Ilhan: Americans Are Idiots Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Speak

Ilhan: Americans Are Idiots Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Speak

Ilhan: Americans Are Idiots Who Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Speak

Ilhan Omar has now declared that Americans are stupid idiots who shouldn’t be allowed to speak. Part of the back story to this is the feud between her and Congressman Brandon Gill (R-Texas). He wants her deported. 

Driving the news: In a fundraising email titled “Petition: Deport Ilhan Omar,” Rrep. Brandon Gill’s (R-Texas) campaign wrote that “we should have never let Ilhan Omar into our country.”

“And frankly, America would be a much better place if she were to be sent back to Somalia,” the email continues, according to a copy obtained by Axios.
“The time has come to arrest and deport Ilhan Omar,” it says, “sign my petition and let’s send her back to Somalia where she belongs.”

Zoom out: Gill homed in last week on a video of Omar advising Somalis in her district that they are “not obligated” to answer questions from ICE and urging them to “learn the laws and prepare yourself.”

Gill’s fundraising email on Tuesday accused Omar of “facilitating a full-scale invasion of our country,” adding, “A normal society would refer to that as treason…”
A spokesperson for Gill did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Keep in mind, Ilhan represents a district that is in the midst of a massive Feeding Our Future fraud case that enriched around 70 Somali Americans in the district to the tune of $250 million walking out the door before anyone got a clue. 

Furthermore, she’s not only on record stating that, on 9/11 some people did a thing, she’s a firm advocate for Palestine and Hamas over Israel and wants Somalis in her district to do as she is doing, support the new government in Somalia. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for Ilhan’s anti-American stances. 

Needless to say, Ilhan isn’t a fan of being called out by anyone, let alone having another Congressman advocate for her deportation. And of course, she makes that very clear to Medhi Hassan, who himself is a virulent anti-Semite.

These people are just idiots — I really am at the point where it has become really hard to have an intellectual debate with any of these people because the level of stupidity that they are displaying every single day is frankly, embarrassing. Not just in Congress but as Americans, and the fact that these people are allowed to say just the most ridiculous things tells you that the dumbing of the United States has arrived, because how else do we get a Trump presidency again?

Read that again. “these people are allowed…” In other words, she wants to police our free speech. She doesn’t like the First Amendment because we are “allowed” to say things she disagrees with. You see, we are only “allowed” to say things that are acceptable to her. 

Yes, she does this just as the Democrats are imploding in real time. Their “principles first” conference was a bust, James Carville is on a tear, and Democrat donors are leaving in droves. 

“I’ll be blunt here: The Democratic Party is f‑‑‑ing terrible. Plain and simple,” one major Democratic donor said. “In fact, it doesn’t get much worse.”

A second donor was equally as pointed. “They want us to spend money, and for what? For no message, no organization, no forward thinking. … The thing that’s clear to a lot of us is that the party never really learned its lesson in 2016. They worked off the same playbook and the same ineffective strategies and to what end?” 

And just as that is happening, here comes Ilhan Omar to tell the world that American voters are idiots because we have the audacity to exercise our right to free speech and say stuff she doesn’t like. 

Because we disagree with Ilhan and have major concerns about her unwillingness to support lawful immigration, Israel, government accountability, the rule of law, and more, she labels us as stupid idiots who are also racist. 

That’s the Democrat brand right now guys. Democrat donors want to know why they are losing and why the 2024 election brought us Trump instead of Kamala word salad. Ilhan Omar calling Americans stupid idiots is one reason. 

Feature Photo Credit: Ilhan at Bernie Sanders rally in 2019 via Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • Yeah-Me-Neither says:

    Ms. Omar is not entirely wrong. We are idiots, for allowing her to remain illegally in the USA, and even worse, to be a member of our House of Representatives.

  • draigh says:

    I cannot imagine ANY American citizen voting for this socialist/communist/fascist woman.

    • BlackwingOne says:

      My wife and I are political and economic refugees from the Soviet Socialist State of Minnesota. Having lived in the Heart of the Hive™ (SW Minneapolis) I can assure you that no vote fraud was required to first elect Keith Muhammed X. Ellison to that seat in the US House, nor was any fraud required when he bequeathed that seat to her when he ascended to the MN State AG position from which he could institute sharia law, which he promptly did.

      She consistently wins with a 3-to-1 margin in our old neighborhood because most Minneapolis voters ARE idiots. They really are that dumb. You can teach a flatworm to turn away from an electrode that hurts; MN voters are dumber than flatworms since they do not learn from pain. They are the epitome of “yellow dog” Dems, which is how a complete idiot like Al Franken was voted in as a US Senator from that state. I don’t believe that they’ll change even when the city is burning down around their ears…oh, never mind, that’s already happened.

  • Mad Celt says:

    Keep digging that hole, you third world folsom. Sooner rather than later we will be rid of you without your constituents involvement.

  • GWB says:

    Furthermore, she’s
    Furthermore, she committed immigration fraud and arguably invalidated her own citizenship. (And that’s before you even get to violating her oath by still holding allegiance to Somalia.)

    Also, talking about “stupid stuff people say” is another case of Progressive projection. We should be able to see the movie on the surface of Mars they’re projecting so much.

  • Cameron says:

    Her brotherhusband needs to slap her into silence.

  • Tim says:

    I’m sure there’s a bargain bin whorehouse in Mogadishu that would be happy to give her a job, should we succeed in kicking her ingrate ass out of this country.

  • SFC D says:

    I would never advocate censoring anyone’s speech, even Ilhan Omar. But I definitely would love it if she’d just shuttup.

    • Scott says:

      Agreed. She should be allowed ro say whatever she wants.. from whatever part of Somalia she ends up in after she’s deported for fraud.

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