FBI Opens Criminal Investigation of Container Ship Dali

FBI Opens Criminal Investigation of Container Ship Dali

The FBI opens a criminal investigation of the container ship Dali. The Francis Scott Key bridge was brought down when the Dali went off course, leaving the harbor, and crashed into the bridge’s pillar, collapsing. Six individuals were on the bridge, two bodies recovered, and the other four are presumed dead.

MAGA Republicans Against Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge?

MAGA Republicans Against Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge?

World-renowned Economist Paul Krugman published an Op-Ed last night at the New York Times. The article’s subject is a combination of current events and the Democrats’ current…

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Is An Economic Disaster

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Is An Economic Disaster

The news and videos out this morning of the cargo ship Dali ramming into the Francis Scott Key Bridge and causing it to collapse is like a…

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Ava Gardner