“Long Live Freedom, Dammit” Battle Cry of Argentina’s Milei

“Long Live Freedom, Dammit” Battle Cry of Argentina’s Milei

“Long Live Freedom, Dammit” Battle Cry of Argentina’s  Milei

It’s tough to get excited about political heroes, they so often have feet of clay or hats out begging, like Volodymyr Zelensky. Occasionally, we succumb. We admire Donald Trump, in spite of his obvious flaws. He has flicked away the slings and arrows flung at him by the Democrat Media Industrial Complex and Corporate Republicans. Then, there comes Argentina’s recently elected President Javier Milei. He has gifted us a new battle cry, “Long Live Freedom, dammit”.

We were skeptical of Milei, especially when told his was a Libertarian and then compared to the Populist Donald Trump. But, when he can stand a coalition of Bond Villains at the World Economic Forus and shout, “Long Live Freedom, dammit”, you deserve the props.

Speaking of Bond Villains, this is spot on:

Before I show you what Milei said, you need to see his accomplishments. The boy knows Economics:

Licentiate in Economics, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina; two Master’s in Economics, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and CEDES/IDES. Formerly: Head Economist, Estudio Broda and Máxima AFJP; Senior Economist, HSBC, Argentina; Adviser of the Argentine Government, ICSID. Head Economist, Corporación América. B-20/G-20 Adviser and Member, Group of Economic Policy, ICC/G-20. Lead the division of Economic Studies, Fundación Acordar, a think tank of national scope. For more than 20 years, University Professor of Macroeconomics, Economics of Growth, Microeconomics and Mathematics for Economists. Has written over 50 academic papers.

He should teach members of the World Economics Forum (WEF) economics. Those who aren’t Bond Villains think that Economics are magic. Here is Milei’s speech:

“Collectivist experiments are never the solution…” From the New York Post, here is Douglas Murray’s take:

Milei comes from a country that tried collectivism in a big way. And in Argentina — like everywhere else — it led to economic and social ruin.

What he offered was a positive way out of current trends. Where the Davos crowd now seems to see human beings as the problem, Milei recognized that we are the solution. And he is right.

There is no reason to see population growth as a negative. Or to think of the world’s resources as some kind of zero-sum game.

Instead of seeing free markets as a challenge, Milei reminded Davos that they are an opportunity.

And he also put his finger on the point when he added that the prevailing religion of “social justice” is mere cover for the old type of socialism.

It is a mindset that is anti-growth as well as anti-excellence, leading to a flattening of society. In the name of making everyone equal, what it does is pull everyone down.

I can’t foretell how Milei’s vision will work for his country.

But I know I’d put my faith in him long before I’d put it in the shamans and doomsayers of Davos.

Did you see the Shaman they brought in to bless the proceedings? What a maroon. And, the geniuses who want to tell us how to live let her basically spit in their faces. Naw, my dudes. They went from doubling masking to this. Ugh.

The only island of sanity in between the Shamans and Bond Villains was President Javier Milei. The man gave a history and economics masterclass and he is a genius at communications. I don’t want to get too excited, but hot damn.

Long Live Freedom, dammit! What a battle cry.

Featured Image: Ilan Berkenwald/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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