Kari Lake Possible Trump Ambassador To Mexico? How About No?

Kari Lake Possible Trump Ambassador To Mexico? How About No?

Kari Lake Possible Trump Ambassador To Mexico? How About No?

Kari Lake, former television new host and two-time electoral loser, is being prominently mentioned everywhere as President-elect Donald Trump’s Ambassador to Mexico. We are not surprised. She is truly a Trump loyalist. Contrary to what the talking heads are saying 99 44/100% of Presidents pick loyalists to their party and ideology for Administration positions they need to fill. Shocker, right? When it comes to Lake though, we might urge Trump to take a hard pass. Trump has a big family and a ton of loyal friends. Surely there is someone, anyone, better positioned to move the Trump agenda forward with Mexico?

Miss Lake seems like an odd choice, but we are not making this Ambassadorship up. According to Townhall.com

:The ‘Kari Lake elected to office’ experiment is over. She tried to become Arizona’s next governor and U.S. Senator—both failed. It’s over on that front, but that doesn’t mean Lake is going away. The former candidate and television journalist is reportedly the leading candidate to become our newest ambassador to Mexico (via Semafor):

“Kari Lake is a leading contender for the nomination as Donald Trump’s ambassador to Mexico, two people familiar with the situation told Semafor.

Lake won Trump’s endorsement in both her unsuccessful bids for statewide office in Arizona. The former news anchor and vocal proponent of stringent border security lost an Arizona Senate bid last month to Democratic Sen.-elect Ruben Gallego. She also lost a race for Arizona governor in 2022, although she has never officially acknowledged that result.

A staunch Trump ally, Lake has remained close to the president-elect over the last few years, backing his unproven claims that the 2020 election was stolen. During her most recent run for office, Lake sought to moderate some of her positions, particularly on the topic of abortion.


As US ambassador to Mexico, Lake would be responsible for engaging with Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum’s government on a host of contentious issues, including migration, counternarcotics, and Trump’s pledge to enact new tariffs on imports. “

Just say no! We aren’t trying to jump ugly with any of Trump’s nominations. As a former news person/teleprompter reader, it’s natural that Lake would get lots of free advertising, as she did during the election, on Fox News and NewMax. She was great with soundbites and traveled with her own lighting. Score. But, she has shown us nothing about her diplomatic skills. Our Nina wrote about her attack on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis calling him the King of Covid Lockdowns.

Writing in AZ Central, E.J. Montini is a firm “No, gracias”. He thinks her language is too harsh. Bah:

Not only that, but Lake is a person who said about migrants crossing the Mexican border during her failed run for Arizona’s governor, “The media might have a field day with this one, but I’m gonna just repeat something President Trump said a long time ago and it got him in a lot of trouble. “They are bringing drugs. They are bringing crime, and they are rapists, and that’s who’s coming across our border. That’s a fact.”

We are fine with that. More:

Over and over again during the past several years, Lake has railed about what she called an “invasion” coming from the border.

Why would Mexico welcome someone who speaks in such ugly terms?

OOO, ooo pick me, I know. It’s the truth. However, when pushed, she doesn’t come off well:

Acting like Trump and trying to copy him is not an election strategy. Candidates who do come off as phony and lose. Maybe Kari Lake won the Gubernatorial election, but she surely lost the Senatorial election. Her election time didn’t work out. Just say no.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Creative Commons 2.0

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  • GWB says:

    Other than her losing elections – which is not a qualification for ambassador* – I really don’t see what your concern is with Lake for that position. You say that the harshness of her statements about the border isn’t the issue (and actually note she’s basically right). So, what seems to be your problem with this nomination, Toni, other than “She’s too much like Trump”?

    I only need an ambassador to work for the President (not the State Dept) and to pass Kissinger’s test: “Point to the country for which you work.”

    (* Ambassadorships are regularly given to failed political opponents on your own side. Or even to people who can’t seem to get elected but have the right qualifications – entirely according to what the President or his cabal want. Better than people who just donated a lot of money to the campaign.)

    • DCJ says:

      I agree with GWB. From what we’ve seen from DJT, I think we should assume we don’t need to fret about why he nominates a particular person for a particular job in his administration. He won. In the infamous words of B.O., “elections have consequences.”

  • Kari Lake won both elections.

    Richer in Maricopa County doesn’t have a major hatred for Donald Trump (other than that felt by any other corrupt RINO, that is). So, when he saw the writing on the wall when the States to the east came in, he didn’t fiddle with the Presidential numbers.

    He DOES have a feud with Lake, though. He couldn’t help himself. (He’s probably not a creature of the cartels, though one never knows. The cartels are the only reason that their man Gallego got close enough for Richer to tip the scales.)

    • John Shepherd says:

      She might have won in 2022. She did not win this year. She lost in 2022 because she told people who liked McCain not to vote for her. She told her voters not to vote early which, if they had, would have negated whatever issues at the polls occurred.

      The amount of fraud is grossly exaggerated. It is a fraction of a percent. So why would they steal the Senate and not the Presidential race?

      • John Shepherd says:

        Update: it’s not Lake. You have to wonder where rumors like this start.

      • Some people live in a gated community of the mind. You are one of them.

        Take a walk out in the real world sometime, one where the illegal slaves aren’t manicuring the lawns and cleaning your house.

        • John Shepherd says:

          Projecting are we? Nothing says gated community of the mind like continuing to support Lake’s nomination after soneone else had been nominated.

          You are a dope living in a bubble. Take a walk in the real world and find out that not everybody lives in your narrative.

          • I see that you were promoted right through public high school to keep your age cohort together.

            I wrote NOT ONE WORD about the rumored nomination. If I had, I would probably have said that someone nastier needs to be seconded to Mexico City to deal with the gangster government there.

            I do also think she’ll do well at what she has actually been nominated for. We’ll maybe have a Voice of America, not a Voice of Iran, or a Voice of Chairman Xi.

  • Lake is if anything, loyal to Trump. Maybe sending her to Mexico sends a signal.

  • Al C. Biades says:

    The Mexican government is tacitly complicit in the drug induced deaths of Americans and explicitly facilitates the illegal entry of millions of economic migrants into the U.S.

    A straight talking, pull no punches, America first ambassador to Mexico sounds just about right.

    The question is whether Kari Lake is “harsh” enough for the job.

    “Clearly, a [nation] that feels guilty for everything it is and does will lack the energy and conviction to defend itself.”― Jean-François Revel

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