Kamala Lectures Israel And Demands Cease-Fire Or Else

Kamala Lectures Israel And Demands Cease-Fire Or Else

Kamala Lectures Israel And Demands Cease-Fire Or Else

After schmoozing the teachers unions, Kamala jetted back to D.C. in time to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. After, she gave a statement and essentially demanded a cease-fire NOW or else.

Of course, the media is essentially swooning over how Presidential she was at the podium. How strong! How forceful!

Harris, standing in front of a row of American flags, delivered on-camera remarks soon after the meeting ended. She told reporters that she had a “frank” conversation with Netanyahu.

The vice president said a two-state solution is the only path to ensure it remains a “secure, Jewish and democratic state,” while providing Palestinians with the “freedom” they “deserve.”

She pleaded with Americans to understand the complexity of the foreign policy issue, urging them to condemn acts of hate, antisemitism, Islamophobia and violence, a day after some protesters burned American flags and voiced support for Hamas in Washington

She addressed head-on the Democratic unrest that has been facing the Biden administration for months.

Oh yes, after all the violence the last few days in D.C., she issued a tepid statement condemning the vandalism and destruction. What she DOESN’T mention and essentially ignores is that A. everyone arrested, which was less than 25, was back out on the streets last night. B. The U.S. Park Police were left dealing with mobs and had only TWENTY NINE officers on duty. Yes, you read that correctly.

And, Obama made Netanyahu come in through the back door like he was a lesser being. Guess who was Vice President at the time? Joe, who took nearly four days to respond to the October 7 attacks. This time around, Netanyahu handled himself very adroitly and graciously. 

“From a proud Jew Zionist to a proud Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the State of Israel,” he said. “And I look forward to discussing with you today and working with you in the months ahead.”

Biden recalled the first Israeli prime minister he met was Golda Meir, back when he was a senator. “That was so far back, I was only 12,” he joked.

However, this photo from the meeting is painful on multiple levels and doesn’t engender confidence in Biden’s capabilities on ANY level. 

Yet here comes Kamala slamming Israel for not agreeing to nor getting a cease-fire agreement in place.

Furthermore, she is still blaming Israel for people, excuse me “innocent civilians” getting killed in Gaza. 

But Harris said “I also expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians. And I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there with over 2 million people facing high levels of food insecurity and half a million people facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity.”

I want to know where she’s getting her numbers. Because if they are being provided by the Palestinian government and/or UNRWA, there’s a problem. 

The Palestinian government is HAMAS. Period. Time and again since that horrific day on October 7, it has been credibly reported that tunnels under homes, hospitals, schools, and places of worship are concealing weapons of all kinds. Hostages have been rescued out of the tunnels. You just can’t tell me that innocent civilians had no idea there were tunnel accesses built into the floors of their bedrooms! 

Secondly, UNRWA is known to be completely tied to Hamas and admitted as such earlier this year. But Kamala has ignored that pesky detail from the get-go. You see, that doesn’t fit the narrative she and the rest of the Democrats are peddling. 

Never mind that it was ISRAEL that was attacked and there are still hostages after 9 months. Nope, we must lecture Israel on daring to defend themselves against the most heinous attack on the Jewish people since the 1930’s and the subsequent Holocaust. 

THEY, according to Kamala, are the ones standing in the way of a cease-fire. Which is astounding hubris given Hamas has said NO multiple times to prior cease-fire offers. 

Keep in mind, Kamala went to Houston to talk to a sorority in the middle of the day instead of presiding over the Prime Minister’s Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. She absolutely could’ve changed her schedule and spoken later that day, but chose not to. That move is very telling. 

Kamala, along with Joe, isn’t a fan of Israel. Which is why she’s subtly yet overtly blaming Israel, has worked to stab them in the back, and is demanding a cease-fire ASAP. One that would leave Israel hanging out to dry. 

Kamala may “look” Presidential, but she’s no fan of Israel. Remember that. 

Feature Photo Credit:  Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of AmericaCC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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