L.A. Mayor: No Cars Allowed At 2028 Olympics

L.A. Mayor: No Cars Allowed At 2028 Olympics

L.A. Mayor: No Cars Allowed At 2028 Olympics

No cars allowed! That’s according to Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass. The 2028 Olympics in LA will be car free.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said her city is working to make the Summer Olympic games car-free when they’re held in her city in 2028.

“We’re already working to create jobs by expanding our public transportation system in order for us to have a no-car Games,” she said in a Saturday release. “And that’s a feat for Los Angeles, as we’ve always been in love with our cars. We’re working to ensure that we can build a greener Los Angeles.”

I’m so laughing at this absurdity. Does Bass really think that they can have a brand spanking newly expanded public transport system in place within four years? L.A. and California can’t even get high speed rail off the ground! 

But… GREEN ENERGY and CLIMATE CHANGE! And lots of virtue signaling. 

“As we’ve seen here in Paris, the Olympics are an opportunity to make transformative change,” Bass said while speaking on Saturday. “It’s our top priority to ensure that the Olympic preparations benefit Angelenos for decades to come. … We want to make sure that we’re helping small businesses, that we’re creating local jobs and making lasting environmental and transportation improvements throughout Los Angeles.”

She says that the city plans on borrowing thousands of busses from around the United States to help carry visitors to and from the variety of games happening across the area in 2028.

“Back in L.A., we’re already meeting with businesses about procurement, especially small businesses. And I’ll say that that’s something that I admire Paris is doing, making a commitment that a percentage of the business goes to small businesses here, we’re already working to create jobs by expanding our public transportation system in order for us to have a no car games.”

Secondly, this is so laughable given that LA is essentially the land of cars and highway gridlock! Does she really think that she can ban cars, and magically everyone will leave plan for the hours it will take to bus to one of the Olympic venues? LA to Temecula for example? That’ll be a fun one! Event starts at 10? Great! We need to be on the public bus by 4am to get there in time. 

Unless they end up hosing down all the buses, rails, and shuttles every night, it’s a fair bet that the public transportation will be beyond gross. Furthermore, there isn’t enough public transportation that can be built which would accommodate that influx of people AND the people who have to go to their regular jobs! 

Oh wait, she’ll be urging people to work from home so their pesky cars won’t gum up the works.

There are LOTS of problem with that.  

Healthcare: There are a great many folks who work at hospitals, clinics, and urgent care who have to DRIVE to get to work. You can better believe they won’t be ditching their cars. 

Public Safety: Same goes. You want cops keeping order, paramedics on tap if there’s a crisis, or firefighters on the job? Yeah, they’ll be driving to work. 

Add to that list is electricians, plumbers, landscapers, and everyone in construction. You’d better believe that they won’t be schlepping their entire tool box via public transport. It’s totally unworkable! 

But Karen claims this car ban, will help drive traffic to small business! OH REALLY? The buses will magically drop people off in front of the shopping and restaurant meccas like Beverly Hills? I highly doubt it. 

How will they accomplish this grandiose car ban? By borrowing around 3,000 buses from cities across the U.S. How many of them will be electric? I hear Jackson Hole has a few electric buses sitting idle right now…because the manufacturer went bankrupt. But hey! If LA can get them running, more power to them. 

As many are pointing out, Los Angeles is about 500+ square miles. Quite a number of Olympic events will be held around LA. Not IN LA. See the Temecula reference above.

Today’s commute from L.A. to Temecula by car is 1 1/2 hours IF traffic is running smoothly. It’s over THREE hours by bus. And these fools want to build cute little walking trails for event attendees to use? Wow. 

Also, she has a plan for that pesky homeless situation. All 75,000 + will be housed by then. And…

That’s quite the visual! 

Yet Karen Bass gleefully announces that the 2028 Olympics will involve banning cars. 

I can tell you one thing. Karen herself along with all the politicians, except for Kamala who just LOVES her some buses!, and beautiful people will NOT be using public transportation during the Olympics. Nope, the chauffeurs will be making bank during that 2 1/2 week stretch. 

Karen Bass can “try” to ban cars from the 2028 Olympics all she wants, but reality will bite bigly if she tries to push it through. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original Artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Dietrich says:

    Forget the cars, I want to see how L.A. will out do the Paris opening ceremony.

    • draigh says:

      I want to see a few new events. Bubble gum blowing. Treading water. Pot hole filling! Oh, and the ever popular whizzing for distance!

  • draigh says:

    You left out “Public Servants” in your estimation of the numbers of people who will be driving to work. If Los Angeles is anything like Seattle, the largest number of those driving to work on a daily basis to get to their jobs are “Public Servants.” You remember the “Public Servants” don’t you? They are the ones who have to be at work when you have to be at work so if you need to talk to them, you have to take a vacation day to go see them.

  • Sister lived in LA for a while, several decades ago, just a bit over a mile from the office where she worked as a paralegal. Partially disabled – she could not drive, much less bike or walk to work.

    The “transportation” system meant that she traveled 14 miles by bus – with two transfers. Three hours each way – same commute time as her bosses, who, of course, lived well out in the nice suburbs (which were Azusa area then, I think they’ve degraded since).

    At least that was during a time when she wasn’t highly likely to be mugged, raped, or worse…

  • GWB says:

    L.A. and California can’t even get high speed rail off the ground!
    Oh, come now, Nina. They’ve gotten it off the ground. As a matter of fact, the only section they’ve built seems to be the one bridge across a valley! It’s the parts on the ground they haven’t built, yet.

    the Olympics are an opportunity to make transformative change,
    And this is the real problem – has been for 40 years now. It’s not about amateur sporting competition. It’s about what can I make the Olympics do in my locale. Hence the opening ceremonies in Paris (and others before them). It’s a spectacle, bread and circuses.

    a []22-mile, … corridor that would connect most of the major venues
    Do any of them know how far 22 miles is by foot? I’ve walked a LOT of major cities in the world in my day. Ain’t no way someone is going to spend 7 hours walking 22 miles to get to 2 different sporting events in a day, then another 22 to get back to their hotel.

    Look, the “public transportation” thing is kinda doable, if the venues are outside the city. Running a spoke and hub system that went from a handful of locations (a few shopping/eating cores and a few hotel locations) to the outer venues, running on a regular basis, and somewhat tied to the event schedule, could work. They would have to limit other traffic along/across certain routes.

    But, given all of LA’s problems… they make it unlikely to work. Does anyone remember how it went last time, in LA? 1984?

  • NTSOG says:

    “this car ban, will help drive traffic to small business!”

    I thought a primary objective of socialists is to destroy small business.

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