Janet Yellen, Human Dippy Bird, In China

Janet Yellen, Human Dippy Bird, In China

Janet Yellen, Human Dippy Bird, In China

There is not one competent, sentient being in the entire Biden Administration. They have a prodigious ability to find the most inept, incompetent dunderheads in the contiguous states for a position where their lack of firing synapses will do the most damage to both The Constitution and The People of the United States. Today, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, a human Dippy Bird visiting China, proved this point beyond any doubt.

Our Amanda warned you about this trip and worried:

When even the NYT notes that Yellen has taken a “softer stance” with China in recent weeks, it should give everyone with at least one working brain cell a moment of pause. Softer is not what is needed. That’s especially true if softer is not accompanied by a bigger stick.
Since this is the Biden Administration, there will be no stick.
Let’s just hope Yellen et al don’t find themselves reliving the flying monkey scene from Wizard of Oz because this trip has all the makings for a complete and utter disaster for the US.

No Flying Monkeys. Instead we got the human Dippy Bird. You remember the Dippy Bird, right:


Janet Yellen, Dippy Bird, also does a mean bobblehead doll impersonation:

Can you say obsequious? Yeah, sure you can?

What a consarned fool! I love him backing up, but the Chinese lady chasing Yellen to grab her arm takes the cake. Red State reported it this way:

That’s a grave show of American weakness to the Chinese, particularly the repeated and deep nature of the bowing. If the Chinese didn’t already think they could step all over us, that’s the type of signal to them that they can, when Biden officials act that desperate to bend over for them. Lifeng even backed up a little to give her more room to kowtow to him, like she was a servant.
“Never, ever, ever,” Bradley Blakeman, a senior staffer in George W. Bush’s White House, told The Post. “An American official does not bow. It looks like she’s been summoned to the principal’s office, and that’s exactly the optics the Chinese love.”
“Bowing is not part of the accepted protocol,” agreed Jerome A. Cohen, an emeritus professor at NYU and expert in Chinese law and government. [….] “The way to treat an adversary is, you don’t go hat in hand,” Blakeman said. “But with this administration, time and time again, we embarrass ourselves and show weakness. And it just shows the lack of effective leverage we have.”
She also couldn’t even get his name right, calling him “Vice Premier Hu.”

In her status as a dunderhead, Yellen thinks it was a productive meeting:

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen signaled at a Sunday morning press conference in Beijing that her talks with Chinese officials this week made progress in shoring up the frayed relationship between the U.S. and China.
Yellen, the second Biden administration official to visit the country in the last several weeks, said conversations with her counterparts were “direct, substantive and productive.” The talks covered U.S.-China economic issues, national security, climate change and global debt challenges.

The big takeaway as Yellen prepared to leave Beijing: The U.S. believes the world’s two largest economies can have a constructive relationship despite their geopolitical tensions, which have triggered export controls for high-tech goods and materials.
“President Biden and I do not see the relationship between the U.S. and China through the frame of great power conflict,” she said. “We believe that the world is big enough for both of our countries to thrive.”
Yellen’s attempt to rehabilitate the Washington-Beijing economic dialogue is the latest step in a Biden administration initiative to stabilize ties, which have been strained by trade disputes, Covid-19 and this year’s incursion of a Chinese spy balloon over the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken touted progress last month after he met with President Xi Jinping and other officials in Beijing.
Yellen said her meetings, which totaled about 10 hours over two days, “served as a step forward in our effort to put the U.S.-China relationship on surer footing.”

Inept, incompetent, dunderhead. Worse, she can’t read the room. Is there a special training facility for these people? Do they just clump together? Is there a sign: Dippy Birds this way


Featured Image: The Other Dan/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Citizen Tom says:

    If the CCP wants Taiwan, NOW is their opportunity to make the grab. The only risk is that the people in the Biden administration might find themselves so militarily weaken and so embarrassed that they resort to nukes after the Chinese sink a carrier or some such thing. After the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, however, that doesn’t seem likely. The Biden administration was not embarrassed about that. That outfit doesn’t seem to have the sense to feel ashamed about anything they have done. If the Biden Administration resorts to nukes, it will probably be just because they are so incompetent.

  • Ming O'Mongo says:

    That head dip says, “Go ahead and smash the Republic of China, big boy!”


  • GWB says:

    where their lack of firing synapses will do the most damage
    Wait…. You think this makes them incompetent? I think you’re assuming they have the same goals for America that you do. Doing the most damage is why they’re hired.

    more room to kowtow to him
    Wow, you missed the obvious historical parallel, and the main reason you don’t ever bow to the Chinese. Let’s go to the historical record, Alex:
    Macartney, the envoy to Peking, refused to kowtow to the Emperor, as it implied consent to their claim to rule all of the world. He would not subject the British monarch to that humiliation. He did go down on one knee, as he would do for any sovereign to acknowledge their sovereignty in their country. Yes, the Brits lost their trade plans for China, and it eventually led to the Opium Wars. But sovereigns (and their representatives) do NOT bow to other rulers as a subject. (BTW, the Dutch did kowtow and got semi-favorable trade terms.)
    Interestingly, the first results from even Duckduckgo do not give the British side of this story, at all. It’s all “How dare the Brits refuse to follow etiquette” and “The Brits are rude barbarians” from the Chinese.

    Yellen thinks it was a productive meeting
    Well, remember, the Biden administrations goals and those of patriotic Americans do not coincide. So it probably was, from her point of view.

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