Masking Toddlers is Mandating Child Cruelty

Masking Toddlers is Mandating Child Cruelty

Masking Toddlers is Mandating Child Cruelty

It’s come to this: New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced that masking for children in day care facilities would begin. She said it’s because of the “scariest stories” from the “national news” about kids contracting Covid.

So even though her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, tried this in May and failed after public outrage ensued, Hochul is giving it another go.

But there are ways of dealing with this, assures Kalie Donaldson of the Erie County Child Care Resource Center. Parents can “have conversations” with their children.

“But parents can help at home by having conversations with their children, practicing their mask-wearing, and making sure they are as prepared for this as possible.”

You mean like with this little guy? Maybe his parents didn’t have an adequate “conversation” with him. Or he just didn’t get the governor’s memo.

Of course Covid Porn Fans responded, with some even comparing masking kids to wearing diapers. Like a self-declared “anarcho-communist,” who is suddenly worried about following rules.  (Anarcho-communist sounds like an oxymoron to me, but apparently it’s a Thing).

He tweeted:

“Do you say this to all the parents trying to stop their toddler from trying to take off their diaper in public? They don’t understand rules yet. They don’t know why we make them wear clothes. They’re uncomfortable so they try to take them off. Sometimes in bad places.”

Or this guy comparing masks to shoes:

“Yeah i called the cops on my cousin because she kept making her kids wear shoes in public too. They hate it!”
Leave it to Twitter to bring out the Stupid in people.
masking kids/

Let’s unpack this nonsense, shall we?

Shoes, diapers, and clothing do not impede breathing. Masks, however, can — especially for a young toddler. And when breathing is impaired, panic sets in. It doesn’t matter if it’s an adult, child, baby, cat, or puppy — any sentient mammal knows it must breathe to survive. Forcing a mask over the mouth of a frantic toddler is abuse.

This cruelty also happened last week on an American Airlines flight. The airline booted a woman and her two-year-old from a flight because the little guy wouldn’t wear a mask. The mom claimed he has asthma and the mask made him hyperventilate — but that’s not the most important thing here. Masking a terrified two-year-old is heartless. The flight attendant who insisted on the mask is a power-tripping tyrant.

Besides that, masking of children this young may not even be effective. As Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins wrote in the Wall Street Journal last month:

“Believe it or not, we could find only a single retrospective study on the question, and its results were inconclusive.”

Plus, Jeffrey Flier, a former dean of Harvard Medical School, concurred:

“We lack credible evidence for benefits of masking kids aged 2 to 5, despite what the American Academy of Pediatrics says.”

Not only that, but all Gov. Hochul needed to do before she considered masking tiny children is to look across the Pond to Europe. Most of Europe, in fact, doesn’t require their children to wear a mask, and that’s children of any age. Spain, Italy, and France in particular don’t require children under five to wear them, and Great Britain doesn’t require masks in schools at all.

But the United States seems to have a bumper crop of autocratic governors and bureaucrats who relish their power trips. Meantime, tiny children will suffer through mask diktats because grownups have to feel better. As City Journal writer John Tierney put it, these practices serve “no more rational purpose than our ancestors’ child sacrifices to the gods.”


Featured image: Screenshot/Derek Straub/Twitter/cropped and altered.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

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  • GWB says:

    it’s because of the “scariest stories” from the “national news”
    Yeah, so you’re going to force little children to wear masks because you can’t avoid fear-mongering?

    (Anarcho-communist sounds like an oxymoron to me, but apparently it’s a Thing).
    You have to have the anarchy before you can get to the communism. The communism never seems palatable otherwise.

    bring out the Stupid in people
    Oh, kudos for bringing Treasure of the Sierra Madre into this!

    And when breathing is impaired, panic sets in.
    Then there’s the psychological impact of forcing a child to submit to your unreasonable fears.

    the biggest losers in our society to believe they are morally virtuous
    This has been the largest consequence of the Winnie The Flu dempanic: turning people from any actual claim of being rational to full on invocation of ward words and gestures and magical totems. And in the process, transforming boastful surety into moral superiority.

    masking of children this young may not even be effective
    Oh, it’s effective. At least if you understand the end result is a submissive, fearful society and not actually preventing infection and disease.

    these practices serve “no more rational purpose than our ancestors’ child sacrifices to the gods.”
    Because that’s what they are. Understand Progressivism is a religion and one of its gods is SCIENCE! and REASON! is its archangel. Abortion is part of it, and this Mask The Children! bit is too.

    • Kim Hirsch says:

      Understand Progressivism is a religion and one of its gods is SCIENCE! and REASON! is its archangel. Abortion is part of it. . .

      Abortion is their sacrament.

  • ROP says:

    Children are least affected. Adults were not masked and yet the children were ?
    This bizzaro world and the wicked are in full display.

    Fight them and shame them let the wicked and evil have no rest

  • […] quality from face-shield use and distorted verbal speech from masks.” As our own Kim Hirsch noted just the other day, masking toddlers in akin to child abuse!    On the other side of the […]

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