Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerbucks and Censorship

Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerbucks and Censorship

Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerbucks and Censorship

Well, isn’t that special? Mark Zuckerberg told the House Judiciary Committee that he’s really sorry that his Zuckerbucks and bootheel censorship influenced the 2020 election and he’ll be more judicious. Right…You believe that because you have never been in Facebook jail. Zuckerberg is just going to find better ways to cheat for the Dems.

I think Jeff Bezos is just your average evil, super rich guy and Elon Musk is a supersweet light years ahead of us smart, super rich guy. But, Mark Zuckerberg looks like an evil, reptilian super rich guy who wants to dictate what we eat, how we think, and who gets to live and die. He can paper the Capitol walls with letters but I don’t believe shite. Here is how the Washington Examiner wrote up this latest reptilian Zuckermove:

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg made weighty promises to Congress on Monday ahead of the 2024 election, saying he planned to fight any pressure from the White House to censor content on his social media platform and that he would not donate his controversial “Zuckerbucks” in this year’s election.

Zuckerberg said in his most explicit criticisms yet of the Biden White House that senior officials “repeatedly pressured” the tech billionaire’s company to suppress content related to COVID-19 on its Facebook platform in 2021.

“Senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree,” Zuckerberg wrote.
He said he believed the pressure from the White House, which came to light through a sweeping lawsuit brought by two Republican attorneys general in 2022, was “wrong,” that he regretted not being more vocal about it, that he made misinformed content moderation choices, and that his company would “push back” on any future pressure.

“I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction—and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again,” Zuckerberg wrote.

He “feels strongly”. Sad trombone sound for Zuck. He doesn’t want to compromise his “content standards” like he did because of repeated “pressure” from the Biden folks. Cry me a freaking river.

The House Judiciary Committee posted the Zuck letter on X and notice the corporate address – “1 Hacker Way”, so appropriate:

We knew two years ago that Mark Zuckerberg’s content moderators “throttled” the Hunter Biden story. Zuckerberg admitted it to Joe Rogan. Nina wrote it up and you can read her post here.

The Wall Street Journal addressed the Zuckerbucks issue:

Zuckerberg also made clear he didn’t plan to repeat heavy spending on election access. The billionaire Facebook founder and his wife, Priscilla Chan, donated more than $400 million to nonprofits to help conduct elections during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.

While many localities said the money was a lifeline helping them register voters, set up socially-distanced voting booths and provide equipment to sort mail-in ballots, among other uses. Republicans said that the money, which they dubbed “Zuckerbucks,” unfairly benefited Democratic areas. More than two dozen mostly Republican-leaning states have now banned, limited or regulated the use of private funds to manage elections, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

I am a free speech kind of girl, so I don’t know if banning or regulating private funds is a good idea. I just think Big Zucker should have been honest about his goals. I also thought it was disgusting when Senator Josh Hawley subjected Zuckertwat to ritual humiliation by asking him to apologize to the families of children harmed by Instagram. Remember:

I don’t think evil, reptilian super rich guys actually change behaviors after ritual humiliation. They just find better ways to cheat. This is just the tip of the Zuckerberg. We, American voters, were cheated. Yes, Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Joe Rogan about the laptop, but he still hasn’t come clean about Zuckerbucks. He doesn’t believe $400 million to Progressive organizations affected the outcome of the election. $400 freaking million.

Don’t believe a thing Mark Zuckerberg’s attorneys at 1 Hacker Way approve for him to sign and keep your eyes on everything this election cycle.

Featured Image: Alex Proimos/ Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Until the officials of the current administration are named, arrested and convicted for their behavior, nothing is going to change.

    • Scott says:

      Right on Cameron. Interesting how the feebs and DOJ have plenty of time to investigate parents that try to protect their children from groomers, and nuns that pray in front of abortion clinics, (or initiating unending lawfare against President Trump for doing less than what President Clinton did) but when it comes to govt officials breaking the law, or President Trump being shot, they slow roll, cover up, destroy evidence (criminal activity in itself), and generally fail to do their job.. almost like it’s part of the plan..

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