Hunter Biden: Saw Dust Is A Hell Of A Drug

Hunter Biden: Saw Dust Is A Hell Of A Drug

Hunter Biden: Saw Dust Is A Hell Of A Drug

The latest in the Hunter Biden case has us wondering if the defense is grasping at straws. But then again, a straw can be used for sniffing cocaine.

Which is something, clearly, Hunter Biden did not do, nor did he take pictures of lines of coke. The defense is now saying a photo supplied by the prosecution is not cocaine but “sawdust from a carpenter’s shop”.

The prosecution’s latest filing amplifies why Mr. Biden and the Court cannot take the prosecution’s assertions … at face value.

Multiple sources have pointed out, and a review of discovery confirms, this is actually a photo of sawdust from an expert carpenter and it was sent to Mr. Biden, not vice versa.”-Attorneys Abbe Lowell and Bartholomew Dalton

We know Hunter Biden is a “struggling artist” but is he now a lumberjack? Are we to believe Hunter Biden is a carpenter, like Jesus, and being persecuted? The answer is no. Apparently, Hunter Biden is not a carpenter who can miraculously turn cocaine into sawdust. As the story goes, this was a picture sent to Hunter Biden by a “master carpenter who was a coke addict”, according to Biden’s former shrink, Dr. Keith Ablow.

Yes, his last name is ABLOW. I will leave this right here. This photo was sent to Hunter as inspiration, to encourage the President’s son that “he, too, can overcome addiction”.

But, oh, poor Hunter Biden! The prosecution was so careless!

The prosecution was reckless in making such a hyperbolic and sensational claim in a public filing, which it surely realized would prejudice Mr. Biden in the public eye.

Mistaking sawdust for cocaine sounds more like a storyline from one of the 1980s Police Academy comedies than what should be expected in a high-profile prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice.”-Attorneys Abbe Lowell and Bartholomew Dalton

The public is so prejudiced against rich, white boy, Hunter Biden! And the prosecution is reckless, we tell you…to mistake lines of SAWDUST for lines of cocaine in a picture retrieved from Hunter Biden’s phone.

What about it? The pouch of the gun a drug-addled Biden purchased October 2018 and had his sister in-law (who he slept with) dump in the trash? Lemme guess, “sawdust” in the gun pouch, too? And, what about Hunter’s drug box and other photos of smack and crack? Let’s not forget the many d*ck pics taken by the “tortured” son of President Pudding Brain. Were those pics taken before or after Hunter Biden lined up “sawdust” on a hooker’s back?

And what of the “powdery substance” that was found in The White House?

Closed investigation.

Any guesses as to what it was? Talcum Powder? Parmesan Cheese? An 8-ball of Confectioner’s Sugar for Big Guy Joe’s Jenny’s Chocolate Chip Sundae just stashed somewhere for a rainy day?

Yeppers. Nothing to see here, ladies and gents. Special counsel David Weiss, the prosecution and the doubting American citizens watching this spectacle are just trying to bring a poor, honest-to-goodness, struggling addict by the name of Hunter Biden down with their doubts that he possessed photos of pure, Columbian sawdust.

Could this photo be sawdust from a table saw? Perhaps. But this is Hunter Biden we are talking about. And the man sitting in The White House right now has reaped the rewards of his drug-addicted son’s many business dealings and schemes. The Democrats want to offer mercy to someone like Hunter Biden and, in truth, they shouldn’t. Hunter Biden is, and always will be, a silver-spoon, Ivy-League coke addict who was able to make millions off his father’s influence, despite his lack of skills and his many shortcomings. These millions that he pissed away on drugs, escorts, strippers, also served to benefit his father with 10% (at least) going into the back pocket of Joe, the “brand”, the “Big Guy”. These millions also went to Jill Biden because let’s not play dumb here, she KNEW what Hunter was/is about and she knows what her husband is. Despite this, she is also completely content on staying in The White House for four more years.

To be honest, I don’t care if this photo is legit a picture of sawdust from a table saw. There are so many other sinister and depraved actions this family has been a part of that have impacted and compromised our country as we know it today. The defense can split hairs, or lines of coke or sawdust, or parmesan cheese or whatever til the cows come home.

One picture and the defense hopes this all goes away. This is how stupid they think we are and honestly, it’s downright insulting. If you’re not insulted, you should be.

As Rick James said once upon a time on The Chappelle Show, “Cocaine Sawdust is a hell of a drug”.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • Wfjag says:

    If the picture was sent to him, then there’s a transmittal email or other electronic message and a hyper-trail which can be followed back to the device it was sent from. An expert in information technology can trace it. The picture itself should have metadata embedded in it showing when, and likely where it was created.

    However, Hunter is so used to having The Fix Is In being part of his life, he believes he only needs to create a dust cloud to cover that so he’s then allowed to walk free. The “saw dust” is just another dust cloud. It’s like the story about why is Navy urinalysis test was positive for cocaine – Some men he didn’t know gave him a cocaine laced cigarette. The Dust Cloud was enough so instead of being Court Martialed, he was quietly given an Administrative Discharge. The Fix Is In. The press will start repeating the Saw Dust Story and pressure will grow for a Sweetheart Deal, and Hunter expects to (again) walk.

  • Lloyd says:

    Whoo Boy…This is a stretch, even for a liberal democrat!!!

  • Blackwing1 says:

    I’m sorry, but what looks like sawdust on what looks to be a table saw is pretty normal. Nobody other than “Scarface” Tony Montana would be so careless with their blow that they’d line it up on a table with massive gaps on the top. I’m guessing that this is a genuine error on the part of the prosecutors, and that the picture was showing “lines” of sawdust either as a joke or something else.

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