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It’s Almost Enough to Make You Feel Sorry for AOC … Naw.

It’s Almost Enough to Make You Feel Sorry for AOC … Naw.

It’s Almost Enough to Make You Feel Sorry for AOC … Naw.

The hapless Congresscritter erstwhile bartender, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, is finding out that winning an election is more than photo-ops and tiktok videos. One might actually have to accomplish something.

It appears that after five years in office, AOC has done more to keep her brand in play while her constituents suffer.

New York state troopers have been deployed to help clean up a crime-infested seedy strip in Queens, part of which encompasses “defund the police” advocate Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district, where prostitution, illegal vendors and robberies are rampant.

Some residents compare it to a Third World country.

New York approaches crime like California — criminals are not really responsible for their actions. They are but victims of an uncaring, racist, sexist, xeno-phobic, colonialist society. Bail? Perish the thought! Shop-lifting? Think of it as direct redistribution of goods to the needy.

Known to locals as the “Avenue of the Sweethearts,” the area has become an epicenter of vice, and parents have raised the alarm about sex workers operating in the open near schools and local taekwondo centers. (snip)

Residents have been calling for the area to be cleaned up for years. Brothel raids attended by Adams in January seemed to have little impact on the dire situation, and residents told Fox News Digital this summer was worse than ever.

We all know how AOC is always ready to comment on anything as long is she gets facetime or column inches from media, right? So how does she feel about the rampant crime in her district?

Cortez has yet to respond to several Fox News Digital requests for comment regarding the situation along Roosevelt Avenue.


Adding to BabyGirl’s election-year woes, her spot on Congress’s anti-Semitic “The Squad” and her continued pro-Hamas public braying is just not good enough for her local Democratic Socialists.

The New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America will consider a resolution at its annual convention Saturday to shame Ocasio-Cortez even though the congresswoman has publicly criticized Israel and isn’t considered a staunch ally of the country.

The uber-liberal group’s resolution blasts Ocasio-Cortez for several statements and votes, including supporting House Resolution 888, which “affirmed Israel’s right to exist” and “recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism.” (snip)

But tensions have been brewing within the DSA over Ocasio-Cortez beyond the local chapter.

The national DSA in July revoked its conditional endorsement of the incumbent, less than three weeks after announcing it — citing, among other things, a panel she held on combating antisemitism.

Because, you see, AOC tried to throw a little sop to NYC’s Jewish community but Jews are less than just welcomed in the Woke Democrat party. Hating Jews is now a good thing for Dems. How dare AOC pretend to want to combat something supported by all Left-identified people?

Getting to be a 30-something Lefty Congresscritter who could command media attention for hanging with the politically-correct House radicals and pose in thousand-dollar pantsuits was quite the attraction. Being an actual public servant to her constituents? The feel good just wasn’t happening so … whatever.

Poor BabyGirl. Hope she has kept up on the latest drink recipes.

featured image original art by Darleen Click

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