Kamala Harris Acting Her Way To The Top

Kamala Harris Acting Her Way To The Top

Kamala Harris Acting Her Way To The Top

Kamala Harris looks to be full of herself after the ABC ambush debate against Trump; I guess she should be hopeful. After all, a pompous and over-amplified pop star also endorsed her.

Harris heads to North Carolina this week, striving to gain the voter’s back from Donald Trump.

The debate showed that Kamala Harris prepared well for her first meeting with Donald. All day long, you could believe that the moderators were on her side—and they very clearly were.

You can even say ABC helped her by giving her the questions beforehand. We can talk about how it was unfair all day, but it doesn’t change how it came off.

But now we are talking about how Tulsi Gabbard says that Kamala Harris took extreme acting lessons to prepare for the debate. And to that, I say, so?

The Kabuki-worthy facial expressions modeled by Kamala Harris during Tuesday’s presidential debate had many viewers alternately perplexed and rolling in the aisles as the Democratic nominee sought to steal ABC News’ split screen from former President Donald Trump.

Now former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard has revealed Kamala Harris received acting lessons ahead of the debate and was coached by Hollywood advisers. Kamala’s goal? To “act her way through this election,” she said. – Breitbart

Let me be clear: a Kamala Harris presidency would be dangerous and disastrous for America. It can’t happen. I pray that the voters support Donald Trump on election day.

But this ridiculous complaining about nonimportant things is not doing any of us on the right any favors. It makes us look silly to blame acting lessons on Donald Trump’s ill-prepared debate performance.

We may all agree with Tulsi, but I also ask who cares. Stop complaining about acting lessons, focus on the crisis, and expose Kamala’s record and what she wants to do to America if she becomes President.

Perhaps Tulsi was upset because she failed to prepare Donald Trump for the debate. Some are roasting her online.

Donald Trump’s debate coach was torn to shreds online following the Republican presidential candidate’s disastrous performance, with critics online wondering who set the MAGA leader up for failure.

The woman behind the curtain was one of Kamala Harris’s 2020 Democratic primary opponents: former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard, who informally coached Trump for roughly a month before his first matchup against the vice president. But shortly after the debate concluded, commenters online ripped Gabbard apart for failing to adequately prepare Trump for his showdown against a former prosecutor. – New Republic

Someone in Trump’s camp decided that having Tulsi Gabbard help him prepare for the debate with Kamala Harris was a good idea. I would agree. So what in the world happened?

I wish we had seen more of this on Tuesday night when Tulsi called out Kamala’s record so clearly that it was devastating for Kamala, and she eventually dropped out of the race. Here it is, and watching it again, it is evident that this exchange knocked the hope out of Kamala’s campaign.

I know I know… we are supposed to like Gabbard because she came over to our side. I like her enough. But instead of complaining about Kamala Harris getting extreme acting lessons, I would like to see Tulsi blast the policies of Harris/Walz. Please!

Kamala Harris wants Supreme Court reforms. She favors term limits and would likely add more justices because she wants more progressives in the court. Maybe this issue isn’t significant enough to some voters.

Then, how about the border. Good grief. The border. From her do-nothing attitude as Vice President regarding the border, she would clearly continue to do nothing as President.

Harris still has an uphill battle ahead of her to reverse public opinion about her work, or lack thereof, on the border. In January 2023, the Border Patrol union lambasted her lack of progress. “If you were given a job two years ago with the explicit goal of reducing illegal immigration, and then you sit around and do nothing while illegal immigration explodes to levels never seen before, you should be fired and replaced,” the union said on X. – The Week

Abortion is another big issue, seeing as how Kamala has made this her champion cause. She was proud as punch to be the first Vice President to visit an abortion clinic. I am afraid this abortion issue alone will win her the Presidency, so we should be hammering this on every news cycle. But nope. Silence. I don’t understand the obsession with wanting to kill babies.

The state media will have you believe that Donald Trump is putting out misinformation about what Democrats want with abortion. Someone may want to ask that stupid, hideous man named Tim Walz what he thinks about abortion. Kamala loves Tim.

Does it bother anyone else that Donald’s people are getting off topic when they bring up insignificant points like how Kamala took acting lessons? No? Just me?

The debate was not good. I think Trump seemed unprepared for how well Kamala did against him. Initially, he appeared calm, cool, and collected, but ultimately, Kamala got the best of him.

Thankfully, it looks like the debate didn’t move the needle one way or the other.

We need to recover and move forward quickly. The focus is on Kamala, her record, and what she wants to do to America. She wants to destroy every single American value and finish the job of fundamental transformation that Obama started. That is the focus. Not acting lessons.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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  • Scott says:

    Good points Carol. Kamala is obviously incredibly weak on all aspects of leadership, and this is what she needs to be hammered on. I can’t help but wonder, was some of his failure (from what you and others report, I didn’t watch the debate) because he was coached to OT attack her because women would see that as him being a big mean bully?

    Agreed that he should have had the receipts when it came to the “moderators” “fact checking” him on his comments about the Harris / Walz stance on abortion. Very clearly state the times and places that they have made comments. Detail the legislation they championed / signed related to unrestricted abortion, up to and including allowing born alive babies to die. don’t let bogus “fact checking” add to the lies. Call them out, but do it with the facts, not emotion.

  • Lemuel Ricafort Vargas says:

    my take on the debate between Kamala and the Donald:
    Kamala seems to answer the questions in order for the audience to believe just to get their votes. If she (horrors), then convinced those audience to vote for her believing that she would follow thru w/ her promises, she would revert back to her leftist and socialist ideals and thus ignore those promises. Anyways, if she has become the POTUS…

  • CDC says:

    I do not know what to call a country with no southern border,what I am sure of is that I will not be calling it a country much longer.

  • draigh says:

    Musk should offer X to Trump and Harris for a second debate. In this day of social media, why not jettison the alphabet networks to a more open platform? The moderators could be Joe Rogan and Megyn Kelly. Both have complained about Trump’s and Harris’ policies in the past so they should be far less biased than the spate of recent “moderators.”

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