June 30, 2015
Today is the DAY! You know… that day that the Obama Administration said we’d have Smokin’ HOT nuclear deal with Iran! According to Obama and John Kerry, the world will be so much better, prettier, safer, and full of rainbows and unicorns with this terrific deal. WELLLLL – Not. So. Fast.
When it comes to the Iran nuclear deal, a deadline is never really a deadline.
Ahead of a June 30 deadline for the the United States to complete a nuclear deal with Tehran, U.S. negotiators in Vienna said talks would extend past Tuesday. Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is flying back to Iran to consult with his government about the talks.
Great team of negotiators we have there. When they can’t even figure out how to meet one let alone two deadlines, builds SO much confidence…NOT.
What’s worse is that Obama & Kerry are giving away concessions that will end up putting Americans and our country at an extreme foreign policy and national security disadvantage. Think I’m making that up? Take a look at a few of the many concessions/grand prize giveaways that the Obama Administration is agreeing to:
1. Anytime/anywhere inspections of Iran nuclear sites has turned into a committee — including Iran — deciding what that IAEA can access, but military sites are off-limits (this last makes the deal totally absurd).
2. Iranians get sanctions relief immediately, can resolve IAEA concerns later. How much cash is involved? An approximate $11 billion has been reported being released plus a signing bonus of as much as $50 billion. That’s a record for signing bonuses, needless to say. What will Iran do with that money? You can cross off the Little Sisters of the Poor.
3. “Strict limits” on centrifuge R & D — gone. Now the international community is actively helping Iran with next-generation centrifuges at the supposedly-impermeable underground facility at Fordow (that was once supposed to be closed down — go figure).
4. Automatic “snapback” on sanctions for a violation — gone (if they were ever even possible with China and Russia part of the game).
5. Sanctions for non-nuclear activities (building ICBMs, etc. ) — gone.
6. “Most importantly” Iran will be allowed unlimited industrial-scale enrichment after the agreement’s sunset clause sets in. Further, the New York Times has reported that Iran is even now refusing to give up its stockpiled uranium.
As far as I can tell, the only things missing from this list are the kitchen sink and the $10,000 gift card. But then again, the way our Administration has been mis-handling the negotiations, its a safe bet that they’ll try to throw those in as well in order to salvage their “deal” so they can do victory laps around the golf course. John Kerry and others from several Western countries are madly scrambling to salvage their No-Good-Very-Bad-Horrible deal over tea and crumpets.
Supposedly the talks will resume today. And it seems that Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, after consulting with his leadership back in Tehran, will decide to rejoin the conclave. In fact, he might have company. Iranian news is reporting that two men, President Hasan Rouhani’s brother and Ali Akbar Salehi the person in charge of Iran’s atomic agency will join him. Both men have played key roles in the negotiations and I’m pretty sure they are hoping for and strongly believe they will receive the following:
“The much-discussed terms of the impending agreement with Iran thus offer the theocracy all that it wants. The accord would concede a vast enrichment capacity, as well as accepting both a heavy water plant and a well-fortified underground enrichment facility that the United States once vowed to shutter. It would permit an elaborate research and development program and would likely rely on an inspection regime that falls short of indispensable “anytime, anywhere” access. In the meantime, the sanctions architecture will be diminished, and the notion of ever “snapping back” sanctions into place once they are lifted is delusional. And because the agreement itself would be term-limited, there would be no practical limits on Iran’s nuclear ambitions upon its expiration.
In other words:
This same philosophy gave us the Russian reset. https://t.co/1nlZDglKy1
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) June 29, 2015
Lest anyone forget we are dealing with a country that does not like the United States at all. Not only that, but Iran continues to sponsor terrorism around the globe, is utterly misogynistic, refuses to recognize women and gay rights, and executed 411 people in 2014.
We don’t need a deal with Iran – PERIOD. We shouldn’t be in business of appeasing the Ayatollah, nor should we plan on any sort of RESET button. Forget about the movable deadline goalposts. Kill the negotiations NOW. If we don’t, no matter the tap dancing Kerry and Obama do, Iran will go nuclear and we will lose more than we ever thought possible.
Another victory for Iran no matter what happens. Tehran knows it’s dealing with bumbling amateurs in DC so the game was over before it even began.
Say what you will about Saddam Hussein but he was the only one to tackle the Iranians on their level. The West (especially since King Putz came on the scene) has caved in to Iran every single time. They WILL have nukes sooner or later-they could very well have them right now. Nothing will change that.
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