Major Tulsi Gabbard Tailed In “Quiet Skies” TSA Program

Major Tulsi Gabbard Tailed In “Quiet Skies” TSA Program

Major Tulsi Gabbard Tailed In “Quiet Skies” TSA Program

We see security failing in every area of our world where security is important. The Crowdstrike cybersecurity failure and the Donald Trump assassination attempt, that killed a rally goer and injured two more, are in your face examples. The flipside of those failures is the government sending out their Keystone Kops to spy on January 6 Grandmas and Major Tulsi Gabbard.

We shouldn’t be surprised that there are surveillance programs that go after flag waving Americans at this point, but we had never heard of the “Quiet Skies” program until last week:

Well, let’s be honest. If I was part of the Unelected Authoritarian Fascist Cabal, you bet your bottom dollar that I would keep a close eye on Major Tulsi Gabbard. She’s telegenic, well-spoken and doesn’t care about whose ox she gores. The Washington D.C. Industrial Complex is gonna have a real problem with a smart, strong woman like her. She’s not a craven politician (think Hillary Clinton) and she’s not a malleable dullard (think Kamala Harris).

What then is Quiet Skies? From the December 18, 2018 edition of Popular Mechanics:

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is scaling back a controversial program that surveilled everyday people in deep, deep detail.


Quiet Skies isn’t dissolving, but has “evolved,” an agency representative told CNN. Part of that evolution means TSA will no longer compile passenger behaviors into a report if the person fails to do anything noteworthy. “The only change to the program has been in the reporting mechanism,” TSA said in its statement.

Members of the Air Marshal Association aren’t really in love with the program, either, citing its tendency to devote outsize attention to nothing in particular.

Or, maybe they are surveilling a “particular” nuisance to the Deep State. Former Representative of Hawaii and Army Major Tulsi Gabbard used to be a member in good standing of the Democrat Party until she buried Kamala Harris in the Democrat Debate in 2020:

Gabbard was not a fan of the United States and her Three-Letter Agencies trying to spark regime change in Syria against Bashar Assaad. Oops. Tulsi is an enemy of the State and a Russian Asset, per Hillary Clinton:

Tulsi Gabbard dropped out of the race and eventually the Democrat Party, but the Deep State doesn’t forgive or forget. Then, July 23, 2024, she went on Laura Ingraham and buried Kamala Harris. Not smart and not strong. Unable to stand up to the warmongering Military Industrial Complex:

And then 16 days ago, hello candidate change, Major Tulsi Gabbard is suddenly quadruple S in the Quiet Skies program. From Matt Taiibi:

This story began two weeks ago, when the former Hawaii congresswoman returned home after a short trip abroad. In airport after airport, she and her husband Abraham Williams encountered obstacles. First on a flight from Rome to Dallas, then a connecting flight to Austin, and later on different flights for both to cities like Nashville, Orlando, and Atlanta, their boarding passes were marked with the “SSSS” designation, which stands for “Secondary Security Screening Selection.” The “Quad-S” marker is often a sign the traveler has been put on a threat list, and Gabbard and Williams were forced into extensive “random” searches lasting as long as 45 minutes.

“It happened every time I boarded,” says Gabbard. The Iraq war veteran and current Army reservist tends to pack light, but no matter.

“I’ve got a couple of blazers in there, and they’re squeezing every inch of the entire collar, every inch of the sleeves, every inch of the edging of the blazers,” she says. “They’re squeezing or padding down underwear, bras, workout clothes, every inch of every piece of clothing.” Agents unzipped the lining inside the roller board of her suitcase, patting down every inch inside the liner. Gabbard was asked to take every piece of electronics out and turn each on, including her military phone and computer.

That was the other strange thing. “I use my military ID to get through security sometimes,” says Gabbard, who among other things traveled to her reservist base in Oklahoma during this period. Once, she was unable to get through security with military ID. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agent saw the “SSSS” marker. “The TSA agent said, ‘Why are you Quad-S? You’re in the military,’” explains Gabbard. “And I said, ‘That’s exactly what I’m wondering.’

