Hillary Clinton avoiding prosecution courtesy of the FBI is particularly infuriating to my husband and me. Yes, it’s personal.
Back in the late 1980’s, when we had an actual president named Ronald Wilson Reagan, my husband worked in engineering support at Boeing Military Airplane in Wichita, KS. He was an illustrator, and his job required him to receive security clearance.
My husband obtained Secret Clearance — with ‘Special Access Required’ clearance applied later — for working in what was affectionately known as “The Black Hole.” He had to answer basic questions about his background and family, and about mine as well. His fingerprints were taken, which for all we know may still be on file with the FBI. It took a few weeks for the FBI to investigate and clear him.
The warnings he received from agents were emphatic. He was told about what happened to spies like John Walker and his spy ring. He was warned that he could unwittingly give away information in public venues — at that time there were around 12 known active Soviet agents in Wichita.
My husband had to sign an agreement saying that any information he saw could not be disseminated for any period of time to anyone not cleared for that specific project. Printed warnings at the end of the signed agreement said that any violations can be punished with fines, imprisonment, or both. Even the death penalty was referenced.
As he said, “When you read that, you realize the gravity of what you’re signing.” He took it seriously, so much so that he would have occasional nightmares of accidentally bringing home classified information in his briefcase.
Everything he touched in the Black Hole had to be accounted for. Here is an actual receipt he had to sign every time classified information changed hands, with names and identifying information redacted, of course. Why does he still have this, along with other similar receipts? He was required to keep them all during his employment, which ended in 1991. He ran across them recently while searching out a car title.
And now Hillary Clinton, with access to much, much more sensitive material than ever seen by my husband, doesn’t even warrant a slap on the wrist. Because, damn, it feels good to be a Clinton!
As Andrew C. McCarthy wrote in NationalReview.com, Hillary Clinton “checked every box required for a felony violation of Section 793(f) of the federal penal code (Title 18).” If my husband had done the same over 25 years ago, he might still be sitting in federal prison. But then there are two classes of citizens — those who are above the law, like the Clintons, and everyone else.
The offense does not have to be “intentional” to be chargeable, at least for us little people! 🙁
I am quite certain Comey knows that. He lost all credibility today.
Today he testified the law is “invalid” because it doesn’t include intent. Which would nullify a LOT of laws………….
(Hint: mens rea is not always an element of a crime!)
Thoroughly disgusted. The Republic is gone, the Oligarchy has taken hold.
BTW, someone I know is getting their clearance renewal interview today. They asked me to be one of the interviewed, as well. I’m pondering telling the investigator, “Well, I’ve always seen her handle classified a LOT better than the former Secretary of State, so I think you’re safe renewing her clearance.”