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In the click-bait style of one-weird-trick life hacks, the original hacks of the Left flog their script of accusing others of “not caring” about their pet victim class du jour anytime their power is threatened.
Of course, 2024 election cycle is fueling the latest bit of Leftwing bully-hysterics. Sometimes with a jaw-dropping lack of self-awareness.
Let’s consider SCOTUS’ recent ruling on bump stocks, Garland v Cargill and its pretty straight forward reasoning.
The National Firearms Act of 1934 (“NFA”) defines a machine gun as “Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger.” (snip)
In 2017, in the justifiably emotional aftermath of the deadliest mass shooting in American history, the federal government began looking at their authority to ban bump stocks. At the time, the Department of Justice determined that they had no such authority. Even anti-gun former Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) noted, regarding ATF, “that current law does not allow the agency to ban or regulate bump-fire stocks.”
Yet the DOJ and ATF actually followed the direction of then President Trump and banned them via agency decree.
Obama Administration legalized bump stocks. BAD IDEA. As I promised, today the Department of Justice will issue the rule banning BUMP STOCKS with a mandated comment period. We will BAN all devices that turn legal weapons into illegal machine guns.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 23, 2018
And this is where SCOTUS clarified that, regardless of any alleged merit to the banning, a bump stock is not a machine gun make under the plain wording of the Federal statue. Something that Justice Alito was clear to spell out:
The horrible shooting spree in Las Vegas in 2017 did not change the statutory text or its meaning. That event demonstrated that a semiautomatic rifle with a bump stock can have the same lethal effect as a machine gun, and it thus strengthened the case for amending §5845(b). But an event that highlights the need to amend a law does not itself change the law’s meaning.
No penumbras, emanations or Leftwing Ouija board can change the law as written.
That, my friends, is the job of Congress. You know, the legislative branch. Yet, such a non-controversial ruling is unacceptable to our anti-2A Lefties who then immediately went into YOU DON’T CARE! BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! mode.
“The decision today is the most recent example of a court that has abdicated its responsibility to the American public. The court would rather, it seems, take an ideological stance and ignore the blood in our streets than allow such common-sense regulation as a bump stock ban to take effect.” Nev. AG Aaron Ford
BLOOD … ON … OUR … STREETS!!! Holy Frau Blucher! Cue the screaming horses!
“This bump stock decision by the United States Supreme Court is just crazy,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal. ““This decision is crazy because it legalizes machine guns”
Would someone please ask Dick if he can now walk into the local Bass Pro Shop and buy a ‘machine gun’? Then make him pee into a cup, m’kay?
“This disappointing decision is a serious threat to public safety. Bump stocks, however you define them, are dangerous.” CT AG William Tong.
“However you define them”? Mr. Tong can take his sniveling condescension back to high school civics class and relearn about the 3 branches of Federal government. Whether ‘dangerous’ or not, that was never the issue for SCOTUS to determine here.
So much yadda yadda yadda … the Left never cares that the courts are not the legislature. Their ‘compassion’ for victims, real or imagined, is to trump all procedures, law or even the Constitution. But then we get the same thing from the Left whenever their ideology is thwarted. The Left is the only moral force in the universe and disagreement is never valid.
And even if it takes the imams of Leftism to co-op Jesus to their pseudo-religion in attempts to browbeat heretics, well then …
Jesus Christ of Nazareth: "Heal the sick, feed the hunger, clothe the poor, do that in my name, I command it."
Republicans: "mmmmm… no, I didn't think so. That's socialism."
Happy Sunday, y'all!
— Gene Wu (@GeneforTexas) June 16, 2024
If I had a quarter for every time I had to listen to some bedlamite Leftist try to lecture us on what Jesus really meant … Jesus is a Socialist! Jesus is Trans! Jesus is Pro-Abortion! Jesus is open borders!
Jesus demands Caesar seize your neighbors’ crops and redistribute them for social justice!
The Left does to Jesus what it does to the Constitution. Both are just means to their ends — and the original intent of either the Founders or of the Biblical words in red are to be ‘reinterpreted’ to fit the Left’s goals. And when the Revolution resolves one issue to their favor, it moves (like devouring locusts) to the next one. Because …
“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the Revolution.”
Remember in November.
featured image original graphic by Darleen Click
Jesus’s command to tend to the needy was not aimed at any government. Instead it’s the responsibility of the individual believer.
The Christian does not honor God by foisting off the care of the less privileged to the largesse of the government. That’s something progressives fail to understand. Or they do — they just use it as a way to shame the faithful into growing their power base.
“Or they do — they just use it as a way to shame the faithful into growing their power base.”
That’s exactly it Que. By making it a job for the government, it absolves their followers of any personal responsibility to do so, and we all know how opposed to personal responsibility the left is, since it’s racist, etc…
You both nailed it.
Obama Administration legalized bump stocks.
No, they didn’t, actually. They merely recognized they were NOT machine guns under the actual law.
And, this is one of the reasons I say Trump was not a conservative (and I still don’t think he is): a conservative* would have asked Congress to ban them (actually regulate them, since the NFA doesn’t ban machine guns, either).
(* Really, a Constitutionalist. ‘Conservative’ is inadequate, anymore, to describe what we need.)
a court that has abdicated its responsibility
Actually, exactly the opposite of that. They have finally begun to accept their responsibility to hold the other branches accountable to the Constitution.
The court would rather, it seems, take an ideological stance
Well, if, by ‘ideological’, you mean “in accordance with the written, highest law of the land, the Constitution”, then, yeah, it’s ideological.
common-sense regulation
And right there we come to the crux of it. YOUR definition of ‘common sense’ does NOT equate with mine. And that’s exactly why it’s the job of the deliberative bodies representative of the people and the states to answer that question and not some bunch of bureaucrats.
it legalizes machine guns
They’re already legal, Dick.
Bump stocks, however you define them, are dangerous.
And here we go. Note the construction of this argument. We are going to call something dangerous, so it should be banned. AND, we’re going to just wave our hands so we can define it however narrowly or broadly we require in order to achieve our ends. So, those silly gatling grips will get re-defined as ‘bump stocks’… and now they’re illegal, too. Maybe they’ll even define ‘binary triggers’ as ‘bump stocks’ … and they’re illegal. He doesn’t care, as long as something is made illegal and they can willy-nilly dump things they deem dangerous into that bucket.
the Left never cares that the courts are not the legislature
The courts have been Progressives’ end-around the Constitution for nearly a century, now. Trump’s appointees to the court (especially the SCOTUS) have put up some serious blocks to that, finally.
Republicans: “mmmmm… no, I didn’t think so. That’s socialism.”
Well, they’re right. Jesus did NOT command us to “Go rob everyone in the neighborhood at gunpoint, skim a bunch off to pay your cronies, then build a governmental infrastructure to feed the poor, etc. so you can feel good about forcing your ‘virtue’ on everyone else.” He said that YOU should go do it.
I will almost guarantee that anyone demanding the gov’t take care of all the issues is someone who does not contribute anything to charity, themselves.
And when the Revolution resolves one issue to their favor,
Remember that they believe they can achieve perfection, eventually. So nothing is ever truly “resolved” – it just moves closer to that perfection, and we can always tighten the screws a little more to get closer.
Excellent post. I too am getting wearing of the left bleating about how “Jesus said this…” when it’s pretty clear he was talking about something else.
These people hate Christianity and Jesus so I don’t take their preaching seriously.
Jesus: “Will you help?”
Socialists: “You WILL help.”