Kamala To Border Sheriffs: How Do I Do Better Than Joe On Immigration?

Kamala To Border Sheriffs: How Do I Do Better Than Joe On Immigration?

Kamala To Border Sheriffs: How Do I Do Better Than Joe On Immigration?

Yes, that’s a real question that Kamala’s campaign team has asked of the Border sheriffs. How do I do better than Joe on immigration and border issues?

Vice President Kamala Harris’ team has sought advice from a top border sheriff on how to “do better” on immigration policy.

Mark J. Dannels, sheriff of Cochise County in Arizona and chair of the National Sheriffs Association’s border security committee, said the campaign made the overture after he shepherded Ms. Harris around his territory late last month on her first border visit in more than three years.

Sheriff Dannels said he hoped the outreach was a signal that Ms. Harris is serious about changing the direction of illegal immigration under President Biden.

I’ll admit that I laughed for a good ten minutes after reading the headline. 

Where has Madam Border Czar been these last three and a half years??!! Evidently hiding under all the rocks to avoid doing her job. 

As we’ve written here extensively, the Biden-Harris border policies have been an abject failure. Our domestic and national security has been compromised because of what Joe AND Kamala have put in place. And yes, she absolutely owns these border/immigration failures whether she likes it or not. 

While Sheriff Dannels adroitly puts the onus on the Harris campaign, and thus Kamala herself, to step up – does he really think she’ll do a magic turnaround mere weeks before November 5th? I doubt it. Others are highly doubtful as well. The Border Patrol Union, just yesterday, unanimously endorsed President Trump. 

As I wrote on Saturday, President Trump spoke extensively during his campaign stop in Aurora, Colorado about the issues of unchecked illegal immigration. Specifically the issue of criminal gangs terrorizing people in the streets and in their homes. It is a problem whether the media or Kamala supporters want to admit it. It’s a problem that has a direct impact upon the confidence people have in their local governments, the local law enforcement, and more. It’s a problem that has a direct impact upon schools and businesses as well. 

Those businesses are right in the middle of the supposedly non-existent illegal immigrant criminal gang issue. 

It was the Biden-Harris Administration that threw the doors wide open, starting in 2022 to Venezuelans and then added Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans to the mix in 2023. We are talking over 530,000 here illegally because Kamala and Joe approved the CHNV program. And yet Kamala’s team is now asking the border sheriffs how SHE can do better than Joe on immigration??!! 

Many, especially since Friday, have been trying mightily to tell us that there’s not an issue with illegal immigrant gangs in Aurora, CO or elsewhere. 

ABC certainly didn’t like Martha getting schooled, so framed the dust-up as follows:

Vance stands by Trump’s false claims about Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado

Nice spin there guys. The management company for some of the apartment complexes in question finally decided to start telling their side of the story via social media. 

But everyone tells us there isn’t an illegal immigration issue, nor is there a crime issue! If so, then how come Kamala’s team is now asking the border sheriffs for help on managing this problem? 

Does Kamala even have a plan to get the CHNV illegal immigrants out once their parole term is up? 

“Remember, a recent DHS Inspector General report found that the Biden-Harris administration still has no plan to remove the 77,000 Afghan nationals who were paroled in 2021 and 2022, and no effective process for monitoring parole expiration. So, it is hard to believe the Biden-Harris administration has a plan to remove a far greater number of inadmissible Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan nationals paroled into the country at their direction.”

I mean, that’s one way to help mitigate some of the illegal immigration problems this country is dealing with! 

Here’s an idea for Kamala. How about rescinding the 94 Executive Orders Joe put in place his first month in office? 

How about this? Open a respectful dialogue WITH the sheriffs and the local communities? Listen to them as they are the front-line of this issue, not someone sitting at a desk in DC and never visiting the border. 

Sheriff Dannels said he would tell Ms. Harris that the key to developing a better relationship is respect, which has to start with the federal government.

“This is probably the most separated, divorced relationship we’ve ever had with the White House. And America’s sheriffs, that’s where the frustration lies,” he said. “This is the first president never to meet with America’s sheriffs.”

Suddenly the Harris campaign wants to know how to do better on the border than Joe did. To me, that’s a tacit admission that Kamala has been AWOL on this issue from the get-go. If Kamala wants to do better than Joe, then she should’ve done her job as Border Czar from the start, instead of blaming Trump for her failures.

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • draigh says:

    How in the world can anyone believe a word Cackles says?

  • SFC D says:

    I live and work in Cochise County. You’d be hard pressed to find a border sheriff that works harder to control the border than Mark Dannels. Of course he expresses hope that Kamala would do better than Joe. Don’t twist that into support for Kamala. You have to go to Santa Cruz county for that.

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