After quite a bit of negative feedback, Governor Pence of Indiana wants to clarify the religious freedom law. AP reports
Pence defended the Indiana law as a vehicle to protect religious liberty but said he has been meeting with lawmakers “around the clock” to address concerns that it would allow businesses to deny services to gay customers.
Which makes sense being that this is the issue being forwarded.
The governor said he does not believe “for a minute” that lawmakers intended “to create a license to discriminate.”
No it was protecting people who want to exercise their faith and live their beliefs.
“It certainly wasn’t my intent,” said Pence, who signed the law last week.
Exactly. It was after all the same law one William Jefferson Clinton signed in 1995.
But, he said, he “can appreciate that that’s become the perception, not just here in Indiana but all across the country. We need to confront that.”
The Indiana law prohibits any laws that “substantially burden” a person’s ability to follow his or her religious beliefs. The definition of “person” includes religious institutions, businesses and associations.
So the governor is hearing the complaints and acting on them and this is a good thing, right? Clarifying the law will hopefully allow the law to do what it should do and not be a talking point. Except that the media is fanning the flames and with the help of the useless idiots in Hollywood creating problems for the income of Indiana families.
The drama is frankly absurd and detracts attention from actual issues. Like Iran’s nuclear talks
The U.S. and its negotiating partners want to crimp Iranian efforts to improve the performance of centrifuges that enrich uranium because advancing the technology could let Iran produce material that could be used to arm a nuclear weapon much more quickly than at present.
You think this MIGHT be more important than Ellen whining about Indiana? Iran after all executes lesbians by having men throw rocks at them.
To the social justice warriors, this is for you:
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