Kamala Harris Is The BRAT, The Brattiest Of Them All

Kamala Harris Is The BRAT, The Brattiest Of Them All

Kamala Harris Is The BRAT, The Brattiest Of Them All

It’s the BRAT, not the GOAT according to Gen Z and Kamala Harris’ campaign staff. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a real thing.

Vice President Kamala Harris is brat.

At least that’s what supporters of Harris have taken to calling her with social media awash with lime green highlighted memes of the vice president dancing and clips of her various speeches.

The meme-forward strategy took off after British singer Charli XCX appeared to throw her support behind Harris for a potential White House run. A video cut of Harris laughing and set to a Charli XCX song from the album “Brat” quickly went viral. The singer soon followed with her own take.

“Kamala IS brat,” the 31-year-old singer wrote Sunday on the social platform X, shortly after President Biden announced he was exiting the 2024 race and endorsing Harris.

Soon after, the official X account for Biden’s campaign rebranded itself with a profile header change to a Brat-lime green image that reads “kamala hq.”

And here you thought I was joking. But nooooo. USA Today had to chime in with tortured reasoning as well. You see, it’s a fine line between cool or cringe. If you try TOO hard to be likable and such, then this BRAT persona immediately goes from cool to very cringe. 

Keep in mind, we are talking about a woman who runs through staff like butter, and is never prepared for her meetings. Kamala ran her 2020 campaign so well wearing Chucks and modeling bedazzled disco jackets that she dropped out before any Democrat had a chance to cast a primary vote for her. 

Yet we are to believe that Kamala is the brattiest of BRATS of all time. Perhaps we need a new VENN diagram for all this mess. 

Oh goody. Her campaign team already has one in place. 

So which is it? Cool or cringe?

You decide. 

This is from the same campaign that is jumping up and down for joy that a whole 3,000 people attended Kamala’s first campaign rally yesterday. Please clap. 

So how is this BRAT defined?

Following the release of “Brat” USA TODAY called the album “an embrace of a hot-mess pop star aesthetic, prioritizing club culture at its core but still offering introspective lyrics on aging, womanhood, grief and anxiety.” For Charli XCX, being a “brat” is not about behaving like a spoiled, ill-behaved child, rather a woman who is a “little messy who enjoys to party.”

“It’s very honest, it’s very blunt, it’s a little bit volatile … It’s brat, you’re brat, that’s brat,’ she said in a TikTok interview.

The message behind the album has resonated with fans, symbolizing living unapologetically, having fun and refusing to conform to the status quo. Fans and even celebrities were quick to lean into the “Brat” aesthetic, dancing to songs like “Apple” on social media.

Oh. Ok. So a brat as defined by the kiddies, isn’t one who throws temper tantrums if life doesn’t go their way. They aren’t rude and obnoxious, they are just blunt and want what they want immediately. In other words, Kamala is Violet Beauregard. Who knew? 

Yes, all this is absolute cringe. So, why are we pointing this out? Why are we wasting time on this? 

The answer is, this is Kamala. What many Gen Z’ers fail to realize is that Kamala’s policies are so progressive that, if she had her way, she’d tax every iota of their lives. She has a record of keeping innocent people in prison and going after parents if their child is truant, even if it’s for medical reasons. She refuses to acknowledge that inflation IS real and it is pricing her BRAT fans out of the ability to buy a home or a car. Kamala may be a foodie, but she doesn’t understand that today’s grocery prices are really causing a dent in people’s budgets no matter what age they are. 

Her stance on getting rid of private health insurance penalizes Gen Z’ers as well, even as their and our tax dollars go to pay for the health care of the 8 million plus illegal immigrants who’ve flooded this country while she’s done nothing as the Border Czar. 

So yes, Kamala is a BRAT. She’s the brattiest of brats with a dismal to non-existent track record on the issues. 

Another reason we are covering this dreck?

I think I cringed so hard I broke a rib. 

Folks, this is where we are with a presumptive Presidential candidate. She’s never been serious about the actual issues this country is dealing with. Instead she’s ok parading around as a BRAT. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • GWB says:

    they are just blunt and want what they want immediately
    Ummm, ok. That’s pretty much “a toddler who will tantrum if they don’t get their way.”

    Also, these people might want to think: Do you really want people thinking of a sausage every time they think of her? I mean, given her history, do they?

  • rbj1 says:

    Biggest Reject of All Time?

  • A reader says:

    You scared? You sound scared. Remember: Gen Z vote and they’ve helped swing elections.

    If you want to talk brat according to your definition, Trump is the oldest president nominee in American history. He also behaves like a whiny toddler and refused to accept he lost the last election, despite losing 61 lawsuits challenging the results. (And the one that went his way didn’t really change anything.)

