ISIS “Daesh” Babies?

ISIS “Daesh” Babies?

Apparently the jehadi scum formerly known as ISIS hates being called Daesh.  The Guardian has this to say:

Supporters of Isis dislike Daesh because it separates Islam from their mission, and also because the term has become a pejorative in Arabic. Describing the word’s history, the Guardian’s middle east editor Ian Black wrote in September that Daesh has taken on a meaning beyond the jihadists’ control: “in the plural form – ‘daw’aish’ – it means bigots who impose their views on others.”

Daesh Daesh Daesh.  According to these same petulant jehadis, they will cut out the tongue of anyone who calls them Daesh.

Australian news pictures show how Daesh is using their kids for propaganda purposes and it is sick and disturbing:

YOU are used to your friends flooding your social media with pics of their kids — it appears Islamic State terrorists are no different.

Amid violent images of beheadings and warfare, Twitter’s community of IS sympathisers is increasingly posting propaganda-style photos of young children to further its campaigns in Syria, Iraq and beyond.

Most of the kids — some young enough to be in nappies — pose before the terror group’s infamous al-rāya black flag.


Islamic State sympathisers are using kids in social media propaganda. Picture: TWITTER

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Nice parenting Daesh.   These otherwise cute children are the faces of death.

What the late Golda Meir said rings true and absolutely applies to everyone in the west.  To Atheist and believer, to gay and lesbian and heterosexual.   To men and women and children.  Even to reasonable Muslims.  Daesh embodies this quote all too well.

“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”

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  • Appalled By The World says:

    Well, I will oblige them and not call them that. I’ll just call them a$$holes and leave it at that.

  • Xavier says:

    The media does not like the first I in ISIS. It’s too truthful.

    Call them Islamic Daesh.

  • Penny says:

    Filthy, mentally stunted, murderous barbarians is a good description also…….but, if it “upsets” the mindless monkeys, Daesh it is!!

  • Tom Alciere says:

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Bureaucrats are reluctant to call the creeps a “State”

    Kinda like the two names for the American Civil War: The Union called it (and still officially calls it) the War of the Rebellion. The Southerners call it the War Between the States. As in, a war between two States: (There’s no such word as Stateses.) The United States and the Confederate States. To call it the War Between the United States and the Confederate States (between one States and another States) would be recognizing the Confederate States as a political entity, a States, which the Union refuses to do.

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