his hipness

his hipness

because i know how much it matters to you, it is now official: The One is our first hip president.


The One being all hip and stuff

forget strength of character, executive and administration experience or even courage under fire. it seems the people like the way The One walks & talks, his body language and expressions, his clothes and yes, his oh so hip attitude.

“During his first 100 days as president of the United States, Barack Obama revealed how different he is from all the white men who preceded him in the Oval Office, and the differences run deeper — in substance and style — than the color of his skin.

Barack Hussein Obama is the nation’s first hip president.

This, of course, is subject to debate. But watch him walk. Listen to him talk. See the body language, the expressions, the clothes. He’s got attitude, rhythm, a sense of humor, contemporary tastes.

This much is clear: Whether dealing with the Wall Street mess, shifting troops from Iraq to Afghanistan or fumbling to fill his Cabinet, Obama leans heavily on personal panache to push political policies. Truth be told, his style is rooted in something elusive and hard to define. Pure and simple, it’s hip.


Obama has this awareness that other presidents haven’t had. He’s white, and he’s black. He’s an elitist, and he’s regular folk. He’s not pinned down to a perspective.”

hey, and The One is so incredibly hip, teenagers are starting to use his name for slang greetings called ‘baracking’ such as:

kids who greet each other say: ‘what’s up, my obama?’ and if you sneeze in front of a hipster teen, they may respond with ‘barack you.’ but, the ultimate is The One-inspired teen peer pressure technique to correct bad behavior: ‘hey, barack’s in the house,’ which loosely translated means ‘knock it off.’

jfk was all hollywood glam-ish so he was cool to some i suppose. bill clinton did wear ray-ban’s when he played the sax but he was so. not. cool. but frankly, i don’t know what it is about democrat presidents with their low self esteem needing such superficial crutches to be liked by the masses. can someone tell me?

the one thing i DO know is that ‘hip’ is a FAD like the mullet or fanny packs. eventually, they just lose their hipness and simply become something you mock.

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  • Jane says:

    Even though I know you are mocking him, I want to say the one thing I love, love, love about Barack is that I am no longer ashamed of our president.

    Eight years of cringing each time Bush opened his mouth and his laugh made me want to puke!! He was like the poster boy for “drop out of school, wear some boots, cut some trees, and spit, and you too can become president”. Nice.

    At least now, kids know education and good values is where their future is. Thank God for the Obama’s.

  • BikerDan says:

    Ya Jane. You know you’ve succeeded as Leader of the Free World when you’ve made it into the teenage lexicon.

    It really doesn’t take much at all to impress you people does it?

  • Ken says:

    Once again we see the Obamabots cannot talk about him without drudging up Bush in their arguments.

    How sad.

  • kate says:

    hey jane
    we don’t need a cover boy in the wh. or the next american idol there. these are dangerous days. we need a grown up. a leader.

    now wipe the drool off.

  • Sandra_M_Martin says:

    Jealousy is a green eyed monster you know. All you have to offer instead are a bunch of old white guys with stale ideas. No one is listening to you anymore.

  • …Barack Obama revealed how different he is from all the white men who preceded him in the Oval Office…

    I love this. They can’t just say that he’s different from all the men who preceded him, it has to be classified with color.

    Which just serves to reinforce racism – now if you don’t think P.BO is “hip” then you must be racist.

    They are right on one thing – he isn’t pinned down to a perspective. He voted “present” 75% of his tenure as a Senator and spent more than half that time on the campaign trail rather than serving the people who elected him in Illinois.

    That’s not leadership – that’s ego. That’s all he’s got – and God help this country for it.

  • Ken says:

    “No one is listening to you anymore.”

    From the looks of it, they will be soon.


    “Fifty-eight percent (58%) believe the Obama administration’s recent release of CIA memos about the harsh interrogation methods used on terrorism suspects endangers the national security of the United States.”

    So please, keep it up Obama lovers! You’re making it easy for us.

  • MAS1916 says:

    There has appeared a real danger here… It seems that Obama is building a cult of personality around himself. The purpose is to present himself to the world as the world’s protector against America!

