Joe And Kamala – Russian Hostages Released, Not Hamas Held

Joe And Kamala – Russian Hostages Released, Not Hamas Held

Joe And Kamala – Russian Hostages Released, Not Hamas Held

We all woke to the news this morning that American and other hostages held in Russia, unjustly, were being released. This is joyous news indeed. Many countries had to make concessions to obtain the release. The Biden/Harris Administration is taking an earned bow for the diplomacy required to obtain the release. It was completely unnecessary for Joe to shade President Donald Trump. Neither Joe or Kamala mentioned those held at most risk…the ones held in Gaza by Hamas.

Great news this morning. Four prisoners held in Russian prisons have been released. Others held as hostages by the Putin Government were also released. Our State Department worked for a long time on these negotiations, which required tightly zippered lips and concessions by every country involved. Huzzah!

The exchange of 24 prisoners follows months of negotiations and marks a rare moment of cooperation between Russia and its geopolitical adversaries in the West after more than two years of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The prisoner swap involves the release of 16 individuals previously detained in Russia in exchange for eight individuals held in the U.S., Germany, Norway, Slovenia and Poland.

Turkish intelligence had announced that it agreed to provide logistical support to facilitate the swap.

Prisoners and detained are such nice words to use for those held as hostages by a hostile government. The Statement that Biden later read, as released by the White House:


That statement is so Biden. Patting himself on the back. That’s not what it was exactly like when he delivered it.

“Their brutal ordeal is over!” Huzzah, again. We do pray for all of them. At 4:53, Joe slurs through inherently when he meant inherited, as in these people were taken during the Trump Administration. Biden in such a bully he cannot help himself. Three of the four Russian hostages were taken during Biden’s Reign of Weakness Abroad. As were all the American hostages who remain in Gaza, held by Hamas. What an unpolished turd!

Even worse, the ungracious Joe took questions (after) his prepared remarks and lied about Trump again:

Asked what he would say to former President Donald Trump, who claimed he would have gotten the American prisoners released without anything in return, Biden said, “Why didn’t he do it as President?”

Since has jailed and tried to jail political opponents, this part was rich:

Biden added that as part of the deal, 16 people were released from Russia—including five Germans and seven Russian citizens who were political prisoners in their own country. “It also says a lot about us that this deal includes the release of Russian political prisoners,” Biden said. “They stood up for democracy and human rights. Their own leaders threw them in prison. The United States helped secure their release as well. That’s who we are. In the United States, we stand for freedom, for liberty, for justice, not only for our own people, but for others as well. That’s why all Americans can take pride in what we’ve achieved today.”

Steve Bannon and the January 6 political prisoners would like a word, by they way.

Kamala is running a short stealth campaign for President. No questions please. She did have time to issue her own statement:

That should give the Legacy Media enough to drool over for days.

We’ll close this out with two final thoughts. Keep your daughters away from Joe. Ewww! Creeptacular!

Never let Joe or Kamala forget about the hostages held in Gaza:

Featured Image: The White House/facebook/cropped/public domain

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  • Kevin says:

    Here, let me list the adjectives that raced through my mind reading your blog that will reach about 13 people … Appalling, despicable, disgraceful, awful, contemptible, hateful, horrid, creepy, distasteful, revolting, scandalous, harmful, immoral. shameless, lethal, outrageous, pernicious, loathsome, miserable, nasty,, horrific, humiliating, noxious, virulent, abominable, vulgar, objectionable, obnoxious, vicious, vile, repulsive, depraved, disgusting, shocking, sleazy odious, repugnant, ugly, and abominable.

    Here, let me give you the link to a man that has made it business to understand, analyze, interpret and assess geopolitics around the world. He speaks to high level Pentagon and other government officials, politicians and people interested in geopolitics around the world. I have no idea if he’s a republican, democrat, independent, communist … no clue because he talk in those terms. I have friends who have a home in Mexico not far from my home and they spent 30 years working for the State Department starting with the George W. Bush administration. They were the ones that turned me on to him. Here’s my point … Before Biden bowed out of the race, he had predicted Biden would in a landslide because the Malignant Tumor never has gotten more than mid 40’s percent approval. Every election he’s been in, he or his candidates have lost sans one … when he became president in 2016. He’s been backpacking through the Colorado Rockies the past few weeks and told his audience he wasn’t going to comment on world affairs for few weeks. Well, he surfaced a few days ago and spent 90% of his time talking about the fall of Russia. At the very end, he said, “I’ve gotten a lot of requests to address Biden back out and Harris stepping in for the race of president. Unless Harris shits the bed in the next 90 days, she’s going to win and nothing has change my prediction that Trump will lose.” Here’s the link …

    So, when the Malignant Tumor loses, there have been clear signs that was going to occur given his unfavourability and his capped threshold of support. The Malignant Tumor has double, tripled, quadrupled down to secure his base. He hasn’t done fucking thing to reach out for one additional vote outside of his cult followers. So, come November 5th, you might want to wait a few weeks before you “rise up” and do something only a fucking moron would do … come to his support without evidence.

    Oh, and getting back to the point of people being unjustly imprisoned in Russia … If the Malignant Tumor could of easily gotten hostages out while he was in office, why didn’t he? There are only two options … (1) the Malignant Tumor will just say or do anything to try and get elected … it’s so pathetic or (2) while he was president he couldn’t give a shit about people held abroad for political purposes and did nothing … N O T H I N G !

    • Scott says:

      Looks like someone didn’t get his enema today..

      Sounds like Russia trying to interfere in and influence our election in favor of the clowns they know will be weak and ineffectual on the world stage, as they have been for the last nearly four years.

      As for kevins unnamed source, There’s two likely options… one, kevin is lying, and no such person exists, OR it’s some clown like Strozk that is part of the deep state working behind the scenes to rig the election.

      NOONE with a functioning brain thinks that kamala is even close to being capable of being president.. REMEMBER, she got not ONE elector in the 2020 primary, even the dems couldn’t stand her! and since she’s done nothing but fail since then, it just proves that the left could run a dog turd for president, as long as it had a D after it, and the majority of them would continue to put party over nation and vote for it..

      Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.

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