Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

Jill Biden Saves Joe From Lunging Vegans

I am not a fan of anyone with the last name Biden. I know the sad and tragic Biden story. Be that as it may, the whole Biden family has been suckling on the government teat and getting sweet deals for decades. Don’t even get me started on the ruination that is Hunter. But, let’s all give it up for the one Biden who is worth a spit, Dr. Jill Biden.

What has got me singing the praises of Jill Biden? Last night in Los Angles, Mrs. Biden physically took out a “lunging vegan” who was trying to accost her husband. Here is how the Washington Post described the take down after a first protester was stopped:

About 10 seconds later, another anti-dairy industry protester stormed the stage. Reacting with lightning speed, the former second lady swung around, extended her arms, grabbed her by the wrists and then blocked her with a stiff-arm.

Wincing, she pushed the woman back as her husband and sister-in-law looked on with concern during the sudden confrontation.

Let’s go to the videotape for this fight sequence:

It’s important to note that Jill Biden was born and raised in Philadelphia. Philly chicks are known for their street smarts. Also, Philly is/was the home of Rocky Balboa. And, this wasn’t the first time Mrs. Biden has pushed back on a protester. Three weeks ago, she took charge in New Hampshire. You can watch that video here.

A couple of quick notes. I know that the Biden 2020 campaign was cash poor for the last month, but couldn’t they have hired security for these events? Also, I am sick to death of these violent “lunging vegans”. They are angry, humorless twits. Maybe, they wouldn’t be so violent if they would eat a juicy, lovely bacon cheeseburger or a medium rare, sizzling steak. Drool. “Let Dairy Die”? How sad is your life if you hate milk?

As Charlie Sykes noted, though, “Lunging Vegans” would be a great band name.

Since Jill Biden is a potential First Lady, it got me thinking of the fighting styles of other First Ladies. Michelle Obama wouldn’t move an inch to help Barry. Hillary Clinton wouldn’t help Bill, but the protester would be suicided soon after. Laura Bush would only smile serenely. But, Melania Trump is Slovenian. They are not known to eschew violence. The lovely Melania would pull off one of her Christian Louboutin stilettos and cut the protester so badly the protester’s own mother wouldn’t know her.

Maybe we need a First Lady Steel Cage Death Match. One never knows when “Lunging Vegans” will attack.

Featured Image:

Jill Biden“Jill Biden” by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • Jim says:

    “They are angry, humorless twits. Maybe, they wouldn’t be so violent if they would eat a juicy, lovely bacon cheeseburger or a medium rare, sizzling steak.”

    You left out hypocritical and gifted with selective morality as it’s impossible to just farm and grow the foods favoured by vegans without killing all sorts of little beasties: insects, rodents and so on. In fact there is animal ‘by-product’ in every food type produced by Man. In other words for vegans some [cute] animals are worth saving, others are not.

  • Skillyboo says:

    What is bewildering is how rabid these people are defending animals but are just as rabid defending abortion.

  • Wfjag says:

    Attack of the Killer Cucumbers!

    Just give Joe six feet of chain and he’ll CornPop them.

  • Charles N. Steele says:

    I also appreciated Symone Sanders manhandling the thug away. Biden has incompetent security. Anyone assaulting the stage like this ought to be in serious danger.

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