That’s some scary Deep State shit. “Secondary Security Screening Selection” that’s sounds like something out of China. “Terror threat list”? That marks Tulsi Gabbard as ungovernable. I am not surprised. They impeached and tried to bankrupt and jail Donald Trump. Don’t forget the incompetence that cost a life and nearly Trump’s on July 13.

Thank God for Whistleblowers and courageous Americans like Donald Trump and hero Tulsi Gabbard. No Deep State meat puppets there.

Featured Image: Military Photographer/wikimedia Domain

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  • Kevin and company aren’t here to add their defense of a “biracial woman”? Color me surprised!

    She’s one that I would seriously consider voting for POTUS, even though I disagree with her on many points – if the GOPe put up a Romney or Christie, for instance. Actually says what she means.

  • Lloyd says:

    I wish Tulsi were the Republican candidate….I would vote for her; she would win big time!

  • D C says:

    Tulsi is one of the more interesting politicians.
    She is smart. Smart is good.
    Amen on the whistleblowers.

    • Carter – smart – absolutely no common sense.

      Clinton – smart – absolutely no moral sense.

      Gabbard – smart – excellent moral sense – reasonably good common sense.

      She’d be in the top ten of Presidents. (Not the top five, though.)

  • Stephen C says:

    It is harassment. Make her day inconvenient. Annoy her to no end. They know Ms. Gabbard is not a security threat. It is their way to drag good people through the process. The process is the punishment.

  • GWB says:

    OK, a few salient points to start with:

    No, “Secondary Security Screening Selection” doesn’t sound like something out of China. It’s just a label for a more thorough search than primary screening.
    I can actually see the SSSS for a military person if background investigators have something they’re digging into related to her clearance. They now do “Continuous Vetting” and would start digging now instead of waiting for the 5-year point.
    And, of course, the flag-waving isn’t really a defense, since we’ve had folks like Robert Hanssen be spies. And speaking ill of the gov’t is one of the signals for “insider threat.” (It’s nebulous enough to be done right and well, or to snare good, constitutionally-minded people.)

    Having said that, this seems like something more nefarious. Mostly because we’ve seen a lot of nefarious stuff – the last 8 years, in particular. If they’ve put it on every ticket for some months, they’re desperately trying to find something (and blown it by making it obvious to the target). Or they’re trying to harass her.

    A quick story:
    Soon after 9/11 I had to fly as a military contractor. (After the brief point where they simply searched every single person.) EVERYONE who got taken aside for a secondary search – checked luggage and carry-on at the counter, then carry-on again at the checkpoint – was military or a contractor. And, discussing it with a couple of the personnel doing the search, they knew it and it was on purpose. The reason? The military personnel couldn’t complain. They had to just suck it up. They annoyed and hassled our military so they could make their numbers and not have the electorate revolt.

    So, this doesn’t surprise me at all.

    • Toni Williams says:

      Robert Hanssen blended. He was unknown. Tulsi Gabbard doesn’t blend and is well known.

      • GWB says:

        True. I’m just saying that “Rah-rah USA” is not a given for “Oh, sure, show ’em all the secrets, then.” I’m just figuring how they’re justifying it and how it flows with all of the training (about security clearances and ‘insider threats’).

  • draigh says:

    Wouldn’t Ms. Gabbard make a remarkable Secretary of Defense?

    • GWB says:

      She might indeed. But I’d need to know her military bona fides and what sort of strategic thoughts she has before I tossed her into that.

      • Chief of Staff is responsible for developing and coordinating strategy among the various services for the Commander in Chief. Secretary of Defense is responsible for developing and coordinating military policy for the President. They necessarily should work together, of course, to ensure that the objectives of the President and Commander in Chief are achieved.

        One thing that is rather important, though, is to make sure that neither one of them is going to be placing a call to Beijing to tell them how the United States military is going to respond to, say, an attack on “the rebellious province.”

        I don’t think that Major Gabbard would do that – unlike either of the two treasonous bastards holding those positions today.

  • SD says:

    Live Stream Presidential Debate #1 Trump vs. Harris . . . OOPS! Donald Trump Town Hall 9PM ET

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