Is Doug Emhoff Becoming A Liability For Kamala Harris?

Is Doug Emhoff Becoming A Liability For Kamala Harris?

Is Doug Emhoff Becoming A Liability For Kamala Harris?

To be honest, we have no idea what kind of marriage Kamala Harris and Doug Emhoff have, because everything is so very stage-managed.

We know that great pains have been taken to present themselves as a modern-day Brady Bunch, minus extra kids (and despite Ella Emhoff’s radicalism – there was no episode of “The Brady Bunch” that had Jan raising money for a Hamas front group). But Doug Emhoff, despite the attempt to present him as goofy every day modern dad and supportive Second Gentlemen and “wife guy,” is now getting slapped with stories that make him look less like he is “reshaping masculinity” and more like a wannabe Bill Clinton.

By the time that Kamala Harris was being anointed as the heir apparent to the Democrat nomination, once Joe Biden was thrown out stepped down, we already knew that Doug Emhoff had broken up his first marriage by having an affair with the nanny (doesn’t the left think of this a power imbalance?) and getting her pregnant. We do not know what happened to that baby, but it’s clear that the child in question does not exist any longer. Whether there was an abortion or a miscarriage, we do now know that the nanny was paid off and signed a non-disclosure agreement.

But the hits kept coming. Literally.

The story, which has witnesses who heard about the slap contemporaneously, is pretty ugly.

The Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, 59, allegedly struck the woman in the face so hard she spun around, while waiting in a valet line late at night after a May 2012 Cannes Film Festival event in France.

One of her friends told that the woman called him immediately after the incident, sobbing in her cab, and described the alleged assault.

One of “Jane’s” friends, a top New York businessman, said he was at home getting ready for bed that night when he got an unexpected phone call from her.

‘It was hard to hear her because she was sobbing,’ he said. ‘She told me she was with a guy and he hit her.

‘It was very clear what she was telling me. She said she was with a guy, her date, she was at the Cannes Film Festival, and he hit her. She was in the car with the guy at the time.

‘I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know whether to call the French police. I couldn’t get a hold of her after calling back.’

He said he still had a ‘vivid’ memory of the troubling conversation from 12 years ago.

While Doug Emhoff had confirmed the affair with the nanny himself, he sent a spokesperson out to deny this happened. The mainstream media, to no one’s surprise, went absolutely dead silent on this allegation. The activist groups, who used to post “#MeToo” and “Believe All Women,” are looking the other way and saying nothing. And we all know why. They want Kamala to win. Putting dings in Doug’s image is not going to help. Even Chris Cuomo and Stephen A. Smith admitted that.

However, a pattern is emerging of Doug Emhoff as not a very nice guy, and certainly not one who should be held up as a “wife guy” or someone “reshaping masculinity.” This looks like some very old-school workplace harassment.

Attorneys who worked with Doug Emhoff at his former firm Venable say he yelled expletives, held a men-only cocktail hour in the office, revoked work perks from women who didn’t flirt with him, and took only young, attractive associates in a limousine to a ball.

A 2019 lawsuit also claimed sex discrimination by other partners in the LA office Emhoff ran, and that while engaged to Harris, he hired an ‘unqualified’ part-time model as a legal secretary ‘because she was young, attractive and friendly with the powerful men in the office’.

One senior former staffer claimed Emhoff ‘bragged’ about yelling ‘get the f*** out of my office’ to a female partner at the firm, later telling his top male colleagues that he had ‘put her in her place’.

‘She had to ask him something,’ the ex-staffer said. ‘His office door was closed. She said to his secretary, ‘is he on the phone?’ She said no. She tapped on the door, he didn’t answer, so she slightly opened the door and stuck her head in.

‘He said “get the f*** out of my office.”

‘What’s worse was he bragged about it to the management at Venable and they were aghast. He’s an a**hole. He told them how he “put her in her place”. A misogynist, that’s who does that.’

A female ex-staffer said it was well-known at the firm that Emhoff was ‘very flirty’ and that ‘if you weren’t flirty back or didn’t respond positively then you were on his s**t list.’

This former Venable lawyer accused him of ‘favoritism’, saying the consequences of not flirting with him were that ‘you wouldn’t get to work on the cases you wanted to work on.’

‘There were deadlines that, if you were one of his favorite people, wouldn’t apply. But if you weren’t, they would,’ she told

While there hasn’t been an official response from Doug Emhoff or the Harris campaign yet, you know that these are not the headlines they are looking for, and if they could use a Jedi mind trick to get rid of them, they would.

The question now becomes, is Doug Emhoff becoming a liability for the campaign? In light of all these stories, the projected image of an affable and goofy Second Gentleman is looking more and more like a carefully constructed façade in order to cover up some deeply screwed up behaviors. The campaign, of course, is just going to ignore them all, especially as Doug gets further relegated to second banana in a fruit salad of weird. The media will make sure that Kamala Harris will never be pressed on these issues, especially not from friendly interviews. She’s too busy shooting herself in the foot right now anyway.

Regardless of how this election goes, the pattern of behavior from Doug Emhoff is not a pleasant one, or one that any sane person would want a woman they cared about to be exposed to. It’s a good thing he has media protection because he’s married to Kamala Harris, or else low-rent Harvey Weinstein here would really be in trouble.

Featured image: Doug Emhoff via The White House on Wikimedia Commons, cropped, public domain

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