If you have listened to any liberal “journalist” commentary over the last couple of days, Vice President Mike Pence is either a cuckoo religious nut, a raving misogynist, breaking the law, or actively promoting “rape culture.”
And the only thing he said was that he never eats meals alone with women who aren’t his wife. Apparently, this is the greatest crime known to journalistic mankind in the 21st century, given the amount of virtual ink spilled decrying it.
Mike Pence never dines alone w a woman not his wife, nor does he attends events w alcohol, w/o her by his side. https://t.co/BxfS0JzbAc
— Ashley Parker (@AshleyRParker) March 29, 2017
This is the line that sent liberals into warp, freaking out.
Dishonest media took this excerpt and spun it to state Pence will not work with women. Hacks. pic.twitter.com/zkHM2pyYmX
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 29, 2017
Most people would see this as extremely practical advice for a politician (and apparently everyone has forgotten how the National Enquirer got media outlets to run with an “OMG does Ted Cruz have mistresses???” story during the primaries), the idea that Pence actively makes sure that he can not be accused of any impropriety (this has also been referred to as “the Billy Graham rule” because this was also his policy) is now considered insanity.
This also shows me just how many of these journalists have failed reading comprehension. Back to third grade with you all. When you read the quote, it says that Pence “never eats alone with a woman other than his wife.” The keyword here is ALONE. This does not mean that he refuses to eat with women, or doesn’t have “working meals” with his staff, or – as Clara Jeffery of Mother Jones tried and failed to make the gigantic leap – that he never hires women; it means that he is NOT ALONE WITH THEM.
It is apparently too much for liberal journalists to read the word “alone” and think “so, he just makes sure he’s not alone with them.”
But but but religious crazy man!
Evangelist Billy Graham followed a similar rule, not traveling, meeting or eating with another woman alone. It is sometimes referred to as “The Billy Graham Rule.” The practice is still common among many evangelicals.
This 15-year-old paraphrase resurfacing has led to many tweets. A simple search of “Mike Pence” shows some of the reactions. Many question Vice President Pence’s self-control and see the practice as sexist.
But but but this is illegal!
I made a joke late last night that today's Pence fidelity stories would be even stupider. I wish I'd been wrong. pic.twitter.com/ilE6oVWy3I
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) March 31, 2017
To be sure, a politician’s declining to dine alone with a woman does not fall in the same category as a law partner refusing to work with women (or at least musing about refusing to work with women). Nonetheless, the practice described by Pence in that 2002 interview is clearly illegal when practiced by a boss in an employment setting, and deeply damaging to women’s employment opportunities.
Title VII, which governs workplace discrimination, does not allow employers to treat people differently on the basis of certain protected characteristics, one of which is sex. This means that an employer cannot set the terms and conditions of employment differently for one gender than for the other. This includes any aspect of the relationship between employer and employees — extending to benefits like equal access to the employer.
Oh, and the above comes from Vox, in which the author also suggests that Karen Pence needs counseling.
As for the prototypical jealous wife? Perhaps some counseling is in order — and some self-reflection about why either partner in the marriage would perceive the relationship to be so vulnerable as to be undermined by the mere proximity of other women outside the wife’s presence. In any case, women in the workplace have protected civil rights that outweigh such concerns.
But but but rape culture!
Turned my tweets about Pence's no-ladies-to-lunch rule into a column https://t.co/xVkVzXLked Yes, Margaret, it is about rape culture
— Ashley Csanady (@AshleyCsanady) March 30, 2017
At its core, Pence’s self-imposed ban is rape culture.
Nor is that a label I assign lightly. “Rape culture” is a phrase so overused it’s become almost meaningless, like calling someone a Nazi on the internet. But it has a very clear meaning: the notion, whether conscious or unconscious, that men can’t control themselves around women because “boys will be boys.”
The explicit reasons for Pence’s restriction are religion and family, but the implicit reason is that he must avoid alone-time with women lest his stringent religious moral code fall apart in the presence of a little lipstick and décolletage. That is rape culture.
Wait, what? pic.twitter.com/YCOjY5T3Wq
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) March 31, 2017
Throw the term "rape culture" around like this and it'll lose whatever meaning it had left. https://t.co/Z6DOEmiiBH
— Ashe Schow (@AsheSchow) March 31, 2017
Ashley Csanady, you have a problem, and it isn’t Mike Pence.
Trying to find a middle-of-the-line treatment of the historic sexual harassment/assault allegations against Bill Clinton. Suggestions?
— Ashley Csanady (@AshleyCsanady) January 6, 2016
I highly doubt the scrutiny is going to bother the Pences. Even Slate admits that there really isn’t anything to criticize here.
But something is obviously working for Mike and Karen Pence, who have been married for 31 years despite the kind of high-power, high-demand career that has derailed many other Washington marriages. Pence seems to want a happy marriage, and is willing to work for it. That’s far more than can be said about his boss—a man who has proven more than willing to be alone with women other than his wives.
And here’s a few nuggets of wisdom that liberals would be wise to consider.
Here's some free campaign advice from a former high-level political consultant: if you or your spouse ever decide to…
Posted by Emily Zanotti Skyles on Thursday, March 30, 2017
Huma Abedin would kill to be married to Mike Pence right now
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) March 30, 2017
We live in a world where perception is reality. The Pences are being careful to avoid the perception. If this has a deeper meaning to journalists, well….
Kind of amazing that I've now seen multiple journalists who have had public problems with infidelity attack Pence.
— Mark Hemingway (@Heminator) March 30, 2017
If your outlet has been publishing "the case for open marriage" every week for the last five years, maybe sit out this Pence convo.
— Michael Wear (@MichaelRWear) March 30, 2017
It’s time to stop digging the hole, liberal journalists. You’re making yourselves, not the Pences, look like the crazy ones.
Propriety. Public behavior modeling exemplary behavior. Not giving occasion to think there is scandal. These were the reasons Billy Graham and associates agreed early on not to be seen alone in public with a woman not his wife.
Shame that our society has slipped so far that Mike and Karen Pence are applauded rather subject to the ridicule of the depraved left.
At its core, Pence’s self-imposed ban is rape culture.
Well, in one sense this is absolutely right. It’s this “rape culture” that forces him to protect himself from baloney accusations and suggestions of impropriety. The people who love to go around screaming “RAPE CULTURE!” at the top of their lungs are the very drivers behind this rule.
I think you missed making that point about the “Billy Graham rule”. It wasn’t just intended to prevent temptation (though the media always loved to focus on that part). It was primarily intended to prevent any appearance of impropriety, and to prevent bogus allegations of rape or sexual abuse or trysts. I seem to recall (I could be wrong) one woman accusing Graham of something early on, and there were something like a dozen witnesses who could testify the door was open the whole time, etc. She slunk away in shame (though Graham offered her reconciliation and forgiveness) when it was obvious the lies wouldn’t hold water.
Oh, and this
Huma Abedin would kill to be married to Mike Pence right now
is absolutely the mic drop line for this whole stupid affair. (pun intended)
OK, one more. Didn’t we go through this whole stupidity with another celebrity in the last few years? They had something like the “Billy Graham rule” and got ridiculed for it.
As a public figure Pence is correct about avoiding situations that can be turned against him. Slick Willy OTOH left stains on a blue dress and bit lips with the advice to put ice on it. And who knows what goes on beteen bho and Reggie Love?
I understand that Pence was dining at IHOP the other day and asked the server to remove the “Mrs. Butterworth” pancake syrup from his table until his wife arrived….