MAGA Republicans Against Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge?

MAGA Republicans Against Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge?

MAGA Republicans Against Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge?

World-renowned Economist Paul Krugman published an Op-Ed last night at the New York Times. The article’s subject is a combination of current events and the Democrats’ current bugbear: The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge and MAGA Republicans. The title: “Will MAGA Republicans Block Baltimore’s Rebuilding?”. Krugman isn’t the least bit worried that the bridge won’t get rebuilt. He wants the jellyfish Republicans to approve all spending and pork products attached to any bill about the bridge and pass the bill without questions. Jeez, Krugman’s a derp.

I enjoy taking the piss out of Paul Krugman because he deserves to be mocked. Four years ago, David Harsanyi wrote an article about Krugman for National Review “Paul Krugman: Always Wrong, Never in Doubt”. Truer words were never typed.

Regarding the bridge and the recalcitrant MAGA Republicans, Krugman wrote:

Soon after a huge container ship struck Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, bringing it down, President Biden pledged that the federal government would “pay the entire cost of reconstructing” the bridge. This would clearly be the right thing to do, not just to help the state of Maryland but also to limit the economic damage from a disaster that has blocked both a major road artery and a major port. Among other things, the Port of Baltimore plays a key role in both exports of coal and trade in farm and construction equipment, so the bridge disaster will have direct adverse effects on the heartland as well as the East Coast.

And if America were still the same country that enacted the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 — passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in Congress and signed into law by a Republican president — which gave rise to our Interstate System, there would be little question that Congress would approve funding soon after it returns from Easter recess.

But we aren’t that country anymore. Biden will probably be able to get funds for rebuilding, but it’s by no means a sure thing.

The rise of MAGA Republicans is only part of the problem. I’ve seen several people citing the response to the 2007 collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minnesota as an example of what things were like in a better political era. Indeed, within days, Congress voted unanimously to provide $250 million in aid.

Biden pledged us (you and me) to pay the cost because he was talking out of his hat. It’s very easy to be generous with “Other People’s Money” (OPM). The I35 Bridge collapse is not an apples to apples comparison. That bridge had a fatal design flaw that State and Federal Inspectors knew about. It’s a miracle more people weren’t killed because of this incompetence.

A bloody container ship ran into a pilon on the Key Bridge. It’s early days, but we will probably never really know what happened. Already the insurers are working at limiting their liability, but they need to pay part of the cost. Krugman may think MAGA Republicans are all filthy…rich. We are not. The insurers need to pony up first.

What about the Infrastructure Bill? But, there are so many other needs. Here is what Station KTVB wrote:

The Biden administration has already approved federal funding to rebuild the bridge.

The Biden administration has already approved $60 million in federal funding to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge after the collapse.

In a press release on Thursday, March 28, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) described the federal aid as “quick release Emergency Relief (ER) funds.”

“These funds serve as a down payment toward initial costs, and additional Emergency Relief program funding will be made available as work continues,” the FHWA said.

The bipartisan infrastructure law enacted in 2021 authorized “funding into the emergency relief account,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said during a briefing on Wednesday, March 27.

That account had about $950 million in it at last check, but also has “a long line of needs and projects behind that,” Buttigieg said. The Biden administration has already approved federal funding to rebuild the bridge.

The Biden administration has already approved $60 million in federal funding to rebuild the Francis Scott Key Bridge after the collapse.

In a press release on Thursday, March 28, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) described the federal aid as “quick release Emergency Relief (ER) funds.”

“These funds serve as a down payment toward initial costs, and additional Emergency Relief program funding will be made available as work continues,” the FHWA said.

The bipartisan infrastructure law enacted in 2021 authorized “funding into the emergency relief account,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said during a briefing on Wednesday, March 27.

That account had about $950 million in it at last check, but also has “a long line of needs and projects behind that,” Buttigieg said.

So the Key Bridge isn’t really that much of a priority or the Government just wants to squeeze more out of us taxpayer. Evil MAGA Republicans.

A new channel has been opened to assist clean up.

Featured Picture: Maryland GovPics/ Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Take every dime going to anything outside of our borders and apply it to the bridge rebuilding. Render any lawsuit or demand for environmental impact studies null and void. Then get the hell out of the way of the people who have the ability to clean the harbor and rebuild the bridge.

  • GWB says:

    Toni, you got a double quote in there from that KTVB report.

    As to who should pay…
    Yes, there should be some federal funding. I think Krugman is partly right with the Interstate comparison.
    There should be a lot of state funding, since this impacts the state (its citizens, that is) more than anyone.
    And, yes, as the rebuilding is going on, there needs to be a major lawsuit against the company (and the captain*) to recover funds for the bridge and to pay compensation to all of the victims (including those who lived). There also needs to be a big penalty payment to the state of Maryland and the Port of Baltimore – every nickle lost in revenue while no new ships can enter the port needs to be repaid by the ship company.

    And, look to the Escambia Bay Bridge after Hurricane Ivan in 2004 for how to do it right.

    (* The captain should be held personally liable, as it was his responsibility to maintain the seaworthiness of his craft. The engines and electrical power failing was on him. That ship had to have had problems that would have kept it at dock, and he approved it heading out to sea.)

  • John Shepherd says:

    Keeping an international port open to navigation is something that is a federal responsibility so it is appropriate to use federal funds to re-open the channel and rebuild the bridge or a bore a tunnel. Your opposition is nothing more than neverism. Biden is for it so you are against it. Trump would rebuild the bridge with federal money if he were President so you can give Biden a pass on this.

    • Scott says:

      Keeping the port open, yes, rebuilding the bridge, no.. Once again, your TDS is showing. To act like the shipping company, captain, and their insurance bears no financial responsibility is the height of stupidity, and I’m pretty sure you know that John.

      As to the neverism you claim, that’s pure bullshit too. All here would demand that President Trump go after those responsible as well. The difference is that unlike the current potted plant in the White House, President Trump would know to do that, and would do so without needing to be told.. Once again, it’s your TDS at work.

      • John Shepherd says:

        The bridge is a major interstate thoroughfare and part the federal interstate highway system. The interstate should be a dead giveaway that there is federal interest.

        Saying Donald Trump would fund the new bridge is a hardly a sign TDS. Rather, yhe fact that use term TDS show your Trump Worship Derangement Syndrome in play again. You really need help from a cult deprogrammer.

        • Scott says:

          Nice try, but wrong. I am more than willing to admit the mans flaws, but I also pay attention to how he operates. I have not, do not, and will not worship ANY politician, they are all flawed human beings, and I will point out both their good and bad as it comes, regardless of party.

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