On August 30th thereabouts, articles surfaced contrasting former President Barack Obama’s response to Hurricane Sandy to President Trump’s current response to the victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
It seems as if Pete Souza, Barack Obama’s White House photographer, has been trolling Donald Trump. Because, you know, Barack Obama’s dream team is a bunch of intellectually superior and mature individuals who obviously do not have the time on their hands to stage more fake news, right?
For Trump’s first 100 days, Souza has been “sneakily mocking” the President with “awkward hand-holding photos, disrespect to women”, (blah, blah, blah) and most recently, mocking the contrast of Obama’s response to Hurricane Sandy to Donald Trump’s response to Hurricane Harvey. Take a look:
Here is what Souza said:
“President Obama with a victim of Hurricane Sandy. There are no Democrats or Republicans hurting in Houston; there are just Americans. At a time like this, it shouldn’t be about selling baseball hats or commenting on crowd size. It’s about helping our fellow human beings. Pets too. This storm is catastrophic, not epic. Thousands of people are affected. Please consider donating to the many charities doing good work in Texas and other states to come. I am donating to the Red Cross and other local charities today but please feel free to comment on other worthy charities that you would recommend to me and others. (UPDATE: As one of your fellow followers points out, The NY Times has a good list of how to help victims and avoid scams. I posted the link in my profile. But keep suggesting others.)”
And here is Souza’s photo whilst trolling in Texas:
Fashion writer for Harper’s Bazaar, Erica Gonzales, reported on this. This is what happens when a fashion writer does political commentary. She states “Pete Souza gets real again”. If she did some research, perhaps she would have come up with this photo:
Or this one:
That racist, Donald Trump. Nope. “Pete Souza was being real”, she says. Seems as if she and Souza fit in perfectly with the little clique of “mean girls” who posted pictures of Melania Trump in her heels bound for Houston and calling her “Disaster Barbie”:
But neglected to show the First Lady with any disaster victims:
Whether you agree with President Trump or not, it is ludicrous to see the desperate and petty attempts from all types of media to substantiate the narrative of Donald and Melania Trump they have deluded themselves into believing and want others to see as truth. I am certain after the damage from Irma is assessed, the trolls will be in full-force once again with their eyes on Melania’s feet, snapping the most unflattering photos possible of POTUS and jumping all over social media. Mark my words. After all a picture says a thousand words.
On that note, here are a few for your enjoyment. Without further adieu…
Who’s keeping it real, now?
Yet again, the left must politicize EVERYTHING.
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