    Witness the diatribe Daniel Ortega unleashed last week. Obama made not a peep of protest. It seems that Obama wants the world to see him as the keystone that keeps America in check.

    The coolness factor is just one tool in creating this dangerous cult of personality.

  • lisab says:

    “now wipe the drool off.”


    that was harsh …

    and funny 🙂

  • lisab says:

    “No one is listening to you anymore.” Sandra_M_Martin

    ummmmm … then why are you and the other dem toadies here.

    you just are going to have to come to grips with the fact that obama half the country does not support him … even if you love him, and if something bad happens … he will lose popularity even more quickly.

    since nothing bad has happened yet and his popularity has already fallen at least 10 points depending on the source … he chances of gaining in popularity seem to be slim

  • micky says:

    “Eight years of cringing each time Bush opened his mouth and his laugh made me want to puke!! He was like the poster boy for “drop out of school, wear some boots, cut some trees, and spit, and you too can become president”. Nice.”

    Two years and three months of watching him stutter like a little boy caught lying and only being able to get it right with a teleprompter in front of him made him the poster boy for ” Lie through your teeth, create a fake enemy convince everyone they’re oppressed and that I can save em with 13.00 a week and get elected much the same way Hitler Chavez and Hamas did.”

  • micky says:

    “Fifty-eight percent (58%) believe the Obama administration’s recent release of CIA memos about the harsh interrogation methods used on terrorism suspects endangers the national security of the United States.”

    Yea, and now hes gonna top it all off by releasing hundreds of pictures of prisoner abuse.
    The actions of a few idiots are going to feed more flames of hatred. Watch the threats start coming after he does that.
    What an idiot. he’ll do anything to kiss the worlds a$$ even at the risk of his own country.

  • Marsha says:

    “Obama has this awareness that other presidents haven’t had. He’s white, and he’s black. He’s an elitist, and he’s regular folk. He’s not pinned down to a perspective.”

    He’s all things to all people. Scary. And ridiculous.

  • PK says:

    Some people do not want to grasp the profound significance of this phenomenon.

    What these teenagers admiire and now translate into “hipness” is what we old-schoolers call “urbane”, defined as “reflecting elegance and sophistication, especially in personal expression. . . .”

    I am pleased that our children want to emulate our President in any and every way possible. How wonderful it is that our children reach for ways to absord and reflect self-respect, respect for women, family and community. . . . . translating it and transmitting it to each other in a way that is meaninfully “cool” to themselves.

  • micky says:

    ” I am pleased that our children want to emulate our President in any and every way possible ”

    Thank God they’re not old enough to understand enough to emulate him in every way possible.

    How to be a snake dressed up like a puppy

  • lisab says:

    he just ran and hid in his bunker leaving his wife and children to die when a tiny airplane flew into d.c. airspace by accident …

    i don’t think we want teens emulating him …

  • Shannon says:

    I agree about the mullet, but Kate, you must agree that a fanny pack can come in real handy at times.

  • Shannon says:

    Oh and Sandra,

    Please tell me one NEW idea that Barry has had since, well since forever.

  • kate says:

    say it ain’t so about the fanny pack shannon! :/

  • micky says:

    Someones gettin their fanny packed ?

  • jeff says:

    “Even though I know you are mocking him, I want to say the one thing I love, love, love about Barack is that I am no longer ashamed of our president.”

    The reason you’re aren’t ashamed, is that you’re not paying attention. This is Kate’s entire point, that you clowns are so incapable of critical thought regarding the great obamination, that somehow “cool” is more valuable than “competent.” You suggest that kids see him and want to emulate his “education and good values”, but I’m pretty sure you know better. Kids will emulate style over substance, because that’s the easy way. Therein, again, lies the very crux: adults should know better, and not get all tingly-legged by those things “hip”.

    Is there a time or place or situation that you foresee where and when you might actually demand something of substance from this fraud?

  • Ted says:

    Whatever coolness he may have will wear off when inflation hits in the next 18-24 months and unemployment remains high.

    “I’m uhhhh…. Barak Obama and errrrrr…….. I uhhhhhhhhh, thank you for ummmmmmmm…… no, I uhhhhhhhhh, errrr ………… approve of uhhhhhh…… this message.”

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