Kamala’s Worst Nightmare: Becoming President

Kamala’s Worst Nightmare: Becoming President

Kamala’s Worst Nightmare: Becoming President

The Joe Biden interview that aired this morning makes one thing abundantly clear. Kamala’s worst nightmare is to become President before Joe’s term is up.

Joe’s interview itself was quite something. 


I just love how Chris Jackson thinks this is a major win for Joe against Trump. Why? Because Joe himself was fast friends with Robert Byrd. You know, the guy who was an actual Grand Wizard in the KKK. Joe was such good friends with good ole boy Byrd that he gave one of the eulogies at his funeral.  

Meanwhile, as Kamala runs around the U.S. paying people to attend her rallies, and expecting them to show ID to get into the event, Joe admits to two of the big elephants in the room. 

“A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic — you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say [something] … and I thought it’d be a real distraction,” he told “CBS News Sunday Morning.”

“When I ran the first time, I thought of myself as being a transition president. I can’t even say how old I am — it’s hard for me to get out of my mouth,” he went on, adding that it was a combination of those factors and a key priority of “maintaining this democracy” that underpinned his decision.

In other words, he’s really old and yes, Nancy helped shove him to the curb.

Yet Joe insists that he stepped aside in order to “save democracy.” Which means Kamala, without ANY votes, is now the de facto candidate for President. She has no policy positions that weren’t Joe’s to begin with. Everything she’s promised in the last two days such as fixing immigration and the border as well as the no taxes on tips are NOT her ideas. She took them from Joe, and from Donald Trump. 

Remember, this is the woman who had to have paid actors in order to giggle profusely about space and NASA. This is the woman who was put in charge of the border and has done nothing, while her campaign is now trying to tell us that the Harris/Walz ticket is all about JOY!

It’s been over 20 days since Kamala had the nomination handed to her. One would think that, after three plus years as Vice President, she’d have positions on policies and be ready to roll them out. We are still waiting. 

Nope, gotta have all those buckets of joy splashed around instead. 

Of course, Joe’s interview wouldn’t be complete without bringing Beau into it 

Meanwhile, Joe’s Administration is pushing hard for a cease-fire deal that will ultimately benefit Hamas and Iran, while leaving Israel twisting in the wind. Joe’s confident the deal will get done before he’s gone in January. 

Asked if he believes a ceasefire is possible in Israel’s war with Hamas before he leaves office, Mr. Biden replied, “Yes. It’s still possible. The plan I put together, endorsed by the G7, endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, et cetera, is still viable. And I’m working literally every single day – and my whole team – to see to it that it doesn’t escalate into a regional war. But it easily can.”

If he doesn’t get this deal done, what will Kamala do? Does she have any idea of the negotiations taking place? 

What will she do this fall if more Pro-Hamas campus riots break out? Send out another plea for donations to the bail fund? Not to worry that Kamala isn’t ready to be President, Joe thinks she is. 

Mr. Biden said, “I talk to [Harris] frequently, and by the way, I’ve known her running mate is a great guy. As we say, if we grew up in the same neighborhood, we’d have been friends. He’s my kind of guy. He’s real, he’s smart. I’ve known him for several decades. I think it’s a hell of a team.”

The president said he plans to join them on the campaign trail, and rejected any doubts about his health or stamina interfering.

“All I can say is, ‘Watch.’ That’s all. Look, I had a really, really bad day in that debate because I was sick. But I have no serious problem,” Mr. Biden added.

Oh he has serious problems, and one of them is Kamala. As much as she may spin it, she has no real record to stand on while campaigning for President. Everything she speaks on are positions put forth by the BIDEN Administration. Nothing she’s saying currently is her own. 

Kamala isn’t ready for primetime at all, which is why she’s hiding from the media. She’s certainly not ready to be President. 

Feature Photo Credit: Kamala Harris via Gage Skidmore, cropped, Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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  • Skillyboo says:

    This is the woman who says she’s going to fix all these problems yet the media dare not ask her why they aren’t being fixed while Biden is president. Nor will they question her about the border or her position on Israel or anything else for that matter. All one needs to do is watch the daily news to hear the bobble heads all use the same buzz words that were in the daily talking points they were given by their lords at the White House. .

  • A reader says:

    No, it’s your worst fear. Own it. A smart, strong black woman in power? Oh the horror!

    Re: your accusation of Biden supporting white supremacists. You are aware people can change, right? That the eulogy Biden gave was years ago? He has great support from the congressional black caucus and black voters helped him become president. Do you honestly think a large number of black Democrats and Independents would have voted for him if he truly still supported white supremacists? (Or you just think most black people are stupid, which is inherently racist, but you do you.) This reads like projection considering Trump still hasn’t apologized to the Central Park 5 and his gaffe about “black jobs” among many other comments he’s made over the years.

    Harris has been on the ticket with Biden since 2020. So a vote for him was a vote for her. You either think everyone is stupid or you don’t understand how voting works when the running mate has already been decided.

    • Cameron says:

      1. She’s not black and you know it.
      2.”You are aware people can change, right?” You and your kind cancel people for things said a decade or more ago. Sit this one out.
      3.”Or you just think most black people are stupid, which is inherently racist, but you do you.” Coming from a Democrat whose party has historically oppressed blacks, sit this one out.

      But tell me something, little bot. Can you name any policy or stance on her issue that you support without saying the name Trump? Think of it as a challenge for the day.

    • Cameron says:

      Almost forgot: The worst fear part isn’t because she’s colored. It’s because she supports open borders, the destruction of our means of energy production and is anti firearms to the point she has said she’ll issue an executive order for confiscation.

      We hated Biden for that and Obama so your accusation of “das raysis” falls flat yet again. Please come back with some better material.

    • David Hoffman says:

      If she’s so strong and smart why is she hiding from reporters? Why can’t she make any unprepared public remark without collapsing into a word salad?

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