call to action emphasizes that part of following God includes extending mercy to others, just as He shows mercy to you.
Big fail for Budde. Mercy is not sternly lecturing. Mercy is not hectoring like a bitter hag. And it certainly isn’t poisoning children with hormones and hacking off their body parts. It certainly isn’t treating illegal immigrants like chattel slaves.
“The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings; who labor in poultry farms and meat packing plants; who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals, they — they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation. But the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors.”
If they are paying taxes, just so you know, if they are illegal aliens, they are using a stolen social security number. That adds to their crimes. Oops. Have mercy. At lease we didn’t pounce this time.
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Matthew 6:5-6: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”
Are those people scared because leaders like Budde have stoked that fear?
Yes. And those same people have told them to believe the lie about homosexuality and transgender. They are not Christian, but Progressive priests.
Budde gave a political speech and then whined that other politicized her speech.
No, she gave a sermon for her religion: Progressivism.
The fact is that (unlike Christianity properly understood) Progressives see no problem with using the power of the government to convert everyone. Or at least to shame or batter them into compliance. They have captured the institutions and will use them to ensure you care – after their fashion.
that immediately rushes to the worst possible interpretations of what people are saying
OR… goes straight to the heart of what you’re really saying. Because we all know.
Mercy is not sternly lecturing. Mercy is not hectoring like a bitter hag.
Well, she wasn’t arguing that she was showing mercy. She was demanding it of Trump. Well, a hollow shell of actual mercy and actual love.
And it certainly isn’t poisoning children with hormones and hacking off their body parts.
As I said yesterday, she (being a Progressive) can only see hollow “compassion.” True love is providing what your neighbor needs, not what they want. And, mercy (note that Micah verse that a reader mentioned and that Beautiful Bible partially quotes) requires JUSTICE. Not social justice, but actual JUSTICE. (BTW, “mercy” is NOT the same as compassion, nor necessarily loving your neighbor; it is about facing justice for your sins, and then being shown true love.)
No, she doesn’t understand Christian mercy – because she’s not a Christian, and has a different agenda. She is promoting an idol of self, to advance the prime elements of hedonism and transhumanism. This is about throwing off the shackles of the law (and the holy God who wrote it) and the order of creation (and the Creator who made it). When they cry “mercy!” what they really want is for you to stop telling them that they shouldn’t be doing something. Then they use it to force you to bow down to their idol (human reason*). They don’t desire mercy, they desire your acquiescence.
(* Ironically, almost every time they would have you bow to the idol of Reason, they end up turning back to paganism. It’s weird that way.)
Budde and her ilk are the reason doom came to Sodom and Gomorrah, why the walls fell at Jericho, why Assyria swept in and led Israel away captive and why Judah fell to the Babylonians. They are the reprobate minds of Romans 1. They will be punished according to Revelation if they do not turn from their ways and repent. They are in revolt against God.
She is not a “bishop.” She was ordained by her church. Even if you don’t agree or aren’t Episcopalian, at least have the decency to respect the church’s process and ordination.
Asking for mercy for the oppressed and marginalized is Biblical. And your neighbor includes those whose lifestyles you don’t like. Maybe, oh I don’t know, read up on the history of the Samaritans and the Jews. They hated each other. Jews thought of Samaritans has basically half people and it was considered unclean to associate with them. Jesus’ choice of the Samaritan was intentional. We are called to love migrants and LGBTQ people— and all others currently marginalized— because they are our neighbors. It doesn’t mean we have to love the lifestyle or agree with it, our job is merely to be kind and loving and show mercy. Period. The more you and your ilk screech about this and write trying to be clever screeds, the clearer it becomes that if Jesus were alive today, you would be the Pharisees trying to trip him up over legalism and whatnot. You would crucify him in a heartbeat.
Maybe, oh, I don’t know, recognize that the Bible is the Old AND New Testaments? Clearly many commenting, including the author, have only read the Old Testament and wouldn’t recognize the New if it hit them between the eyes. It’s comments like these that are the very reason people are turning from the church.
We are called to love migrants and LGBTQ people— and all others currently marginalized— because they are our neighbors.
It all depends on your definition of “love.” If it is God’s definition, then you’re fine. But that almost never includes helping them break the law nor taking money from other people and giving it to them (or goods and services). And it NEVER means helping them continue to live in sin nor poo-poohing the Righteousness of God.
If you think Jesus changed the law of the Old Testament or threw it out, you’re sorely out of touch with Scripture. He fulfilled it. He didn’t make it moot. In fulfilling it he also made clear its application to all people.
It doesn’t mean we have to love the lifestyle or agree with it
Funny, because that’s exactly what the bishop was asking for.
The more you and your ilk screech about this
This is “a reader” trying to be a little nicer, isn’t it? And trying to claim some moral authority with the name change, too?
I love the accusation about “being the Pharisees” from someone trying to remove the splinter from my eye. Here’s what Jesus might have to say about your accusation:
If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.
It’s comments like these that are the very reason people are turning from the church.
No. The reason people are turning from the Church is that Progressives like you have perverted and subverted it into meaninglessness. If God is not Righteous and Holy, then His Son came for no effect. If He came for no effect, and was just a great teacher wrongly killed, then nothing He said means anything because he isn’t God, not the Savior, and the only thing remaining IS the Old Testament. I see the exact same God in both Testaments:
God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change— he will hear them and humble them, because they have no fear of God.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
BTW, that first quote… it also requires that you don’t define “marginalized” as “Those sinners who have had their unrepentant voices amplified to 11 over the last 8 years.”
[…] NO. NEXT? Mercy – Does The Bishop Even Understand It? […]
Showing mercy to a wolf is condemnation of your lambs.
In the past decade, membership has fallen by almost 25% in her diocese. Actual church attendance has fallen by over a third. Average age is over well over 50 – past the age of reproduction. This is the fruit of their lies.
Jesus: Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?…
I find it amazing how presciently Paul talked about these false teachers: “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
Nice nick, and nailed the quotes.
The Bishop is a narcissist and hypocrite of the worst sort. She failed to follow the ordinance of 1 Peter 2:1, “Therefore rid yourself of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind…”. Of course, you wouldn’t be surprised to find out Bishop Budde is married to Paul Budde, a telecommunications consultant heavily tied in with the national security complex. Bishop Budde is a well-known leftist agitator who is on record as saying “…we must replace Trump…” during his first administration. When we took our family to Mass last night, our priest, Father Tomasz, made a point of saying how she had “ambushed” the President and how her actions were “ministerial malpractice” to go after an individual present in the congregation as those things are only for private conversation. I agree.
A Believer, yes Jesus Christ talks about mercy, but don’t forget in the letters of the New Testament, problems should first be dealt with privately and only then after several steps go public.
Also, our Lord talked about harming children. I think that pushing gender ideology, immediate surgery for the barest thoughts of not fitting in to your own sex, being harassed and raped in a bathroom that was originally for women only, fall in the category for millstones and seas.
Where is the Bishop’s mercy for them?
Anna, you’re using facts and logic.. reader doesn’t do well with either.
Have this bishop ever begged Obama, Biden and Kamala to grant MERCY to all the babies victims of abortion? ,
One word came to my mind instantly: shrew.
“an unpleasant, ill-tempered woman characterised by scolding, nagging, and aggression.”