    Your other “facts” are wrong but facts don’t care about feelings or whatever…

    • Scott says:

      Please, the adults are talking..

      • Nina Bookout says:

        Dear A reader, you missed the point by several thousand miles. It is followers of Kamala who have now defined her as a BRAT. Not us. And Kamala’s campaign is so enthused by this new super cool moniker, they changed their X headings to reflect as much!

        Reading comprehension may not be your strong suit.

    • Cameron says:

      Call your parents and apologize for whatever you did to them that made them stop talking to you.

    • Turtler says:

      “You scared? You sound scared.”

      Why would we not be? We see how you act. We hear what even your supposedly “respectable’ Leaders say. A Presidential Candidate that was also a President (as even you admit) was previously President was SHOT (something even Director Wray apparently cannot admit) and at least one innocent person at his rally was killed. Fanatics in favor of a genocidal Islamo-Fascist terror group rioted in DC with apparent impunity.

      Why would we not be afraid?

      ” Remember: Gen Z vote and they’ve helped swing elections.”

      This is not the W you seem to think it is, given how many of them have rebelled and are leaning conservative. I’m not afraid of what happens at the ballot boxes, but I am afraid of what happens behind them. And of what happens in the streets.

      “If you want to talk brat according to your definition, Trump is the oldest president nominee in American history. ”

      And? Relevance?

      “He also behaves like a whiny toddler”

      This is gaslighting BS, and you know it. Far be it from me to claim that Trump is perfect or that his temperament is immaculate, but when it counts he has generally behaved as a clear head and steady hand at the rudder (arguably to a fault, given things such as COVID). Do you remember when he reacted to poison gas use in Syria by issuing a cursory notification and then having the USAF crater airfields being used by the Baathist Syrian dictatorship and the Russian VVS? You and your fellow morons shifted track almost instantly from claiming that Trump was a puppet of Putin to claiming that Trump was a hot headed warmonger who would lead us into a world war against the Kremlin.

      Of course, that didn’t happen, because it turns out that when dealing with totalitarian thugs and state terrorists some calculated violence and strength can spare a lot of blood and violence and lives later. How many Ukrainians and Russians would still be alive had Trump continued to deter Putin from escalating his war in Ukraine while the Ukrainians gradually retook more and more of the Donbas?

      And you and your ilk hope that we don’t remember it. Worse, you try to abuse and gaslight us to prevent us from recalling it.

      This is all in sharp contrast to Fucking Joe Biden, a man who was ill tempered, whiny, and angry even before senility came in, and which leads him to lash out at all kinds of things (remember “Clap, you stupid bastards?” )

      “He also behaves like a whiny toddler and refused to accept he lost the last election,”

      As he has EVERY RIGHT To. Especially given what you and your ilk have done. Remember Gore and Hillary?

      But unlike those, the claim that Trump lost the last election is literally unbelievable when you drill down.

      Do you believe Milwaukee had voter turnout on par with Italian elections, with some wards even going beyond and having more than 100% turnout? Do you honestly believe Biden out performed Obama? Do you honestly expect us to believe that Biden underperformed in every area of the country compared to the Polls EXCEPT in swing state areas dominated by giant, corrupt Democrat party dominated urban sewers?

      As others have pointed out, were these results from Burkina Faso, Gabon, or Venezuela it would fully justify investigation and a suspension of relations pending investigation. But you want to pretend that the rules and standards do not apply to your camp.

      “despite losing 61 lawsuits challenging the results. (And the one that went his way didn’t really change anything.)”

      More than one lawsuit has gone his way, and the parade of small fry being convicted of election crimes speaks to it. In any case, you and your ilk twisted the law and basic reality in New York to try Trump on an expired misdemeanor as a felony, using a completely “novel” (read, bullshit) theory of law referencing an underlying charge that was never revealed or specified, under a corrupt hack who was egregiously biased against Trump and by law should have recused himself. Add that to the January 6 debacles and the holding of American citizens without trial or charge for years and that underlines why your reference to court cases are not impressive.

      “Your other “facts” are wrong but facts don’t care about feelings or whatever…”

      The whiny little bitch merely asserts they are wrong, but does not specify. How typical. I guess Rummage Sale Roehm has competition.

  • Scott says:

    Seeing as how totally unqualified this bimbo is (maybe even more so that Zero was), ANYONE voting for her is doing so out of pure ignorance, indoctrination, or TDS. There is ABSOLUTELY no other reason to do so. No-one capable of rational thought can possibly believe that she can do the job.

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