Martha Ann Alito Is A Hero Of The Republic

Martha Ann Alito Is A Hero Of The Republic

Martha Ann Alito Is A Hero Of The Republic

Martha Ann Alito, wife of Supreme Court of the United States’ Associate Justice Samuel, is a hero of the Republic and a role model for all women. This isn’t her first rodeo and she isn’t going to play Silly Swamp Thing games. She isn’t going to play to the script of the Democrat Media Industrial Complex.

The Democrat Media Industrial Complex has had all kinds of feels with TOO MANY “Conservatives” on the SCOTUS. None of them good. Their answer is always destroy the institution. Remember how hard they went after the late SCOTUS Antonin Scalia? They burst eye blood vessels when Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell prevented them from replacing him. When Sonia Sotomayor is crying because decisions don’t go her way and Ketanji Brown Jackson can’t define a woman, the Democrat Media Industrial Complex is fonged unless they capture SCOTUS.

That is why the wonderful Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni, have been being picked over by the vultures on the Left. Yesterday’s Daily Beast suggested that Miss Ginni and Martha Ann Alito for a Real Housewives spinoff:

Should The Real Spouses of the Supreme Court ever make it to our screens, Martha-Ann Alito would not be alone. There is also Ginni Thomas, the Trump-supporting wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, who helped lead the “Stop the Steal” campaign to overturn results of the 2020 election and who attended the Jan. 6 rally, but did not march on the Capitol.

Earlier that day, she reportedly wrote on her Facebook page to those demonstrating, “LOVE MAGA people!!!!” and “GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU STANDING UP or PRAYING.” Later, she apologized to her husband’s former law clerks in a letter: “I owe you all an apology. I have likely imposed on you my lifetime passions.”

Ginni Thomas previously decried Black Lives Matter activists as “radical extremists seeking to foment a cultural revolution because they hate America.”

Thomas’ history of right-wing advocacy is long. As the Washington Post reported, “She has allied with numerous people and groups that have interests before the court, and she has dedicated herself to causes involving some of the most polarizing issues in the country.”

Long, as in since the 70’s. But Democrats can’t have women out there having their own lives and thoughts. Women must know their place.

That brings us to Miss Martha Ann Alito and her surreptitious recording by Act Blue’s Lauren Windsor. She is not the kind of woman to be controlled. From Red State:

But though the supposed “inconsistency” itself was also a nothingburger, as explained here, Mrs. Alito’s comments to Windsor on that tape – which once again for the record was made when she didn’t know she was being recorded – blow a big hole in the NYT’s glaring insinuations about Justice Alito sharing Mrs. Alito’s alleged pro-flag flying/Capitol rioter sympathies:

In Windsor’s recording, the justice’s wife sounded unrepentant, describing her critics as “feminazis” and threatening libel lawsuits against the press.

“There’s a five-year defamation statute of limitations,” Alito said. “Don’t get angry. Get even.” She also expressed deep resentment about newspaper criticism of her fashion choices “early on” and said her husband’s efforts to rein in her penchant for flying provocative flags have largely fallen short.

“He never controls me,” she told Windsor.

Martha-Ann Alito did say she has deferred to her husband in recent days by not seeking, for now, to counter an LGBTQ pride flag flying near their home. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the pride flag for the next month,” she said. “I said, ‘When you are free of this nonsense, I’m putting it up.’”

Mrs. Alito has been under attack since they got to D.C.. Especially from Fashion Commentator Robin Givhan. From The Cut:

In Martha-Ann’s view, however, the reporting is an extension of attacks she feels the press has lobbied against her since her husband joined the Court. “I was denigrated early on, when we first came to town,” Alito said, bringing up a specific incident to illustrate her yearslong gripes: a Post style-section column from 18 years ago, in which Givhan critiqued her outfits during her husband’s confirmation hearings.

In her piece, Givhan wrote that the “charmingly awkward” cable-knit blue cardigan the nominee’s wife wore one day was reminiscent of bringing her own binky to the Senate. She added, “But then, who couldn’t use a little comfort during such a public ordeal?” The fashion critic also compared the gold tweed suit Martha-Ann wore on the third day of the confirmation hearings “​​to the upholstery that once covered La-Z-Boy.”

Even after nearly two decades, Martha-Ann recalled these details with uncanny clarity, complaining to Windsor that Givhan wrote she’d worn “a baby blanket one day and the next time I had on a La-Z-Boy recliner pattern suit.” Martha-Ann then claimed that the column was why Givhan won the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for Criticism; the writer actually won for a slate of other pieces published in 2005. In her retelling, the justice’s wife called up Givhan to congratulate her on the award — misidentifying her as working for the New York Times — and asked her whether she’d be wearing Balenciaga to accept the prize, mispronouncing the brand as “Balenchega.” She then says she told Givhan to go take a walk around New York and enjoy her life. “She never came after me again,” Martha-Ann said.

If the Democrats are making a big deal out of flags, like the Appeal to Heaven flag, they must be scared.

I really want a Martha Ann Alito “Shame” flag. Our hero.

Featured Image: Italy in US/ Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Liberals want women to think for themselves and then get shocked when it happens. But this is the party of slavery and segregation so their behavior isn’t too shocking.

    • Actual liberals do want women (and men) to think for themselves.

      The fascists that CALL themselves liberals want women (and men) to think for themselves – only so long as they think the proper thoughts. (Or it’s irrelevant, such as whether to get a “grande” frappucino today.)

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