Hunter Biden Attends White House Meetings With Joe

Hunter Biden Attends White House Meetings With Joe

Hunter Biden Attends White House Meetings With Joe

No, that’s not a joke. It turns out that for at least a week (that we know of) Hunter Biden has been sitting in on meetings with Joe. At. The. White. House.

Hunter Biden has joined meetings with President Joe Biden and his top aides since his father returned to the White House from Camp David on Monday evening, according to four people familiar with the matter.

The president’s son has also been talking to senior White House staff, these people said.

While he is regularly at the White House residence and events, it is unusual for Hunter Biden to be in and around meetings that his father is having with his team, these people said. They said the president’s aides were struck by his presence during their discussions.

Let’s stop right there for a moment. Hunter Biden with his track record of drugs, his current guilty verdict regarding lying while purchasing a gun, is attending meetings with his dad? Nothing to see here, right? 


Hunter’s track record means that the dude would never make it through the process to get even the minimum standing for a security clearance. Yet suddenly he’s sitting in meetings with Dad? Meetings that very possibly involve Top Secret or higher classified information that Hunter Biden isn’t supposed to be within a thousand miles of? 

First son Hunter Biden has been joining West Wing meetings with his father since President Biden returned to the White House on Monday — as the oldest-ever sitting president resists calls from fellow Democrats to step aside, The Post has confirmed.

Scandal-plagued Hunter, 54, who was convicted June 11 of three federal gun felonies and is scheduled for a second federal trial Sept. 5 for $1.4 million in alleged tax fraud, is an advocate of his 81-year-old dad continuing to seek a second term as the Biden family reportedly blames longtime advisers for the president’s dismal Thursday debate performance.

“Hunter doesn’t trust” his father’s old guard of aides, one source told The Post. “I think Hunter wants to be there, and POTUS isn’t going to say no.”

So, forget about the implications of crackhead attending WH briefings with his dad, Hunter was just there to help with the debate preparations! 

It was really only just a quick help with debate prep guys. Even though Joe had spent a week (between naps) prepping at Camp David! 

Given Joe’s performance on Thursday night, maybe Hunter needs to be MORE involved next time! 

Here’s the thing. There are significant national security implications to Hunter being anywhere around when Joe is getting briefed on issues and policies. The dude is a security risk. Period. 

But because Joe is paranoid and suddenly doesn’t trust his aides, Hunter leaps in to help Dad and save the day? 

The problem is, we weren’t supposed to notice that Joe is giving Hunter the keys to all sorts of things. How dare we notice and rage about a significant issue for the Biden Brand and the safety of the United States! 

The news of Hunter Biden’s presence at the White House was met with immediate rage by Trump’s MAGA supporters on social media.

“Broke: The White House and Hunter Biden have no professional connection whatsoever. Woke: The President keeps Hunter around b/c he loves him, but he has no say in official endeavors. Bespoke: Hunter is the President’s closest advisor,” conservative podcaster Saagar Enjeti posted on X, formerly Twitter.

The fact is, Hunter’s presence in any meeting his dad is holding with aides, top staffers, cabinet members etc is highly suspect and quite frankly puts us all at risk. 

Again, Hunter’s track record is such that he’d never pass muster to get a security clearance. Yet here he’s attending meetings and we’re supposed to just wave it off like it’s no big deal.

And a huge national security risk for this country. Then again, both Joe and Hunter are a problem for us all. 

Hunter’s in this for one thing and one thing only. A pardon. You can darned well bet that Hunter, along with Jill and her $1500 cashmere dresses, would do anything to ensure Joe will prevail while sleeping so that Hunter gets a pardon and Jill keeps her power. 

There are those, KJP among them, who want us to know it’s just a father/son sort of deal. The optics are really bad on this. We know it, the Democrats know it…yet for now the Biden Brand is persisting. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original work by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    Hunter, and Joe have been security risks for years, even before he was VP for Zero.. This is nothing new, they’re just not even trying to hide it anymore. And there are still plenty of indoctrinated zombies (like “a reader” ) who will still vote for this shit show… They are the real problem for this nation..

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