Hillary Laughs Madly, But Gets No Satisfaction From Trump Indictment

Hillary Laughs Madly, But Gets No Satisfaction From Trump Indictment

Hillary Laughs Madly, But Gets No Satisfaction From Trump Indictment

Hillary Clinton, amid much laughter and crazed grinning is here to tell you that she gets no satisfaction from the Trump Indictment in Georgia.

He set out to defraud the United States of America and the citizens of our nation,’ she said.

Clinton added that she would ‘wait to see what the indictments themselves say,’ but ‘I don’t know that anybody should be satisfied. This is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes.’

‘The only satisfaction may be that the system is working,’ she said.

Except she does derive enormous satisfaction from this indictment. She cannot WAIT for the trial in Georgia, and the other trials with the end result of Trump being put in jail. She wants that result and NEEDS that result. 

Which systems are working Hillary? The ones you put in place with your super secret servers at your residences while Secretary of State? How about the systems of multiple email addresses and Blackberries plus the deployment of Bleachbit? THOSE systems? Yet Trump is facing actual charges from holding classified documents, while you and Joe – who stored documents in multiple locations, get a pass. 

In June, Trump was accused of taking around 11,000 documents, some containing classified national security secrets, and storing them haphazardly at his Florida home in places such as “a ballroom, a bathroom and shower, an office space, his bedroom, and a storage room,” according to the Department of Justice.

The most serious charge in the case carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.

Trump has pleaded not guilty to the counts, filed by Special Counsel Jack Smith, related to the alleged improper retention of classified records.

Oh wait, I know. Russiagate and the Steele dossier. Yeah, that was the weaponized and fortified system against Donald Trump that has had your grubby little hands all over it from the get go. 

But now, with this most recent indictment against Trump, you claim you get no satisfaction from it and how terrible it is for this Republic? That’s utter horseshit. 

“The only satisfaction may be that the system is working,” she said. “That all the efforts [to subvert the 2020 election] have been brought into the light and justice is being pursued.”

The former Democratic senator also referred to Trump as a “demagogue” and said he led a “deliberate effort to divide Americans [and] to lie to Americans.

“What happened on January 6 — ‘Don’t believe what you saw, believe what I tell you’ — those are all the hallmarks of authoritarian, dictatorial kinds of leaders,” she added.

Yes Hillary, this is a terrible thing for our Republic. One that isn’t a laughing matter…unless you are Hillary. 

Number one, as many others are asking… how will it be even remotely possible to try all 19 defendants at once when each of them will have multiple attorneys on hand? Secondly, as others started reading through the indictments, a great deal of head-scratching ensued at some of the charges. 


How does any of this be anywhere remotely applicable to the RICO Act? 

You know, I was reminded recently that, not too many years ago, a Democrat and a Republican went toe to toe for WEEKS in the courts. They battled over ballot signatures. They battled over the credibility of election officials AND electoral votes. They battled over recounts in specific counties and threw hanging chads into the mix. They wanted the process stopped until every vote could be assessed, recounted, and signatures verified. As Naomi Wolf points out, that is EXACTLY what happened in 2000 between George Bush and Al Gore. 

I was advising from a distance, and looped in, intermittently, to discussions within the campaign that were both public and private, about exactly the same issues that are now apparently criminal offenses even to entertain, let alone to mention in actual words.


The Gore campaign denied the claimed outcome of the election. The Bush campaign denied the claimed outcome of the election.


Both stopped the process until every vote could be checked and rechecked.

Every conversation, public and private, for both campaigns, for both candidates, from the 35 days from the close of Election Day to Dec 12, 2000, the date of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bush v Gore, was about denying the claimed results of the election.

Read it all. And then read it again in light of what is going on today. Naomi is not wrong here. I know. I knew attorneys on the Bush side who were making those calls, trying to set up meetings, trying to get officials to listen to and/or halt the process, and trying to do recounts and process reviews. 

But NOW any of that is evidently a criminal act in the eyes of a county DA, the DOJ, an Attorney General, and … Hillary Clinton. 

It’s only ok when SHE questions the process. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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