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Liberals Strange Obsessions: Meet “Greasy Face Mitt Romney”

Liberals Strange Obsessions: Meet “Greasy Face Mitt Romney”

Liberals Strange Obsessions:  Meet “Greasy Face Mitt Romney”

Understanding what makes a liberal so remarkably strange is an art, or even, a science. Of course we conservatives believe liberalism isn’t just an oddity, or a way of life, we believe liberalism is a disease.

Most of us know that Libs have had quite a few WTF moments over the years: like Sheryl Crow’s plan to save the planet by reducing our toilet paper usage or Hillary channeling a black dialect while giving a speech in Selma, or most recently that woman and her obama phone. The examples of their “disease” is legion and Jenny Erikson has done a great job at pulling together some of their dopey quotes, like this from Senator John Kerry (D-Mass), in reference to the troops:

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

Remarkable, no?

But this…THIS takes the cake for me. It’s the newest interwebz obsession for liberals and it’s called “Greasy Face Mitt Romney”. It’s just weird..and creepy.

You can check out some of the other “Greasy Mitt” gifs by going here. There were so many, I had a hard time picking my er, “favorite”. One thing I know, when Mitt Romney is president, I’m confident our economy will improve and more jobs created. These people need to work. They have way too much free time on their hands.

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